Slow insert queries after upgrade

Hi all,

We have recently upgraded our MariaDB to 10.5.8. Since the upgarde one of our INSERT queries that uses a select to get the records started running incredibly slow (from a few seconds it now takes several minutes)! I have checked the parameter groups and everything seems the same with the previous version. The slow query looks like this:

INSERT INTO my_table (object_id, time_stamp, value) SELECT object_id, time_stamp, value FROM table1 WHERE time_stamp BETWEEN '2021-02-07' AND '2021-02-08'

The select itself is very quick so I dont understand why inserting is so slow. Other insert queries that we have have not been affected (on the contrary the speed increased on those) but theyare not using a select to get the data to be inserted. The table structure has not changed and the table is InnoDB.

Any input on this will be appreciated.




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