[ma-3.1.2]SSL connection error: The message received was unexpected or badly formatted.

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I am new to ODBC driver, and to SSL for mariadb, so please forgive me, but I did not find it in the documentation:

I have a mariadb server on a linux machine. SSL is set up on the server and a connection with "mysql -u user -p -h fully.qualified.hostname.com" uses SSL, as I can see from the output of "\s".

The Server Certificate is signed by a CA already present in the trusted CAs on Linux and Windows.

On a Windows machine (64bit) I need Excel (32bit) to connect to this mariadb. So I downloaded Mariadb ODBC driver for Windows (64bit) and installed it. When I "Create a new Data Source to MariaDB", put in hostname, port , username and password, a click on "Test DSN" works without SSL just fine.

Then I tried to configure SSL: Click Next repeatedly to change "SSL Settings": I only check "Verify Certificate. All Paths are left empty. All other checkboxes unchecked. Click Previous to go back to the first page and click "Test DSN" gives the following error:

[ma-3.1.2]SSL connection error: The message received was unexpected or badly formatted.

Whats wrong?

Which bitness is the ricght one: 32 bit or 64bit?

Does ODBC Connector use the Windows trusted CAs or do I really have to copy a PEM of the CA to the Windows machine?

Clicking "Help" on the page "SSL Settings" does not do anything.

Answer Answered by Andreas Vetter in this comment.

I installed mariadb on the Windows machine and used the mysql client to connect to above Mariadb on Linux: same Error. But this time I remembered: on the Linux Server I had in the config: [mysqld] ssl-cipher = TLSv1.2

As soon as I comment this out, it works on both mysql client and ODBC Connector on Windows.

So my guess is a TLSv1.2 incompatibility between SChannel and openssl.


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