Comments - Watching KB pages

8 years, 11 months ago Paul Weiss

Sure. These are some pages that I have noticed do not have a Watch Page button:

I was going t try to add the Watch button myself, but the code for it on the pages where it does appear is not visible to me. I would be happy to add them if you opened that up to us volunteer editors. Otherwise, when I run across currently unwatchable pages, should I make a comment about that on that page?

Oh, wait a minute, I just realized something. The 3 non-category pages I listed above were all pages I edited recently. ...[checking]... Never mind. I was already watching those pages. No wonder there was no Watch Page button! Would it be possible to put an Unwatch Pate button, or a text label in the same spot to alert the viewer they s/he is already watching the page? Also, is there one page a viewer can go to see all the pages s/he is watching, a la Wikipedia?

Separate question: Any chance of opening up categories to us? At least for display, if not editing?

8 years, 11 months ago Bryan Alsdorf

As you figured out, the watch button disappears if you are already watching the page. I agree it is confusing that there is no indication that you are watching and have added an "unwatch" button to that same spot.

Currently no page to view / manage all subscriptions but I've added it to the todo. Should be simple enough.

Currently only individual pages can be watched. If you watched a category would you want to be notified just any time a new page was added in that category? Or if any of the content of a page in that category was changed?

Separate question: Any chance of opening up categories to us? At least for display, if not editing?

I'm sorry but I don't quite understand this question?

8 years, 11 months ago Paul Weiss

Thanks for the Unwatch button! For category pages, I want to know when a new page is added to the category (which, if you system is MediaWiki-like may not be possible), and whether text is added (if the system allows that kind of thing).

Sorry for the unclarity of my other question. Currently the categories assigned to a page are not visible to us when we click on Edit or Source. The Embedding categories in categories page says:

"For category pages with lots of entries, it may make sense to organize things under various headings.

To accomplish this we have created the ability to embed categories in their parent category.

See the Data Types page for an example of this.

Currently, the ability to do this is restricted to admins, but if you come across a category page that could benefit from this, please contact us."

I was wondering if the categories could be displayed in the source coe for the page, and whether users would be allowed to create and edit categories.

8 years, 10 months ago Bryan Alsdorf

Watching categories will be difficult to implement but I'll think about the best way to handle it.

Your idea to display the categories on the source / edit page is good and I'll implement that. Users with access have a page for that but the majority of users do not.

By default we restrict users from editing categories because it was more difficult to rollback bad changes to categories then content and a few other reasons. However, you have been contributing good work and we really appreciate that so I have marked you as a "trusted" contributor and you should have a few more permissions now, including the ability to create and edit categories. Thanks for your support of MariaDB!

8 years, 10 months ago Paul Weiss

Thanks! I am not seeing categories yet. Do I need to do something first to enable that?

Not sure what to do about selecting an "answer". Should we just delete the whole thread? And continue any other conversation off-wiki?

8 years, 10 months ago Bryan Alsdorf

You should see a button on the left hand side of the article (under edit) labeled "Edit Parents". If not, let me know and I'll look into it.

I'll just mark the whole question answered and yes, feel free to email me directly if you have any more questions or issues. bryan [at] mariadb [dot] com

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