Problem with queries using ODBC through VBA Excel

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Hi all,

I report a bug using ODBC connector through VBA. Assuming I have a table named 'companies' with 3 rows in there. When doing this query:

sqlQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT idCompany" _ & " FROM companies" _ rsDB.Open sqlQuery, conDB, adOpenDynamic Then it returns the correct results:

idCompany 1 2 3 But when doing a query with more than one field, then

sqlQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT idCompany, name" _ & " FROM companies" _ rsDB.Open sqlQuery, conDB, adOpenDynamic The query returns this:

idCompany name 1 company 1 1 company 1 2 company 2 This means that any query with more than one field selected returns the first row twice, and doesn't show the last row. Even with more than 20+ rows in my table the result is the same...

Any idea of the origin of this bug?

Thanks a lot


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