MariaDB Connector/ODBC 2.0.14 Release Notes

The most recent Stable (GA) release of MariaDB Connector/ODBC is:
MariaDB Connector/ODBC 3.2.2

Download Release Notes Changelog About MariaDB Connector/ODBC

Release date: 7 Apr 2017

This is a Stable (GA) release of MariaDB Connector/ODBC.

MariaDB Connector/ODBC 2.0.14 is built on top of MariaDB Connector/C 2.3 and uses the binary prepared statement protocol.

Bug Fixes

  • ODBC-72 SQLGetData incorrectly handles UTF-16 surrogate pairs
  • ODBC-74 Crash when calling SQLExecDirect with multiple statements
  • ODBC-62 Problem with export from ACCESS
  • ODBC-69 Values for Charset connection attribute should be case-insensitive
  • ODBC-71 ADO .addnew function creates error
  • ODBC-73 Wrong charset in Recordsets with DAO Object Library
  • ODBC-77 Execution of 'ANALYZE TABLE' statement would invalidate the statement and connection handles
  • ODBC-78 SQLGetData would not return SQL_NO_DATA for BLOB/TEXT columns if the buffer size is larger than the column data
  • ODBC-83 Min and Max value for time data type is getting processed incorrectly
  • ODBC-84 Error in the SQLGetTypeInfo for WCHAR Types
  • ODBC-90 SQLBulkOperations/SQLSetPos SQL_ADD would fail if TIMESTAMP column ignored


For a complete list of every change made in this release, with links to detailed information on each push, see the changelog.

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