MariaDB Connector/ODBC 1.0.5 Release Notes

The most recent Stable (GA) release of MariaDB Connector/ODBC is:
MariaDB Connector/ODBC 3.2.2

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Release date: 10 Sep 2015

This is a Stable (GA) release of MariaDB Connector/ODBC. In general, marking this release as stable means that there are no known serious bugs, except for those marked as feature requests, that no bugs were fixed since last release that caused a notable code changes, and that we believe the code is ready for general usage (based on bug inflow).

MariaDB Connector/ODBC 1.0.5 is built on top of MariaDB Connector/C 2.2 and uses the binary prepared statement protocol.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed setup dialog bugs
  • Fixed ODBC-21: if stmt prepare fails while the handle reused, further use of the handler rather impossible with the server error of unknown stmt handler in mysqld_stmt_reset
  • Fixed ODBC-19: Using same pointer as StrLen_Or_IndPtr for several coulmns, could cause errors if one column bound as SQL_C_WCHAR
  • Improved work in threaded environment
  • Optimized execution of insert/update/delete statements without parameters
  • Added freeing of explicitly allocated descriptors on disconnect
  • Fixed various wrong metadata issues
  • Fixed string length calculation in SQLGetData
  • Fixes and improvements in the connector debug feature


For a complete list of every change made in this release, with links to detailed information on each push, see the changelog.


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