MariaDB Connector/J 3.0.3 Changelog
The most recent Stable (GA) release of MariaDB Connector/J is:
MariaDB Connector/J 3.5.2
Download Release Notes Changelog Connector/J Overview
Release date: 25 Jan 2022
For the highlights of this release, see the release notes.
The revision number links will take you to the revision's page on GitHub. On GitHub you can view more details of the revision and view diffs of the code modified in that revision.
- Revision #c8152e15 misc - updated CHANGELOG
- Revision #d754f799 misc - test correction for stability
- Revision #b3808219 [CONJ-909] adding createDatabaseIfNotExist option for 2.x compatibility
- Revision #900725fc [CONJ-910] permit jdbc:mysql scheme when connection string contains "permitMysqlScheme" for compatibility
- Revision #9ab6f86b [misc] test correction for maxscale
- Revision #99dea0e5 [misc] bulk command correction.
- Revision #913f15d5 [misc] test PAM with maxscale
- Revision #320d699d [CONJ-913] Avoid executing additional command on connection
- Revision #b295d6d5 [CONJ-912] remove security manager code (JEP 411)
- Revision #5b98d766 [test] correcting test for maxscale error MXS-3929
- Revision #e06c31eb [CONJ-911] enable keep-alive by default
- Revision #6f8f13b9 [misc] pool connection correction
- Revision #e57faf89 Merge pull request #176
- Revision #43b427a9 Upgrading Logback 1.3.0-alpha11
- Revision #357297f9 [misc] correcting wrong mention of log4j by slf4J
- Revision #486d9862 [misc] failover improvement. some specific commands not in transaction are considered to be replayed in case of failover, like PING, PREPARE, ROLLBACK, ...
- Revision #8abced35 [misc] small code improvement
- Revision #6bcae387 [misc] add MariaDB 10.7 testing
- Revision #32a2c601 [misc] update JMH version
- Revision #075342ac [misc] ensuring test reliability on Skysql HA
- Revision #68178629 [misc] ensuring test reliability on Skysql HA
- Revision #6a943f77 Merge tag '3.0.3' into develop
- Revision #eb0d4114 Merge branch 'release/3.0.3'
- Revision #5489ff06 bump 3.0.3 version
- Revision #d5c219d0 [misc] code style correction
- Revision #5b165c74 [misc] remove benchmark option trackSessionState=TRUE now that is released
- Revision #bb9b11ff [misc] test correction
- Revision #69fd0e5e [misc] connection parser avoiding REGEX
- Revision #844df48d [misc] test stability correction
- Revision #baae3db3 [misc] setting "transaction read only" only for replica
- Revision #361cf716 [misc] keeping option interactiveClient for compatibility
- Revision #2c39f465 [misc] adding option `transactionReplaySize` to control redo cache size
- Revision #5aae10e9 [misc] only set skip metadata connection flag when using binary protocol
- Revision #520d1a2b [misc] correcting test suite for max_allowed_packet=16M
- Revision #fd2f5c5d [misc] adding INSERT micro-benchmark test
- Revision #d1f85cae [CONJ-705] parameter metadata get parameter count even when query cannot be prepared
- Revision #04f0062d [misc] prepareStatement.addBatch must initialize with previous set
- Revision #55365a0b [misc] prepared statement parameter list wrong containsKey method
- Revision #84f28a2f [misc] correct Connection.prepareStatement(String sql, int[] columnIndexes/String[] columnNames) to return generated keys
- Revision #fba5ec32 [misc] permit getString on a binary object
- Revision #2f29c3a8 [misc] using latest mysql version for benchmark (using option trackSessionState to avoid issue)
- Revision #3fa61961 [misc] performance improvement for multi-rows result-set.
- Revision #960c82d9 [misc] using mysql compatible version for benchmark until is corrected
- Revision #862c08b5 [misc] compression correction for multi-packet
- Revision #0e8c7a06 [misc] coverage addition + correcting development combination SKIP META with EOF
- Revision #e3f03952 [misc] test coverage addition
- Revision #ab728188 [misc] correcting codecov coverage generation
- Revision #d51c2e30 [misc] adding test coverage
- Revision #64241e4a [misc] ensuring pipelining packet sequence state
- Revision #e464bac2 [misc] Configuration initialUrl/toString using simplified host notation when possible
- Revision #6fd72070 [misc] Datasource permitting setting user/password for 2.x compatibility
- Revision #f4538c57 [misc] benchmark description improvement
- Revision #a2f25231 [misc] Batch result correction
- Revision #fa7635eb [misc] COM_RESET_CONNECTION expect a response (ERR_Packet or OK_Packet)
- Revision #6dc60037 [misc] ensure not throwing error when not having read all DatabaseMetadata resultset
- Revision #1ea7c07a [CONJ-901] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on StandardReadableByteBuf.readByte error
- Revision #54ac944a [misc] benchmark stable multi columns results
- Revision #59ee0909 Merge branch 'master' into develop
- Revision #c7500486 Merge tag '3.0.2' into develop
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