mysql-test Auxiliary files

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In mysql-test framework besides test anf result files, there are many other files that affect the testing process.

suite disabled.def file

This file can be used to disable certain tests temporarily. For example, if one test fails and you are working on that, you may want to push the changeset that disables it in the test suite so that others won't be disturbed by this failure.

File contains test names and the comment (that should explain why the test was disabled) separated by a colon. Lines that start from a hash sign (Attachment '%23' not found) are ignored. A typical disabled.def may look like this (note that a hash sign in the middle of a line does not start a comment):

# List of disabled tests
# test name : comment
rpl_redirect : Fails due to bug#49978
events_time_zone  : need to fix the timing

During testing, mtr will print disabled tests like this:

rpl.rpl_redirect              [ disabled ]  Fails due to bug#49978
rpl.events_time_zone          [ disabled ]  need to fix the timing

This file should be located in the suite directory.

suite suite.opt file

This file lists server options that will be added to the mysqld command line for every test of this suite. It can refer to environment variables with the $NAME syntax. Shell meta-characters should be quoted. For example

--max-connections=40 --net_read_timeout=5

Note that options may be put on one line or or different lines. It is a good idea to start an option name with --loose- prefix if the server may or may not recognize it depending on the configuration. An unknown option in the .opt file will not let server to start and the test will be aborted.

This file should be located in the suite directory.

other *.opt files

For any test or include file somefile.test or mtr will look for somefile.opt, somefile-master.opt and somefile-slave.opt. These files have exactly the same syntax as the suite.opt above. Options from these files will also be added to the server command line (all servers started for this test, only master, or only slave respectively) for all affected tests, for example, for all tests that include directly or indirectly.

A typical usage example is, for example, include/ and include/have_blackhole.opt. The latter contains the necessary command line options to load the Blackhole storage engine, while the former verifies that it was really loaded. And any test that needs Blackhole engine, only needs to start from source include/; and the engine will be automatically loaded for it.

suite my.cnf file

This is not the my.cnf file that tests from this suite will use, but rather a template of it. It will be converted later to an actual my.cnf. If a suite contains no my.cnf template, a default one include/default_my.cnf will be used. Or suite/rpl/my.cnf if the test includes (it's one of the few bits of the old MySQL mysql-test-run magic that we did not remove yet). Typically a suite template will not contain a complete server configuration, but rather start from !include include/default_my.cnf and then add the necessary modifications.

The syntax of my.cnf template is the same of a normal my.cnf file, with a few extensions and assumptions. They are:

  • For any group with the name [mysqld.N], where N is a number, mtr will start one mysqld process. Usually one needs to have only [mysqld.1] group, and [mysqld.2] group for replication tests.
  • There can be groups with non-standard names ([foo], [bar], whatever), not used by mysqld. The files (see below) may use them somehow.
  • Values can refer to each other using the syntax @groupname.optionname these references be expanded as needed. For example

[mysqld.2] master-port= @mysqld.1.port

it sets the value of the master-port in the [mysqld.2] group to the value of port in the [mysqld.1] group.

  • An option name may start from a hash sign Attachment '%23' not found. In the resulting my.cnf it will look like a comment, but it still can be referred to. For example:


  1. location = localhost:@mysqld.1.port bar = server:@example.#location/data
  • There is the [ENV] group. It sets values for the environment variables. For example

[ENV] MASTER_MYPORT=@mysqld.1.port

Also, one can refer to values of environment variables via this group:

[mysqld.1] user=@ENV.LOGNAME

  • There is the [OPT] group. It is used to allow invoke functions and generate values. Currently it contains only one option @OPT.port. Every time this option is referred to in some other group in the my.cnf template, a new unique port number is generated. It will not match any other port number used by this test run. For example


This file should be located in the suite directory.

other *.cnf files

suite combinations file

can be disabled from can use $ENV added to command line, not my.cnf

other *.combinations files

suite file

*.sh files

*.require files

*.rdiff files

suite valgrind.supp file


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