Problems with Table / View / Function Collations conflicts
Currently running MariaDB 10.3.24 and I really want to fully support the utf8mb4 unicode character set in my databases.
The problem I am running into is that when try and set everything up to use the utf8mb4 character set and set all collation references to utf8mb4_unicode_ci I then have problems with views that have functions in them .... getting "collation mismatch" error on some but not all comparisons, e.g. this != that or this = that, etc. If I then set all the collation references back to utf8mb4_general_ci then all is fine ..... Is there something that I am doing wrong or is there some sort of work around that I have to do when creating views and functions when using the utf8mb4_unicode_ci collation ....
Thanks, JerryB
You need to give more details. Table structure, relevant settings and the views/queries that fail.