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    tipo_priv [(lista_colonne)]
      [, tipo_priv [(lista_colonne)]] ...
    ON [tipo_oggetto] livello_priv
    TO utente [IDENTIFIED BY [PASSWORD] 'password']
        [, utente [IDENTIFIED BY [PASSWORD] 'password']] ...
    [REQUIRE {NONE | opzione_ssl [[AND] opzione_ssl] ...}]
    [WITH opzione_with [opzione_ssl] ...]


  | *.*
  | db_name.*
  | db_name.tbl_name
  | tbl_name
  | db_name.routine_name


opzione_ssl :
  | X509
  | CIPHER 'cipher'
  | ISSUER 'issuer'
  | SUBJECT 'subject'


L'istruzione GRANT permette di creare account di MariaDB e assegnare ad essi dei privilegi. Per usare GRANT occorre possedere il privilegio GRANT OPTION, oltre ai permessi che si desidera assegnare.

The user argument and the IDENTIFIED BY clause are the same as for the CREATE USER statement. If the user account does not yet exist, it will be implicitly created. You must have the privileges needed for the CREATE USER statement to implicitly create a user with GRANT. If the user account does exist and you provide the IDENTIFIED BY clause, the user's password will be changed. You must have the privileges needed for the SET PASSWORD statement to change a user's password with GRANT.

Use the REVOKE statement to revoke privileges granted with the GRANT statement.

Use the SHOW GRANTS statement to determine what privileges an account has.

Privilege Levels

Privileges can be set globally, for an entire database, for a table or routine, or for individual columns in a table. Certain privileges can only be set at certain levels.

  • Global privileges are granted using *.* for priv_level. Global privileges include privileges to administer the database and manage user accounts, as well as privileges for all tables, functions, and procedures.
  • Database privileges are granted using db_name.* for priv_level, or using just * to use default database. Database privileges include privileges to create tables and functions, as well as privileges for all tables, functions, and procedures in the database.
  • Table privileges are granted using db_name.tbl_name for priv_level, or using just tbl_name to specify a table in the default database. The TABLE keyword is optional. Table privileges include the ability to select and change data in the table. Certain table privileges can be granted for individual columns.
  • Column privileges are granted by specifying a table for priv_level and providing a column list after the privilege type. They allow you to control exactly which columns in a table users can select and change.
  • Function privileges are granted using FUNCTION db_name.routine_name for priv_level, or using just FUNCTION routine_name to specify a function in the default database.
  • Procedure privileges are granted using PROCEDURE db_name.routine_name for priv_level, or using just PROCEDURE routine_name to specify a procedure in the default database.

The USAGE Privilege

The USAGE privilege grants no real privileges. The SHOW GRANTS statement will show a global USAGE privilege for a newly-created user. You can use USAGE with the GRANT statement to change options like GRANT OPTION and MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS without changing any account privileges.


The ALL PRIVILEGES privilege grants all available privileges. Granting all privileges only affects the given privilege level. For example, granting all privileges on a table does not grant any privileges on the database or globally.

Using ALL PRIVILEGES does not grant the special GRANT OPTION privilege.

You can use ALL instead of ALL PRIVILEGES.

The GRANT OPTION Privilege

Use the WITH GRANT OPTION clause to give users the ability to grant privileges to other users at the given privilege level. Users with the GRANT OPTION privilege can only grant privileges they have. They cannot grant privileges at a higher privilege level than they have the GRANT OPTION privilege.

The GRANT OPTION privilege cannot be set for individual columns. If you use WITH GRANT OPTION when specifying column privileges, the GRANT OPTION privilege will be granted for the entire table.

Using the WITH GRANT OPTION clause is equivalent to listing GRANT OPTION as a privilege.

Global Privileges

The following table lists the privileges that can be granted globally. You can also grant all database, table, and function privileges globally. When granted globally, these privileges apply to all databases, tables, or functions, including those created later.

To set a global privilege, use *.* for priv_level.

CREATE USERCreate a user using the CREATE USER statement, or implicitly create a user with the GRANT statement.
GRANT OPTIONGrant global privileges. You can only grant privileges that you have.
SHOW DATABASESList all databases using the SHOW DATABASES statement. Without the SHOW DATABASES privilege, you can still issue the SHOW DATABASES statement, but it will only list databases containing tables on which you have privileges.
SHUTDOWNShut down the server using the mysqladmin shutdown command.

Database Privileges

The following table lists the privileges that can be granted at the database level. You can also grant all table and function privileges at the database level. Table and function privileges on a database apply to all tables or functions in that database, including those created later.

To set a privilege for a database, specify the database using db_name.* for priv_level, or just use * to specify the default database.

CREATECreate a database using the CREATE DATABASE statement, when the privilege is granted for a database. You can grant the CREATE privilege on databases that do not yet exist. This also grants the CREATE privilege on all tables in the database.
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLESCreate temporary tables with the CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE statement.
DROPDrop a database using the DROP DATABASE statement, when the privilege is granted for a database. This also grants the DROP privilege on all tables in the database.
GRANT OPTIONGrant database privileges. You can only grant privileges that you have.

Table Privileges

ALTERChange the structure of an existing table using the ALTER TABLE statement.
CREATECreate a table using the CREATE TABLE statement. You can grant the CREATE privilege on tables that do not yet exist.
CREATE VIEWCreate a view using the CREATE_VIEW statement.
DELETERemove rows from a table using the DELETE statement.
DROPDrop a table using the DROP TABLE statement or a view using the DROP VIEW statement.
GRANT OPTIONGrant table privileges. You can only grant privileges that you have.
INDEXCreate an index on a table using the CREATE INDEX statement. Without the INDEX privilege, you can still create indexes when creating a table using the CREATE TABLE statement if the you have the CREATE privilege, and you can create indexes using the ALTER TABLE statement if you have the ALTER privilege.
INSERTAdd rows to a table using the INSERT statement. The INSERT privilege can also be set on individual columns; see Column Privileges below for details.
SELECTRead data from a table using the SELECT statement. The SELECT privilege can also be set on individual columns; see Column Privileges below for details.
SHOW VIEWShow the CREATE VIEW statement to create a view using the SHOW CREATE VIEW statement.
UPDATEUpdate existing rows in a table using the UPDATE statement. UPDATE statements usually include a WHERE clause to update only certain rows. You must have SELECT privileges on the table or the appropriate columns for the WHERE clause. The UPDATE privilege can also be set on individual columns; see Column Privileges below for details.

Column Privileges

Some table privileges can be set for individual columns of a table. To use column privileges, specify the table explicitly and provide a list of column names after the privilege type. For example, the following statement would allow the user to read the names and positions of employees, but not other information from the same table, such as salaries.

GRANT SELECT (name, position) on Employee to 'jeffrey'@'localhost';
INSERT (column_list)Add rows specifying values in columns using the INSERT statement. If you only have column-level INSERT privileges, you must specify the columns you are setting in the INSERT statement. All other columns will be set to their default values, or NULL.
REFERENCES (column_list)
SELECT (column_list)Read values in columns using the SELECT statement. You cannot access or query any columns for which you do not have SELECT privileges, including in WHERE, ON, GROUP BY, and ORDER BY clauses.
UPDATE (column_list)Update values in columns of existing rows using the UPDATE statement. UPDATE statements usually include a WHERE clause to update only certain rows. You must have SELECT privileges on the table or the appropriate columns for the WHERE clause.

Function Privileges

ALTER ROUTINEChange the characteristics of a stored function using the ALTER FUNCTION statement.
EXECUTEUse a stored function. You need SELECT privileges for any tables or columns accessed by the function.
GRANT OPTIONGrant function privileges. You can only grant privileges that you have.

Procedure Privileges

ALTER ROUTINEChange the characteristics of a stored procedure using the ALTER PROCEDURE statement.
EXECUTEExecute a stored procedure using the CALL statement. The privilege to call a procedure may allow you to perform actions you wouldn't otherwise be able to do, such as insert rows into a table.
GRANT OPTIONGrant procedure privileges. You can only grant privileges that you have.


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