Unable to create after insert trigger on mariadb
I followed trigger instructions from documentation. When i run the script from command line, cursor does not come back. i have to kill the execution
Server version: 5.5.46-MariaDB MariaDB Server
Tried various formats
CREATE TRIGGER company_insert AFTER INSERT ON companyMain FOR EACH ROW INSERT INTO companytest (ID, Value) VALUES (20, CONCAT(NEW.`Code`,' - ',NEW.`Name`)); ------------ DELIMITER DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS company_insert ; CREATE TRIGGER company_insert AFTER INSERT ON companyMainFOR EACH ROW BEGIN DECLARE vFormatID int; SET vFormatID=20; INSERT INTO companytest (ID,Value) VALUES ( vFormatID,NEW.`Name`); END; DELIMITER;
Tried running from command directly or pass as .sql file. both ways its stuck no response back on command. Have to kill. ^CCtrl-C -- query killed. Continuing normally. ERROR 1317 (70100) at line 3: Query execution was interrupted
Your help will be appreciated.
Answer Answered by Federico Razzoli in this comment.
Ideally, the process that's holding the lock should COMMIT the current transaction. If you can't achieve this, just kill the process: