MariaDB Connector/J 3.0.1 Changelog
The most recent Stable (GA) release of MariaDB Connector/J is:
MariaDB Connector/J 3.5.2
Download Release Notes Changelog Connector/J Overview
Release date: 11 Aug 2021
For the highlights of this release, see the release notes.
The revision number links will take you to the revision's page on GitHub. On GitHub you can view more details of the revision and view diffs of the code modified in that revision.
- Revision #e9433f0f bump 3.0.1-beta version
- Revision #e37f5077 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into develop
- Revision #b4fa9705 Merge branch 'develop'
- Revision #f8fcce78 Merge branch 'maintenance/2.x' into develop
- Revision #0b78458f bump 2.7.4 version
- Revision #36e70916 [misc] appveyor: install maven using chocolatey
- Revision #ce03fc95 [misc] appveyor: install maven using chocolatey
- Revision #fd7ea8f0 [CONJ-863] ensure socket state when having IOException
- Revision #4db695e4 [misc] code improvement
- Revision #e45b96b8 [CONJ-879] add Java 9 Modules name
- Revision #6f73896a [misc] update test logback-classic
- Revision #6b5386ab [misc] update waffle-jna version
- Revision #cb652bb4 [CONJ-884] ensure pool state when connection error occurs during connection reset
- Revision #4ea0eab4 [CONJ-884] ensure pool state when connection error occurs during connection reset
- Revision #1056012c [CONJ-884] connection.isValid error firing connectionErrorOccurred
- Revision #877c4e35 [CONJ-893] mysql 8.0 tinyInt1isBit support test correction
- Revision #2e55b07b [CONJ-884] ensure pool state when connection error occurs
- Revision #42d1441d [misc] remove codacy link on README
- Revision #98f1226c [misc] remove codacy link on README
- Revision #4a090853 [misc] database metadata query avoiding useless query part `like '%'`
- Revision #673a56bd [CONJ-893] DatabaseMetaData.getColumns regression causing TINYINT(x) with x > 1 to return BIT type in place of TINYINT
- Revision #400de967 [CONJ-894] Adding useMysqlMetadata for 2.7 compatibility
- Revision #3105970a [misc] Avoid creating new strings when switching auto-commit.
- Revision #f744cbb6 Merge branch 'auto_commit_memory_allocation' into maintenance/2.x
- Revision #54722346 [CONJ-885] Log any SQLException that occurs while adding connections to pool
- Revision #1b4452e9 Merge branch 'CONJ-885' into maintenance/2.x
- Revision #30485013 [misc] ensuring test reliability for skysql
- Revision #304d1a17 [misc] ensuring test reliability for skysql
- Revision #6184c651 [misc] ensuring test reliability with maxscale involved
- Revision #e16437b7 [CONJ-890] getImportedKeys/getTables regression returning an empty resultset for null/empty catalog
- Revision #ef8b56f7 [CONJ-880] metadata query performance correction
- Revision #bc85141a [misc] skysql-ha test reliability correction
- Revision #f664af79 [misc] PR test correction
- Revision #e9119aab Merge branch 'master' into develop
- Revision #b01143a5 [misc] PR test correction
- Revision #126aecbf CONJ-889 - callableStatement using function throw wrong error on getXXX methods
- Revision #baac160e CONJ-885 Log any SQLException that occurs while adding connection(s) to pool
- Revision #42e861f3 CONJ-873 - race condition correction on empty getGeneratedKeys metadata
- Revision #1b7bb019 bump 2.7.4-SNAPSHOT version
- Revision #eef9e9b8 bump 2.7.3 version
- Revision #1925b0b3 misc - correct test for mysql 8 batch
- Revision #23f2cf7b CONJ-861 - executeBatch must not clear last parameter value
- Revision #90d6d19a CONJ-858 Properties.put with object that differ from String supported even if use is not recommended
- Revision #66441941 CONJ-619 correcting Statement.executeBatch using LOAD DATA INFILE LOAD DATA INFILE commands cannot cannot be used when using pipelining, because of multiple exchanges. This fix the issue ensuring having no command LOAD DATA INFILE when using pipeline.
- Revision #1acaffc5 CONJ-864 - includeThreadDumpInDeadlockExceptions always includes the thread dump, even when it is not a deadlock exception
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