Data corruption on the secondary peer of a MariaDB-Galera cluster, while the main peer is OK, so how to recover?

We have a Galera cluster of MariaDB databases, consisting of:

  • galera-4.x86_64 v26.4.9-1.el7.centos @mariadb
  • MariaDB-server.x86_64 v10.5.12-1.el7.centos @mariadb

The cluster has two nodes working in an active-active way, and the main node has more weight than the secondary node to break even during a network outage.

The recent vulnerability scanning includes simulated cyberattack, and the test caused failure on the mariadbd daemon. The main node failed to restart, and the secondary node's system log contains messages about data corruption.

We recovered the cluster by:

  • first, re-bootstrapping the main node, and then
  • restarting the secondary node with innodb_force_recovery=1, and then
  • restarting the secondary node again with innodb_force_recovery=1 removed from the configuration file.

The database cluster works OK, and we got successful results on testing transactions. However, mysqlcheck found corrupted index B-trees on the secondary node, while it shows OK on the main node.

Our Question:

  • Considering the clustering context, what is the best way to fix the data corruption?
  • What might be the causes of corruption, and how to prevent it in the future?
  • Miscellaneously and optionally, if we want to troubleshoot similar issues by ourselves, how do we start learning the programming basics of this open-source project? Tentatively, we are thinking about learning 1) core dumping, 2) core back tracing, and 3) debugging the database binary executable with source code, however, we will listen to your advice to get started.

We are new to this area, and we highly appreciate hints, suggestions, and reference links.


The screenshot of mysqlcheck results on the secondary node.

-sh-4.2$ mysqlcheck --all-databases --verbose -u username -p
Enter password:
Processing databases
appdb.auth_group                              OK
appdb.auth_group_permissions                  OK
appdb.auth_permission                         OK
appdb.auth_user                               OK
appdb.auth_user_groups                        OK
appdb.auth_user_user_permissions              OK
appdb.authtoken_token                         OK
appdb.celery_taskmeta                         OK
appdb.celery_tasksetmeta                      OK
appdb.corsheaders_corsmodel                   OK
appdb.django_admin_log                        OK
appdb.django_content_type                     OK
appdb.django_migrations                       OK
appdb.django_session                          OK
appdb.django_site                             OK
appdb.djcelery_crontabschedule                OK
appdb.djcelery_intervalschedule               OK
appdb.djcelery_periodictask                   OK
appdb.djcelery_periodictasks                  OK
appdb.djcelery_taskstate                      OK
appdb.djcelery_workerstate                    OK
appdb.eav_attribute                           OK
appdb.eav_enumgroup                           OK
appdb.eav_enumgroup_enums                     OK
appdb.eav_enumvalue                           OK
appdb.eav_value                               OK
appdb.app_business                            OK
Warning  : InnoDB: The B-tree of index PRIMARY is corrupted.
Warning  : InnoDB: The B-tree of index app_customer_transaction_id_2xxxxxxxxxxxxxxa_uniq is corrupted.
Warning  : InnoDB: The B-tree of index eb_transaction_id_2xxxxxxxxxxxxxxa_fk_app_transaction_id is corrupted.
error    : Corrupt
appdb.app_emailtemplate                       OK
appdb.app_ministry                            OK
appdb.app_orderitem                           OK
appdb.app_orderitemlog                        OK
appdb.app_product                             OK
appdb.app_producttemplate                     OK
appdb.app_producttemplateattribute            OK
appdb.app_transaction                         OK
appdb.app_transactionattribute                OK
appdb.app_userbusiness                        OK


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