MariaDB Connector/ODBC 3.1.20 Release Notes

The most recent Stable (GA) release of MariaDB Connector/ODBC is:
MariaDB Connector/ODBC 3.2.2

Download Release Notes Changelog About MariaDB Connector/ODBC

Release date: 4 Dec 2023

This is a Stable (GA) release of MariaDB Connector/ODBC 3.1.

MariaDB Connector/ODBC 3.1.20 is built on top of MariaDB Connector/C v.3.3.8.

Notable Changes

  • Connector/ODBC is now available as RPM and DEB packages for selected platforms(RHEL, Ubuntu, Debian)

Bug Fixes

  • ODBC-394 - Transaction Isolataion with 11.1.1 server
  • ODBC-395 - Tansaction Isolation Level is not applied if set before connect
  • ODBC-399 - Executable Comment Syntax which results in empty command gives 'You have an error in your SQL syntax'
  • ODBC-401 - SQLCancel won't work in case of encrypted connection, and in some other cases
  • ODBC-403 - Unknown system variable 'STATEMENT'

New Feature

  • ODBC-402 - Add support of MADB_OPT_FLAG_NO_BIGINT option. Some classic applications do not support SQLBIGINT option. This option makes the column that normally would be of SQLBIGINT type to look like it is of SQLINTEGER type


For a complete list of every change made in this release, with links to detailed information on each push, see the changelog.

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