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Use the LIMIT clause to restrict the number of returned rows. When you use a single integer n with LIMIT, the first n rows will be returned. Use the ORDER BY clause to control which rows come first. You can also select a number of rows after an offset using either of the following:

LIMIT offset, row_count
LIMIT row_count OFFSET offset

When you provide an offset m with a limit n, the first m rows will be ignored, and the following n rows will be returned.

Executing an UPDATE with the LIMIT clause are not safe for replication.

MariaDB starting with 10.0.11

Since MariaDB 10.0.11, LIMIT 0 has been an exception to this rule (see MDEV-6170).

MariaDB starting with 5.5.21

Beginning in MariaDB 5.5.21, there is a LIMIT ROWS EXAMINED optimization which provides the means to terminate the execution of SELECT statements which examine too many rows, and thus use too many resources. See the LIMIT ROWS EXAMINED page for details.


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