mysqld Options
- Compatibility options
- Replication and binary logging options
- --abort-slave-event-count
- --auto-increment-increment
- --auto-increment-offset
- --binlog-annotate-row-events
- --binlog-cache-size
- --binlog-checksum
- --binlog-commit-wait-count
- --binlog-commit-wait-usec
- --binlog-direct-non-transactional-updates
- --binlog-do-db
- --binlog-format
- --binlog-ignore-db
- --binlog-row-event-max-size
- --binlog-optimize-thread-scheduling
- --binlog-row-image
- --binlog-stmt-cache-size
- --default-master-connection
- --disconnect-slave-event-count
- --flashback
- --gtid-ignore-duplicates
- --init-rpl-role
- --init-slave
- --log-basename
- --log-bin
- --log-bin-index
- --log-bin-trust-function-creators
- --log-bin-trust-routine-creators
- --log-slave-updates
- --master-host
- --master-info-file
- --master-password
- --master-port
- --master-retry-count
- --master-ssl
- --master-ssl-ca
- --master-ssl-capath
- --master-ssl-cert
- --master-ssl-cipher
- --master-ssl-key
- --master-user
- --master-verify-checksum
- --max-binlog-cache-size
- --max-binlog-dump-events
- --max-binlog-size
- --max-binlog-stmt-cache-size
- --max-relay-log-size
- --read-binlog-speed-limit
- --relay-log
- --relay-log-index
- --relay-log-info-file
- --relay-log-purge
- --relay-log-recovery
- --relay-log-space-limit
- --replicate-annotate-row-events
- --replicate-do-db
- --replicate-do-table
- --replicate-events-marked-for-skip
- --replicate-ignore-db
- --replicate-ignore-table
- --replicate-rewrite-db
- --replicate-same-server-id
- --replicate-wild-do-table
- --replicate-wild-ignore-table
- --report-host
- --report-password
- --report-port
- --report-user
- --rpl-recovery-rank
- --server-id
- --slave-ddl-exec-mode
- --slave-compressed-protocol
- --slave-domain-parallel-threads
- --slave-exec-mode
- --slave-load-tmpdir
- --slave-max-allowed-packet
- --slave-net-timeout
- --slave-parallel-threads
- --slave-parallel-max-queued
- --slave-run-triggers-for-rbr
- --slave-skip-errors
- --slave-sql-verify-checksum
- --slave-transaction-retries
- --slave-type-conversions
- --sporadic-binlog-dump-fail
- --sync-binlog
- --sync-master-info
- --sync-relay-log
- --sync-relay-log-info
- --sysdate-is-now
- Replication and binary logging system variables
- Optimizer options
- --big-tables
- --bulk-insert-buffer-size
- --expensive-subquery-limit
- --join-buffer-size
- --join-buffer-space-limit
- --join-cache-level
- --max-heap-table-size
- --max-join-size
- --max-seeks-for-key
- --max-sort-length
- --mrr-buffer-size
- --optimizer-prune-level
- --optimizer-search-depth
- --optimizer-selectivity-sampling-limit
- --optimizer-switch
- --optimizer-use-condition-selectivity
- --query-alloc-block-size
- --query-prealloc-size
- --range-alloc-block-size
- --read-buffer-size
- --record-buffer
- --rowid-merge-buff-size
- --table-cache
- --table-definition-cache
- --table-open-cache
- --table-open-cache-instances
- --tmp-table-size
- --use-stat-tables
- Optimizer system variables
- MyISAM options
- --concurrent-insert
- --delay-key-write-for-all-tables
- --delayed-insert-limit
- --delayed-insert-timeout
- --delayed-queue-size
- --external-locking
- --keep-files-on-create
- --key-buffer-size
- --key-cache-age-threshold
- --key-cache-block-size
- --key-cache-division-limit
- --key-cache-file-hash-size
- --key-cache-segments
- --log-isam
- --myisam-block-size
- --myisam-data-pointer-size
- --myisam-max-sort-file-size
- --myisam-mmap-size
- --myisam-recover-options
- --myisam-repair-threads
- --myisam-sort-buffer-size
- --myisam-stats-method
- --myisam-use-mmap
- MyISAM options
- InnoDB options
- --ignore-builtin-innodb
- --innodb
- --innodb-adaptive-checkpoint
- --innodb-adaptive-flushing
- --innodb-adaptive-flushing-lwm
- --innodb-adaptive-flushing-method
- --innodb-adaptive-hash-index
- --innodb-adaptive-hash-index-partitions
- --innodb-adaptive-hash-index-parts
- --innodb-adaptive-max-sleep-delay
- --innodb-additional-mem-pool-size
- --innodb-api-bk-commit-interval
- --innodb-api-disable-rowlock
- --innodb-api-enable-binlog
- --innodb-api-enable-mdl
- --innodb-api-trx-level
- --innodb-auto-lru-dump
- --innodb-autoextend-increment
- --innodb-autoinc-lock-mode
- --innodb-background-scrub-data-check-interval
- --innodb-background-scrub-data-compressed
- --innodb-background-scrub-data-interval
- --innodb-background-scrub-data-uncompressed
- --innodb-blocking-buffer-pool-restore
- --innodb-buf-dump-status-frequency
- --innodb-buffer-pool-chunk-size
- --innodb-buffer-pool-dump-at-shutdown
- --innodb-buffer-pool-dump-now
- --innodb-buffer-pool-dump-pct
- --innodb-buffer-pool-evict
- --innodb-buffer-pool-filename
- --innodb-buffer-pool-instances
- --innodb-buffer-pool-load-abort
- --innodb-buffer-pool-load-at-startup
- --innodb-buffer-pool-load-now
- --innodb-buffer-pool-pages
- --innodb-buffer-pool-blob
- --innodb-buffer-pool-index
- --innodb-buffer-pool-populate
- --innodb-buffer-pool-restore-at-startup
- --innodb-buffer-pool-shm-checksum
- --innodb-buffer-pool-shm-key
- --innodb-buffer-pool-size
- --innodb-change-buffer-max-size
- --innodb-change-buffering
- --innodb-change-buffering-debug
- --innodb-checkpoint-age-target
- --innodb-checksum-algorithm
- --innodb-checksums
- --innodb-cleaner-lsn-age-factor
- --innodb-cmp
- --innodb-cmp-per-index-enabled
- --innodb-cmp-reset
- --innodb-cmpmem
- --innodb-cmpmem-reset
- --innodb-commit-concurrency
- --innodb-compression-algorithm
- --innodb-compression-failure-threshold-pct
- --innodb-compression-level
- --innodb-compression-pad-pct-max
- --innodb-concurrency-tickets
- --innodb-corrupt-table-action
- --innodb-data-file-path
- --innodb-data-home-dir
- --innodb-default-encryption-key-id
- --innodb-default-page-encryption-key
- --innodb-default-row-format
- --innodb-defragment
- --innodb-defragment-fill-factor
- --innodb-defragment-fill-factor-n-recs
- --innodb-defragment-frequency
- --innodb-defragment-n-pages
- --innodb-defragment-stats-accuracy
- --innodb-dict-size-limit
- --innodb-disable-sort-file-cache
- --innodb-doublewrite
- --innodb-doublewrite-file
- --innodb-empty-free-list-algorithm
- --innodb-enable-unsafe-group-commit
- --innodb-encrypt-log
- --innodb-encrypt-tables
- --innodb-encryption-rotate-key-age
- --innodb-encryption-rotation-iops
- --innodb-encryption-threads
- --innodb-expand-import
- --innodb-extra-rsegments
- --innodb-extra-undoslots
- --innodb-fake-changes
- --innodb-fast-checksum
- --innodb-fast-recovery
- --innodb-fast-shutdown
- --innodb-fatal-semaphore-wait-threshold
- --innodb-file-format
- --innodb-file-format-check
- --innodb-file-format-max
- --innodb-file-io-threads
- --innodb-file-per-table
- --innodb-filll-factor
- --innodb-flush-log-at-trx-commi
- --innodb-flush-log-at-trx-commit-session
- --innodb-flush-method
- --innodb-flush-neighbor-pages
- --innodb-flush-neighbors
- --innodb-flush-sync
- --innodb-flushing-avg-loops
- --innodb-force-load-corrupted
- --innodb-force-primary-key
- --innodb-force-recovery
- --innodb-foreground-preflush
- --innodb-ft-aux-table
- --innodb-ft-cache-size
- --innodb-ft-enable-diag-print
- --innodb-ft-enable-stopword
- --innodb-ft-max-token-size
- --innodb-ft-min-token-size
- --innodb-ft-num-word-optimize
- --innodb-ft-result-cache-limit
- --innodb-ft-server-stopword-table
- --innodb-ft-sort-pll-degree
- --innodb-ft-total-cache-size
- --innodb-ft-user-stopword-table
- --innodb-ibuf-accel-rate
- --innodb-ibuf-active-contract
- --innodb-ibuf-max-size
- --innodb-idle-flush-pct
- --innodb-immediate-scrub-data-uncompressed
- --innodb-import-table-from-xtrabackup
- --innodb-index-stats
- --innodb-instrument-semaphores
- --innodb-io-capacity
- --innodb-io-capacity-max
- --innodb-large-prefix
- --innodb-lazy-drop-table
- --innodb-lock-schedule-algorithm
- --innodb-lock-wait-timeout
- --innodb-lock-waits
- --innodb-locking-fake-changes
- --innodb-locks
- --innodb-locks-unsafe-for-binlog
- --innodb-log-arch-dir
- --innodb-log-arch-expire-sec
- --innodb-log-archive
- --innodb-log-block-size
- --innodb-log-buffer-size
- --innodb-log-checksum-algorithm
- --innodb-log-checksums
- --innodb-log-compressed-pages
- --innodb-log-file-size
- --innodb-log-files-in-group|
- --innodb-log-group-home-dir
- --innodb-log-write-ahead-size
- --innodb-lru-scan-depth
- --innodb-max-bitmap-file-size
- --innodb-max-changed-pages
- --innodb-max-dirty-pages-pct
- --innodb-max-dirty-pages-pct-lwm
- --innodb-max-purge-lag
- --innodb-max-purge-lag-delay
- --innodb-max-undo-log-size
- --innodb-merge-sort-block-size
- --innodb-mirrored-log-groups
- --innodb-monitor-disable
- --innodb-monitor-enable
- --innodb-monitor-reset
- --innodb-monitor-reset-all
- --innodb-mtflush-threads
- --innodb-numa-interleave
- --innodb-old-blocks-pct
- --innodb-old-blocks-time
- --innodb-online-alter-log-max-size
- --innodb-open-files
- --innodb-optimize-fulltext-only
- --innodb-overwrite-relay-log-info
- --innodb-page-cleaners
- --innodb-page-size
- --innodb-pass-corrupt-table
- --innodb-prefix-index-cluster-optimization
- --innodb-print-all-deadlocks
- --innodb-purge-batch-size
- --innodb-purge-rseg-truncate-frequency
- --innodb-purge-threads
- --innodb-random-read-ahead
- --innodb-read-ahead
- --innodb-read-ahead-threshold
- --innodb-read-io-threads
- --innodb-read-only
- --innodb-recovery-update-relay-log
- --innodb-replication-delay
- --innodb-rollback-on-timeout
- --innodb-rollback-segments
- --innodb-rseg
- --innodb-sched-priority-cleaner
- --innodb-scrub-log
- --innodb-scrub-log-interval
- --innodb-scrub-log-speed
- --innodb-show-locks-held
- --innodb-show-verbose-locks
- --innodb-sort-buffer-size
- --innodb-spin-wait-delay
- --innodb-stats-auto-recalc
- --innodb-stats-auto-update
- --innodb-stats-method
- --innodb-stats-modified-counter
- --innodb-stats-on-metadata
- --innodb-stats-persistent
- --innodb-stats-persistent-sample-pages
- --innodb-stats-sample-pages
- --innodb-stats-traditional
- --innodb-stats-transient-sample-pages
- --innodb-stats-update-need-lock
- --innodb-status-file
- --innodb-status-output
- --innodb-status-output-locks
- --innodb-strict-mode
- --innodb-support-xa
- --innodb-sync-array-size
- --innodb-sync-spin-loops
- --innodb-sys-indexes
- --innodb-sys-stats
- --innodb-sys-tables
- --innodb-table-locks
- --innodb-table-stats
- --innodb-temp-data-file-path
- --innodb-thread-concurrency
- --innodb-thread-concurrency-timer-based
- --innodb-thread-sleep-delay
- --innodb-tmpdir
- --innodb-track-changed-pages
- --innodb-trx
- --innodb-undo-directory
- --innodb-undo-log-truncate
- --innodb-undo-logs
- --innodb-undo-tablespaces
- --innodb-use-atomic-writes
- --innodb-use-fallocate
- --innodb-use-global-flush-log-at-trx-commit
- --innodb-use-mtflush
- --innodb-use-native-aio
- --innodb-use-purge-thread
- --innodb-use-stacktrace
- --innodb-use-sys-malloc
- --innodb-use-sys-stats-table
- --innodb-use-trim
- --innodb-write-io-threads
- --skip-innodb
- --skip-innodb-checksums
- --skip-innodb-doublewrite
- InnoDB system variables
- Aria options
- --aria-block-size
- --aria-checkpoint-interval
- --aria-checkpoint-log-activity
- --aria-encrypt-tables
- --aria-force-start-after-recovery-failures
- --aria-group-commit
- --aria-group-commit-interval
- --aria-log-file-size
- --aria-log-purge-type
- --aria-max-sort-file-size
- --aria-page-checksum
- --aria-pagecache-age-threshold
- --aria-pagecache-buffer-size
- --aria-pagecache-division-limit
- --aria-pagecache-file-hash-size
- --aria-recover
- --aria-recover-options
- --aria-repair-threads
- --aria-sort-buffer-size
- --aria-stats-method
- --aria-sync-log-dir
- --aria-used-for-temp-tables
- --deadlock-search-depth-long
- --deadlock-search-depth-short
- --deadlock-timeout-long
- --deadlock-timeout-short
- Performance Schema options
- --performance-schema
- --performance-schema-accounts-size
- --performance-schema-consumer-events-stages-current
- --performance-schema-consumer-events-stages-history
- --performance-schema-consumer-events-stages-history-long
- --performance-schema-consumer-events-statements-current
- --performance-schema-consumer-events-statements-history
- --performance-schema-consumer-events-statements-history-long
- --performance-schema-consumer-events-waits-current
- --performance-schema-consumer-events-waits-history
- --performance-schema-consumer-events-waits-history-long
- --performance-schema-consumer-global-instrumentation
- --performance-schema-consumer-statements-digest
- --performance-schema-consumer-thread-instrumentation
- --performance-schema-digests-size
- --performance-schema-events-stages-history-long-size
- --performance-schema-events-stages-history-size
- --performance-schema-events-statements-history-long-size
- --performance-schema-events-statements-history-size
- --performance-schema-events-waits-history-long-size
- --performance-schema-events-waits-history-size
- --performance-schema-hosts-size
- --performance-schema-max-cond-classes
- --performance-schema-max-cond-instances
- --performance-schema-max-digest-length
- --performance-schema-max-file-classes
- --performance-schema-max-file-handles
- --performance-schema-max-file-instances
- --performance-schema-max-mutex-classes
- --performance-schema-max-mutex-instances
- --performance-schema-max-rwlock-classes
- --performance-schema-max-rwlock-instances
- --performance-schema-max-socket-classes
- --performance-schema-max-socket-instances
- --performance-schema-max-stage-classes
- --performance-schema-max-statement-classes
- --performance-schema-max-table-handles
- --performance-schema-max-table-instances
- --performance-schema-max-thread-classes
- --performance-schema-max-thread-instances
- --performance-schema-session-connect-attrs-size
- --performance-schema-setup-actors-size
- --performance-schema-setup-objects-size
- --performance-schema-users-size
- Performance Schema system variables
- CONNECT options
- Galera options
- --wsrep-auto-increment-control
- --wsrep-causal-reads
- --wsrep-certify-nonPK
- --wsrep-cluster-address
- --wsrep-cluster-name
- --wsrep-convert-LOCK-to-trx
- --wsrep-data-home-dir
- --wsrep-dbug-option
- --wsrep-debug
- --wsrep-desync
- --wsrep-dirty-reads
- --wsrep-drupal-282555-workaround
- --wsrep-gtid-domain-id
- --wsrep-gtid-mode
- --wsrep-forced-binlog-format
- --wsrep-load-data-splitting
- --wsrep-log-conflicts
- --wsrep-max-ws-rows
- --wsrep-max-ws-size
- --wsrep-mysql-replication-bundle
- --wsrep-new-cluster
- --wsrep-node-address
- --wsrep-node-incoming-address
- --wsrep-node-name
- --wsrep-notify-cmd
- --wsrep-on
- --wsrep-OSU-method
- --wsrep-provider
- --wsrep-provider-options
- --wsrep-recover
- --wsrep-replicate-myisam
- --wsrep-restart-slave
- --wsrep-retry-autocommit
- --wsrep-slave-fk-checks
- --wsrep-slave-threads
- --wsrep-slave-uk-checks
- --wsrep-sst-auth
- --wsrep-sst-donor
- --wsrep-sst-donor-rejects-queries
- --wsrep-sst-method
- --wsrep-sst-receive-address
- --wsrep-start-position
- --wsrep-sync-wait
- Galera system variables
- Options when debugging mysqld
- Other options
- --allow-suspicious-udfs
- --autocommit
- --automatic-sp-privileges
- --back-log
- --basedir
- --bind-address
- --bootstrap
- --character-set-client-handshake
- --character-set-filesystem
- --character-set-server
- --character-sets-dir
- --check-constraint-checks
- --chroot
- --collation-server
- --completion-type
- --connect-timeout
- --datadir
- --date-format
- --datetime-format
- --deadlock-search-depth-long
- --deadlock-search-depth-short
- --deadlock-timeout-long
- --deadlock-timeout-short
- --default-character-set
- --default-collation
- --default-regex-flags
- --default-storage-engine
- --default-table-type
- --default-tmp-storage-engine
- --default-time-zone
- --default-week-format
- --delay-key-write
- --des-key-file
- --div-precision-increment
- --enable-locking
- --enable-named-pipe
- --encrypt-binlog
- --encrypt-tmp-disk-tables
- --encrypt-tmp-files
- --encryption-algorithm
- --engine-condition-pushdown
- --event-scheduler
- --exit-info
- --expire-logs-days
- --explicit-defaults-for-timestamp
- --extra-max-connections
- --extra-port
- --flush
- --flush-time
- --ft-boolean-syntax
- --ft-max-word-len
- --ft-min-word-len
- --ft-query-expansion-limit
- --ft-stopword-file
- --general-log
- --general-log-file
- --getopt-prefix-matching
- --group-concat-max-len
- --help
- --histogram-size
- --histogram-type
- --host-cache-size
- --ignore-db-dir
- --init-connect
- --init-file
- --interactive-timeout
- --language
- --large-pages
- --lc-messages
- --lc-messages-dir
- --lc-time-names
- --local-infile
- --lock-wait-timeout
- --log
- --log-error
- --log-long-format
- --log-output
- --log-queries-not-using-indexes
- --log-short-format
- --log-slow-admin-statements
- --log-slow-file
- --log-slow-filter
- --log-slow-queries
- --log-slow-rate-limit
- --log-slow-slave-statements
- --log-slow-time
- --log-slow-verbosity
- --log-tc
- --log-tc-size
- --log-update
- --log-warnings
- --long-query-time
- --low-priority-updates
- --lower-case-table-names
- --master-connect-retry
- --max-allowed-packet
- --max-connections
- --max-connect-errors
- --max-delayed-threads
- --max-digest-length
- --max-error-count
- --max-length-for-sort-data
- --max-long-data-size
- --max-prepared-stmt-count
- --max-recursive-iterations
- --max-session-mem-used
- --max-sp-recursion-depth
- --max-statement-time
- --max-tmp-tables
- --max-user-connections
- --max-write-lock-count
- --memlock
- --metadata-locks-cache-size
- --metadata-locks-hash-instances
- --min-examined-row-limit
- --mrr-buffer-size
- --multi-range-count
- --mysql56-temporal-format
- --ndb-use-copying-alter-table
- --net-buffer-length
- --net-read-timeout
- --net-retry-count
- --net-write-timeout
- --one-thread
- --open-files-limit
- --pid-file
- --plugin-load
- --plugin-load-add
- --plugin-dir
- --plugin-maturity
- --port
- --port-open-timeout
- --preload-buffer-size
- --profiling-history-size
- --progress-report-time
- --query-cache-limit
- --query-cache-min-res-unit
- --query-cache-size
- --query-cache-strip-comments
- --query-cache-type
- --query-cache-wlock-invalidate
- --read-rnd-buffer-size
- --read-only
- --safe-show-database
- --safe-user-create
- --safemalloc-mem-limit
- --secure-auth
- --secure-file-priv
- --session-track-schema
- --session-track-state-change
- --session-track-system-variables
- --session-track-transaction-info
- --set-variable
- --show-slave-auth-info
- --skip-automatic-sp-privileges
- --skip-external-locking
- --skip-grant-tables
- --skip-host-cache
- --skip-large-pages
- --skip-locking
- --skip-name-resolve
- --skip-networking
- --skip-partition
- --skip-show-database
- --skip-slave-start
- --skip-ssl
- --skip-stack-trace
- --skip-symbolic-links
- --skip-symlink
- --skip-thread-priority
- --slow-launch-time
- --slow-query-log
- --slow-query-log-file
- --socket
- --sort-buffer-size
- --sql-bin-update-same
- --sql-mode
- --ssl
- --ssl-ca
- --ssl-capath
- --ssl-cert
- --ssl-cipher
- --ssl-crl
- --ssl-crlpath
- --ssl-key
- --stored-program-cache
- --standard-compliant-cte
- --strict-password-validation
- --symbolic-links
- --sync-frm
- --table-lock-wait-timeout
- --tc-heuristic-recover
- --temp-pool
- --test-expect-abort
- --test-ignore-wrong-options
- --thread-cache-size
- --thread-concurrency
- --thread-handling
- --thread-pool-idle-timeout
- --thread-pool-max-threads
- --thread-pool-min-threads
- --thread-pool-prio-kickup-timer
- --thread-pool-priority
- --thread-pool-size
- --thread-pool-stall-limit
- --thread-stack
- --timed-mutexes
- --time-format
- --tmpdir
- --transaction-isolation
- --transaction-alloc-block-size
- --transaction-prealloc-size
- --transaction-read-only
- --updatable-views-with-limit
- --use-symbolic-links
- --user
- --userstat
- --verbose
- --version
- --wait-timeout
- --warnings
- Other system variables
- cracklib_password_check plugin
- Feedback plugin
- HandlerSocket plugin
- handlersocket-accept-balance
- handlersocket-address
- handlersocket-backlog
- handlersocket-epoll
- handlersocket-plain-secret
- handlersocket-plain-secret-wr
- handlersocket-port
- handlersocket-port-wr
- handlersocket-rcvbuf
- handlersocket-readsize
- handlersocket-sndbuf
- handlersocket-threads
- handlersocket-threads-wr
- handlersocket-timeout
- handlersocket-verbose
- handlersocket-wrlock-timeout
- Query_Response_Time plugin
- Semisynchronous Replication plugin
- Server Audit
- server-audit-events
- server-audit-excl-users
- server-audit-file-path
- server-audit-file-rotate-now
- server-audit-file-rotate-size
- server-audit-file-rotations
- server-audit-incl-users
- server-audit-logging
- server-audit-mode
- server-audit-output-type
- server-audit-query-limit
- server-audit-syslog-facility
- server-audit-syslog-ident
- server-audit-syslog-info
- server-audit-syslog-priority
- simple_password_check plugin
- SQL_ERROR_LOG plugin
- Default values
This page lists all of the options for mysqld
, ordered by topic. For a full alphabetical list of all mysqld options, as well as server and status variables, see Full list of MariaDB options, system and status variables.
In many cases, the entry here is a summary, and links to the full description.
See mysqld startup options for which files and groups mysqld reads for it's default options.
Compatibility options
The following options have been added to MariaDB to make it more compliant with other MariaDB and MySQL versions:
-a, --ansi
- Description: Use ANSI SQL syntax instead of MySQL syntax. This mode will also set transaction isolation level serializable.
- Description: Use new functionality that will exist in next version of MariaDB. This function exists to make it easier to prepare for an upgrade. For version 5.1 this functions enables the LIST and RANGE partitions functions for ndbcluster.
- Description: Enable old-style user limits (before MySQL 5.0.3, user resources were counted per each user+host vs. per account).
- Description: Disable some potential unsafe optimizations. For 5.2, INSERT DELAYED is disabled, myisam_recover_options is set to DEFAULT (automatically recover crashed MyISAM files) and the query cache is disabled. For Aria tables, disable bulk insert optimization to enable one to use aria_read_log to recover tables even if tables are deleted (good for testing recovery).
- Description: Disables --new in 5.2. In 5.1 used to disable some new potentially unsafe functions.
Compatibility System Variables
Replication and binary logging options
- Commandline:
- Description: Option used by mysql-test for debugging and testing of replication.
- Commandline:
- Description: Tells the master it should log updates for the specified database, and exclude all others not explicitly mentioned. See Using and Maintaining the Binary Log.
- Commandline:
- Description: Tells the master that updates to the given database should not be logged to the binary log. See Using and Maintaining the Binary Log.
- Commandline:
- Description: The maximum size of a row-based binary log event in bytes. Rows will be grouped into events smaller than this size if possible. The value has to be a multiple of 256.
- Default value
(>= MariaDB 10.2.4)1024
(<= MariaDB 10.2.3)
- Commandline:
- Description: Option used by mysql-test for debugging and testing of replication.
- Commandline:
- Description: Setup the server to use flashback. This enables the binary log and sets
. - Introduced: MariaDB 10.2.4
- Commandline:
- Description: Set the replication role.
- Commandline:
- Description: Basename for all log files and the .pid file. This sets all log file names at once (in 'datadir') and is normally the only option you need for specifying log files. This is especially recommended to be set if you are using replication as it ensures that your log file names are not depending on your host name. Sets names for log-bin, log-bin-index, relay-log, relay-log-index, general-log-file,
, and pid-file. - Introduced: MariaDB 5.2
- Commandline:
- Description: Deprecated, use log-bin-trust-function-creators.
- Commandline:
- Description: Master hostname or IP address for replication. If not set, the slave thread will not be started. Note that the setting of master-host will be ignored if there exists a valid file.
- Commandline:
- Description: The location and name of the file that remembers the master and where the I/O replication thread is in the master's binary logs.
- Commandline:
- Description: The password the slave thread will authenticate with when connecting to the master. If not set, an empty password is assumed. The value in will take precedence if it can be read.
- Commandline:
- Description: The port the master is listening on. If not set, the compiled setting of MYSQL_PORT is assumed. If you have not tinkered with configure options, this should be 3306. The value in will take precedence if it can be read.
- Commandline:
- Description: Enable the slave to connect to the master using TLS.
- Commandline:
- Description: Master TLS CA file. Only applies if you have enabled master-ssl.
- Commandline:
- Description: Master TLS CA path. Only applies if you have enabled master-ssl.
- Commandline:
- Description: Master TLS certificate file name. Only applies if you have enabled master-ssl.
- Commandline:
- Description: Master TLS cipher. Only applies if you have enabled master-ssl.
- Commandline:
- Description: Master TLS keyfile name. Only applies if you have enabled master-ssl.
- Commandline:
- Description: The username the slave thread will use for authentication when connecting to the master. The user must have FILE privilege. If the master user is not set, user test is assumed. The value in will take precedence if it can be read.
- Commandline:
- Description: Option used by mysql-test for debugging and testing of replication.
- Commandline:
- Description: If a statement has from_db as the default database (USE), it will replicate to the to_db database. For example,
USE from_db; INSERT ...
will perform the insert in theto_db
database. For multiple rewrite rules, use this option multiple times. Only table statements are replicated, not those affecting the database, such as DROP DATABASE. Cross-database updates do not work with this option, database name translation takes place before any other --replicate-* rules are tested, and statements that use table names qualified with database names do not work with other filters such as --replicate-do-table.
If the>
character is a special character, the options can be quoted, for examplereplicate-rewrite-db="master_db_name->slave_db_name"
- Commandline:
- Description: In replication, if set to 1, do not skip events having our server id. Default value is 0 (to break infinite loops in circular replication). Can't be set to 1 if log-slave-updates is used.
- Commandline:
- Description: Option used by mysql-test for debugging and testing of replication.
- Commandline:
- Description: Non-default option to alias SYSDATE() to NOW() to make it safe for replication. Since 5.0, SYSDATE() has returned a `dynamic' value different for different invocations, even within the same statement.
Replication and binary logging system variables
- auto-increment-increment
- auto-increment-offset
- binlog-annotate-row-events
- binlog-cache-size
- binlog-checksum
- binlog-commit-wait-count
- binlog-commit-wait-usec
- binlog-direct-non-transactional-updates|
- binlog-format
- binlog-optimize-thread-scheduling
- binlog-row-image
- binlog-stmt-cache-size
- default-master-connection
- gtid-ignore-duplicates
- init-slave
- log-bin
- log-bin-index
- log-bin-trust-function-creators
- log-slave-updates
- master-retry-count
- master-verify-checksum
- max-binlog-cache-size
- max-binlog-size
- max-binlog-stmt-cache-size
- max-relay-log-size
- read-binlog-speed-limit
- relay-log
- relay-log-index
- relay-log-info-file
- relay-log-purge
- relay-log-recovery
- relay-log-space-limit
- replicate-annotate-row-events
- replicate-do-db
- replicate-do-table
- replicate-events-marked-for-skip
- replicate-ignore-db
- replicate-ignore-table
- replicate-wild-do-table
- replicate-wild-ignore-table
- report-host
- report-password
- report-port
- report-user
- rpl-recovery-rank
- server-id
- slave-compressed-protocol
- slave-ddl-exec-mode
- slave-domain-parallel-threads
- slave-exec-mode
- slave-load-tmpdir
- slave-max-allowed-packet
- slave-net-timeout
- slave-parallel-max-queued
- slave-parallel-threads
- slave-run-triggers-for-rbr
- slave-skip-errors
- slave-sql-verify-checksum
- slave-transaction-retries
- slave-type-conversions
- sync-binlog
- sync-master-info
- sync-relay-log
- sync-relay-log-info
Optimizer options
- Commandline:
- Description: Old alias for read_buffer_size.
- Removed: MariaDB 5.5
- Commandline:
- Description: Removed; use --table-open-cache instead.
- Removed: MariaDB 5.1.3
Optimizer system variables
- big-tables
- bulk-insert-buffer-size
- expensive-subquery-limit
- join-buffer-size
- join-buffer-space-limit
- join-cache-level
- max-heap-table-size
- max-join-size
- max-seeks-for-key
- max-sort-length
- mrr-buffer-size
- optimizer-prune-level
- optimizer-search-depth
- optimizer-selectivity-sampling-limit
- optimizer-switch
- optimizer-use-condition-selectivity
- query-alloc-block-size
- query-prealloc-size
- range-alloc-block-size
- read-buffer-size
- rowid-merge-buff-size
- table-definition-cache
- table-open-cache
- table-open-cache-instances
- tmp-table-size
- use-stat-tables
MyISAM options
- Commandline:
- Description: Don't flush key buffers between writes for any MyISAM table. (Deprecated option, use --delay-key-write=all instead.)
- Commandline:
- Description: Use system (external) locking (disabled by default). With this option enabled you can run myisamchk to test (not repair) tables while the server is running. Disable with --skip-external-locking.
- Commandline:
- Description: Enable the MyISAM log, which logs all MyISAM changes to file. If no filename is provided, the default, myisam.log is used.
MyISAM options
- concurrent-insert
- delayed-insert-limit
- delayed-insert-timeout
- delayed-queue-size
- keep-files-on-create
- key-buffer-size
- key-cache-age-threshold
- key-cache-block-size
- key-cache-division-limit
- key-cache-file-hash-size
- key-cache-segments
- myisam-block-size
- myisam-data-pointer-size
- myisam-max-sort-file-size
- myisam-mmap-size
- myisam-recover-options
- myisam-repair-threads
- myisam-sort-buffer-size
- myisam-stats-method
- myisam-use-mmap
InnoDB options
- Commandline:
- Description: This variable controls whether or not to load the InnoDB storage engine. Possible values are
(from MariaDB 5.5). If set toOFF
(the same as --skip-innodb), since InnoDB is the default storage engine, the server will not start unless another storage engine has been chosen with --default-storage-engine.FORCE
means that the storage engine must be successfully loaded, or else the server won't start.FORCE_PLUS_PERMANENT
enables the plugin, but if plugin cannot initialize, the server will not start. In addition, the plugin cannot be uninstalled while the server is running.
- Commandline:
- Description:
- Default:
- Commandline:
- Description:
- Default:
- Commandline:
- Description:
- Default:
- Commandline:
- Description:
- Default:
- Commandline:
- Description:
- Default:
- Commandline:
- Description:
- Default:
- Commandline:
- Description:
- Default:
- Commandline:
- Description:
- Default:
- Commandline:
- Description:
- Default:
- Commandline:
- Description:
- Default:
- Commandline:
- Description:
- Default:
- Commandline:
- Description:
- Default:
- Commandline:
- Description:
- Default:
- Commandline:
- Description:
- Default:
- Commandline:
- Description:
- Default:
- Commandline:
- Description:
- Default:
- Commandline:
- Description:
- Default:
- Commandline:
- Description:
- Default:
- Commandline:
- Description:
- Default:
- Commandline:
- Description:
- Default:
- Commandline:
- Description:
- Default:
- Commandline:
- Description:
- Default:
InnoDB system variables
- ignore-builtin-innodb
- innodb-adaptive-checkpoint
- innodb-adaptive-flushing
- innodb-adaptive-flushing-lwm
- innodb-adaptive-flushing-method
- innodb-adaptive-hash-index
- innodb-adaptive-hash-index-partitions
- innodb-adaptive-hash-index-parts
- innodb-adaptive-max-sleep-delay
- innodb-additional-mem-pool-size
- innodb-api-bk-commit-interval
- innodb-api-disable-rowlock
- innodb-api-enable-binlog
- innodb-api-enable-mdl
- innodb-api-trx-level
- innodb-auto-lru-dump
- innodb-autoextend-increment
- innodb-autoinc-lock-mode
- innodb-background-scrub-data-check-interval
- innodb-background-scrub-data-compressed
- innodb-background-scrub-data-interval
- innodb-background-scrub-data-uncompressed
- innodb-blocking-buffer-pool-restore
- innodb-buf-dump-status-frequency
- innodb-buffer-pool-chunk-size
- innodb-buffer-pool-dump-at-shutdown
- innodb-buffer-pool-dump-now
- innodb-buffer-pool-dump-pct
- innodb-buffer-pool-evict
- innodb-buffer-pool-filename
- innodb-buffer-pool-instances
- innodb-buffer-pool-load-abort
- innodb-buffer-pool-load-at-startup
- innodb-buffer-pool-load-now
- innodb-buffer-pool-populate
- innodb-buffer-pool-restore-at-startup
- innodb-buffer-pool-shm-checksum
- innodb-buffer-pool-shm-key
- innodb-buffer-pool-size
- innodb-change-buffer-max-size
- innodb-change-buffering
- innodb-change-buffering-debug
- innodb-checkpoint-age-target
- innodb-checksum-algorithm
- innodb-checksums
- innodb-cleaner-lsn-age-factor
- innodb-cmp-per-index-enabled
- innodb-commit-concurrency
- innodb-compression-algorithm
- innodb-compression-failure-threshold-pct
- innodb-compression-level
- innodb-compression-pad-pct-max
- innodb-concurrency-tickets
- innodb-corrupt-table-action
- innodb-data-file-path
- innodb-data-home-dir
- innodb-default-encryption-key-id
- innodb-default-page-encryption-key
- innodb-default-row-format
- innodb-defragment
- innodb-defragment-fill-factor
- innodb-defragment-fill-factor-n-recs
- innodb-defragment-frequency
- innodb-defragment-n-pages
- innodb-defragment-stats-accuracy
- innodb-dict-size-limit
- innodb_disable_sort_file_cache
- innodb-doublewrite
- innodb-doublewrite-file
- innodb-empty-free-list-algorithm
- innodb-enable-unsafe-group-commit
- innodb-encrypt-log
- innodb-encrypt-tables
- innodb-encryption-rotate-key-age
- innodb-encryption-rotation_iops
- innodb-encryption-threads
- innodb-extra-rsegments
- innodb-extra-undoslots
- innodb-fake-changes
- innodb-fast-checksum
- innodb-fast-shutdown
- innodb-fatal-semaphore-wait-threshold
- innodb-file-format
- innodb-file-format-check
- innodb-file-format-max
- innodb-file-per-table
- innodb-fill-factor
- innodb-flush-log-at-trx-commit
- innodb-flush-method
- innodb-flush-neighbor-pages
- innodb-flush-neighbors
- innodb-flush-sync
- innodb-flushing-avg-loops
- innodb-force-load-corrupted
- innodb-force-primary-key
- innodb-force-recovery
- innodb-foreground-preflush
- innodb-ft-aux-table
- innodb-ft-cache-size
- innodb-ft-enable-diag-print
- innodb-ft-enable-stopword
- innodb-ft-max-token-size
- innodb-ft-min-token-size
- innodb-ft-num-word-optimize
- innodb-ft-result-cache-limit
- innodb-ft-server-stopword-table
- innodb-ft-sort-pll-degree
- innodb-ft-total-cache-size
- innodb-ft-user-stopword-table
- innodb-ibuf-accel-rate
- innodb-ibuf-active-contract
- innodb-ibuf-max-size
- innodb-idle-flush-pct
- innodb-immediate-scrub-data-uncompressed
- innodb-import-table-from-xtrabackup
- innodb-instrument-semaphores
- innodb-io-capacity
- innodb-io-capacity-max
- innodb-large-prefix
- innodb-lazy-drop-table
- innodb-lock-schedule-algorithm
- innodb-locking-fake-changes
- innodb-locks-unsafe-for-binlog
- innodb-log-arch-dir
- innodb-log-arch-expire-sec
- innodb-log-archive
- innodb-log-block-size
- innodb-log-buffer-size
- innodb-log-checksum-algorithm
- innodb-log-checksums
- innodb-log-compressed-pages
- innodb-log-file-size
- innodb-log-files-in-group
- innodb-log-group-home-dir
- innodb-log-write-ahead-size
- innodb-lru-scan-depth
- innodb-max-bitmap-file-size
- innodb-max-changed-pages
- innodb-max-dirty-pages-pct
- innodb-max-dirty-pages-pct-lwm
- innodb-max-purge-lag
- innodb-max-purge-lag-delay
- innodb-max-undo-log-size
- innodb-merge-sort-block-size
- innodb-mirrored-log-groups
- innodb-monitor-disable
- innodb-monitor-enable
- innodb-monitor-reset
- innodb-monitor-reset-all
- innodb-mtflush-threads
- innodb-numa-interleave
- innodb-old-blocks-pct
- innodb-old-blocks-time
- innodb-online-alter-log-max-size
- innodb-open-files
- innodb-optimize-fulltext-only
- innodb-page-cleaners
- innodb-page-size
- innodb-pass-corrupt-table
- innodb-prefix-index-cluster-optimization
- innodb-print-all-deadlocks
- innodb-purge-batch-size
- innodb-purge-rseg-truncate-frequency
- innodb-purge-threads
- innodb-random-read-ahead
- innodb-read-ahead
- innodb-read-ahead-threshold
- innodb-read-io-threads
- innodb-read-only
- innodb-recovery-update-relay-log
- innodb-replication-delay
- innodb-rollback-on-timeout
- innodb-rollback-segments
- innodb-sched-priority-cleaner
- innodb-scrub-log
- innodb-scrub-log-interval
- innodb-scrub-log-speed
- innodb-show-locks-held
- innodb-show-verbose-locks
- innodb-sort-buffer-size
- innodb-spin-wait-delay
- innodb-stats-auto-recalc
- innodb-stats-auto-update
- innodb-stats-method
- innodb-stats-modified-counter
- innodb-stats-on-metadata
- innodb-stats-persistent
- innodb-stats-persistent-sample-pages
- innodb-stats-sample-pages
- innodb-stats-transient-sample-pages
- innodb-stats-traditional
- innodb-stats-update-need-lock
- innodb-status-output
- innodb-status-output-locks
- innodb-strict-mode
- innodb-support-xa
- innodb-sync-array-size
- innodb-sync-spin-loops
- innodb-table-locks
- innodb-temp-data-file-path
- innodb-thread-concurrency
- innodb-thread-concurrency-timer-based
- innodb-thread-sleep-delay
- innodb-tmpdir
- innodb-track-changed-pages
- innodb-undo-directory
- innodb-undo-log-truncate
- innodb-undo-logs
- innodb-undo-tablespaces
- innodb-use-atomic-writes
- innodb-use-fallocate
- innodb-use-global-flush-log-at-trx-commit
- innodb-use-mtflush
- innodb-use-native_aio
- innodb-use-purge-thread
- innodb-use-stacktrace
- innodb-use-sys-malloc
- innodb-use-sys-stats-table
- innodb-use-trim
- innodb-write-io-threads
- skip-innodb
- skip-innodb-checksums
- skip-innodb-doublewrite
Aria options
The following options are used with the Aria storage engine.
- aria-block-size
- aria-checkpoint-interval
- aria-checkpoint-log-activity
- aria-encrypt-tables
- aria-force-start-after-recovery-failures
- aria-group-commit
- aria-group-commit-interval
- aria-log-file-size
- aria-log-purge-type
- aria-max-sort-file-size
- aria-page-checksum
- aria-pagecache-age-threshold
- aria-pagecache-buffer-size
- aria-pagecache-division-limit
- aria-pagecache-file-hash-size
- aria-recover
- aria-recover-options
- aria-repair-threads
- aria-sort-buffer-size
- aria-stats-method
- aria-sync-log-dir
- aria-used-for-temp-tables
- deadlock-search-depth-long
- deadlock-search-depth-short
- deadlock-timeout-long
- deadlock-timeout-short
Performance Schema options
The following options are used with MariaDB's Performance Schema.
- Commandline:
- Description: Enable the events-stages-current consumer.
- Default:
- Commandline:
- Description: Enable the events-stages-history consumer.
- Default:
- Commandline:
- Description: Enable the events-stages-history-long consumer.
- Default:
- Commandline:
- Description: Enable the events-statements-current consumer. Use
to disable. - Default:
- Commandline:
- Description: Enable the events-statements-history consumer.
- Default:
- Commandline:
- Description: Enable the events-statements-history-long consumer.
- Default:
- Commandline:
- Description: Enable the events-waits-current consumer.
- Default:
- Commandline:
- Description: Enable the events-waits-history consumer.
- Default:
- Commandline:
- Description: Enable the events-waits-history-long consumer.
- Default:
- Commandline:
- Description: Enable the global-instrumentation consumer. Use
to disable. - Default:
- Commandline:
- Description: Enable the statements-digest consumer. Use
to disable. - Default:
- Commandline:
- Description: Enable the statements-thread-instrumentation. Use
to disable. - Default:
Performance Schema system variables
- performance-schema
- performance-schema-accounts-size
- performance-schema-digests-size
- performance-schema-events-stages-history-long-size
- performance-schema-events-stages-history-size
- performance-schema-events-statements-history-long-size
- performance-schema-events-statements-history-size
- performance-schema-events-waits-history-long-size
- performance-schema-events-waits-history-size
- performance-schema-hosts-size
- performance-schema-max-cond-classes
- performance-schema-max-cond-instances
- performance-schema-max-digest-length
- performance-schema-max-file-classes
- performance-schema-max-file-handles
- performance-schema-max-file-instances
- performance-schema-max-mutex-classes
- performance-schema-max-mutex-instances
- performance-schema-max-rwlock-classes
- performance-schema-max-rwlock-instances
- performance-schema-max-socket-classes
- performance-schema-max-socket-instances
- performance-schema-max-stage-classes
- performance-schema-max-statement-classes
- performance-schema-max-table-handles
- performance-schema-max-table-instances
- performance-schema-max-thread-classes
- performance-schema-max-thread-instances
- performance-schema-session-connect-attrs-size
- performance-schema-setup-actors-size
- performance-schema-setup-objects-size
- performance-schema-users-size
CONNECT options
The following options are used with the CONNECT storage engine.
- connect-class-path
- connect-conv-size
- connect-exact-info
- connect-indx-map
- connect-java-wrapper
- connect-json-grp-size
- connect-jvm-path
- connect-type-conv
- connect-use-tempfile
- connect-work-size
- connect-xtrace
Galera options
The following options are used with Galera Cluster.
- Commandline:
- Description: Bootstrap a cluster. It works by overriding the current value of wsrep_cluster_address. It is recommended not to add this option to the config file as this will trigger bootstrap on every server start.
Galera system variables
- wsrep-auto-increment-control
- wsrep-causal-reads
- wsrep-certify-nonPK
- wsrep-cluster-address
- wsrep-cluster-name
- wsrep-convert-LOCK-to-trx
- wsrep-data-home-dir
- wsrep-dbug-option
- wsrep-debug
- wsrep-desync
- wsrep-dirty-reads
- wsrep-drupal-282555-workaround
- wsrep-forced-binlog-format
- wsrep-load-data-splitting
- wsrep-log-conflicts
- wsrep-max-ws-rows
- wsrep-max-ws-rows
- wsrep-mysql-replication-bundle
- wsrep-node-address
- wsrep-node-incoming-address
- wsrep-node-name
- wsrep-notify-cmd
- wsrep-on
- wsrep-OSU-method
- wsrep-provider
- wsrep-provider-options
- wsrep-recover
- wsrep-retry-autocommit
- wsrep-slave-threads
- wsrep-sst-auth
- wsrep-sst-donor
- wsrep-sst-donor-rejects-queries
- wsrep-sst-method
- wsrep-sst-receive-address
- wsrep-start-position
- wsrep-sync-wait
Options when debugging mysqld
- Description: Windows-only option that keeps the console window open and for writing log messages to stderr and stdout. If specified together with --log-error, the last option will take precedence.
- Description: Write core file when mysqld crashes. The file name and location are system dependent; on Linux it is usually called
, written to the data directory.
Option | Description | Introduced |
-#, | Use logging through the DBUG library. Just using --debug will write a trace of what mysqld is doing to /tmp/mysqld.trace. | |
| Do an assert in handler::print_error() if we get a crashed table. | |
-debug-crc-break=# | Call my_debug_put_break_here() if crc matches this number (for debug). | |
| Default debug log with flush after write. | |
| ||
| Enable the debug sync facility and optionally specify a default wait timeout in seconds. A zero value keeps the facility disabled. | |
| Set up signals usable for debugging. | |
| Don't print Notes to the error log during startup. | MariaDB 10.1.8 |
| Enable/disable system sync calls. Syncs should only be turned off (--disable-sync-sys ) when running tests or debugging! | |
| Enable/disable system thread alarm calls. Should only be turned off (--disable-thread-alarm ) when running tests or debugging! | MariaDB 5.3 |
| If not set to zero, sets the number of micro-seconds to sleep after running fsync() on the binary log to flush transactions to disk. This can thus be used to artificially increase the perceived cost of such an fsync(). | MariaDB 5.3 |
Other options
- Commandline:
- Description: Allows use of user-defined functions consisting of only one symbol
without correspondingx_init()
. That also means that one can load any function from any library, for exampleexit()
. Not recommended unless you require old UDF's with one symbol that cannot be recompiled
- Commandline:
- Description: By default, the MariaDB server listens for TCP/IP connections on a network socket bound to a single address, You can specify an alternative when the server starts using this option; either a host name, an IPv4 or an IPv6 address. In Debian and Ubuntu, the default bind_address is
, which binds the server to listen on localhost only. - Data Type:
- Valid Values: Host name, IPv4, IPv6 (>= MariaDB 5.5)
- Commandline:
- Description: Used by mysql installation scripts, such as mysql_install_db to execute SQL scripts before any privilege or system tables exist. Do no use while an existing MariaDB instance is running.
- Commandline:
- Description: Don't ignore client side character set value sent during handshake.
- Commandline:
- Description: Chroot mysqld daemon during startup.
- Commandline:
- Description: Set the default character set (deprecated option, use character-set-server instead).
- Commandline:
- Description: Set the default collation (deprecated option, use collation-server instead).
- Commandline:
- Description: Load keys for des_encrypt() and des_encrypt from given file.
- Commandline:
- Description: Deprecated option, use external-locking instead.
- Commandline:
- Description: Used for debugging. Use at your own risk.
- Commandline:
- Description: Makes it possible to disable historical "unambiguous prefix" matching in the command-line option parsing.
- Default: TRUE
- Introduced: MariaDB 10.1.3
- Commandline:
- Description: Displays help with many commandline options described, and exits.
- Commandline:
- Description: Tells the server that this directory can never be a database. That means two things - firstly it is ignored by the SHOW DATABASES command and INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables. And secondly, USE, CREATE DATABASE and SELECT statements will return an error if the database from the ignored list specified. Use this option several times if you need to ignore more than one directory. To make the list empty set the void value to the option as
. Corresponding read-only variable ignore_db_dirs shows the current list. - Introduced: MariaDB 5.3.9
- Commandline:
- Description: Log some extra information to update log. Please note that this option is deprecated; see log-short-format.
- Commandline:
- Description: Don't log extra information to update and slow-query logs.
- Commandline:
- Description: Log slow queries to given log file. Defaults logging to hostname-slow.log
- Commandline:
- Description: Log all queries that have taken more than long-query-time seconds to execute to the slow query log, if active. The argument will be treated as a decimal value with microsecond precision.
- Commandline:
- Description: Path to transaction coordinator log (used for transactions that affect more than one storage engine, when binary log is disabled).
- Commandline:
- Description: The update log is deprecated since version 5.0, is replaced by the binary log and this option just turns on
- Commandline:
- Description: Deprecated in 5.1.17 and removed in 5.5. The number of seconds the slave thread will sleep before retrying to connect to the master, in case the master goes down or the connection is lost.
- Commandline:
- Description: Lock mysqld in memory.
- Commandline:
- Description: Force ndbcluster to always copy tables at alter table (should only be used if on-line alter table fails).
- Commandline:
- Description: (Deprecated): Only use one thread (for debugging under Linux). Use thread-handling=no-threads instead.
- Commandline:
- Description: Optional semicolon-separated list of plugins to load, where each plugin is identified as name=library, where name is the plugin name and library is the plugin library in plugin_dir.
- Commandline:
- Description: Takes the same type of arguments that --plugin-load does and complements --plugin-load by appending its argument to the list specified by --plugin-load. So --plugin-load can be considered a composite option consisting of resetting the plugin load list and then calling --plugin-load-add to process the argument. Note that the order in which you specify --plugin-load and --plugin-load-add is important : "--plugin-load=x --plugin-load-add=y" will be equivalent to "--plugin-load=x,y" whereas "--plugin-load-add=y --plugin-load=x" will be equivalent to "plugin-load=x".
- Introduced: MariaDB 10.0.1
- Commandline:
- Description: Maximum time in seconds to wait for the port to become free. (Default: No wait).
- Commandline:
- Description: Don't allow new user creation by the user who has no write privileges to the mysql.user table.
- Commandline:
- Description: Simulate memory shortage when compiled with the
- Commandline:
- Description: Change the value of a variable. Please note that this option is deprecated; you can set variables directly with
- Commandline:
- Description: Show user and password in SHOW SLAVE HOSTS on this master.
- Commandline:
- Description: Start without grant tables. This gives all users FULL ACCESS to all tables, which is useful in case of a lost root password. Use mysqladmin flush-privileges, mysqladmin reload or FLUSH PRIVILEGES to resume using the grant tables.
- Commandline:
- Description: Don't cache host names.
- Commandline:
- Description: Deprecated option, use skip-external-locking instead.
- Commandline:
- Description: Disables user-defined partitioning. Previously partitioned tables cannot be accessed or modifed. Tables can still be seen with SHOW TABLES or by viewing the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES table. Tables can be dropped with DROP TABLE, but this only removes .frm files, not the associated .par files, which will need to be removed manually.
- Commandline:
- Description: If set, slave is not autostarted.
- Commandline:
- Description: Disable TLS connections.
- Commandline:
- Description: Don't print a stack trace on failure.
- Commandline:
- Description: Don't allow symlinking of tables.
- Commandline:
- Description: Don't allow symlinking of tables. Deprecated and removed in MariaDB 5.5. Use[ [#-skip-symbolic-links--skip-symbolic-links]] instead.
- Removed: MariaDB 5.5
- Commandline:
- Description: Don't give threads different priorities. Deprecated and removed in MariaDB 10.0.
- Removed: MariaDB 10.0
- Commandline:
- Description: The update log was deprecated in version 5.0 and replaced by the binary log, so this option did nothing since then. Deprecated and removed in MariaDB 5.5.
- Removed: MariaDB 5.5
- Commandline:
- Description: Enable TLS for connection (automatically enabled with other flags). Disable with '
- Commandline:
- Description: Enable symbolic link support.
- Commandline:
- Description: Decision to use in heuristic recover process. Possible values are COMMIT or ROLLBACK.
- Commandline:
- Description: Using this option will cause most temporary files created to use a small set of names, rather than a unique name for each new file.
- Commandline:
- Description: Expect that server aborts with 'abort'; Don't write out server variables on 'abort'. Useful only for test scripts.
- Commandline:
- Description: Ignore wrong enums values in command line arguments. Useful only for test scripts.
- Commandline:
- Description: Enable symbolic link support. Deprecated option; use --symbolic-links instead.
- Commandline:
- Description: Run mysqld daemon as user.
- Commandline:
- Description: Used with help option for detailed help.
- Commandline:
- Description: Deprecated; use log-warnings instead.
Other system variables
- allow-suspicious-udfs
- automatic-sp-privileges
- back-log
- basedir
- character-set-filesystem
- character-set-server
- character-sets-dir
- check-constraint-checks
- collation-server
- completion-type
- connect-timeout
- datadir
- date-format
- datetime-format
- deadlock-search-depth-long
- deadlock-search-depth-short
- deadlock-timeout-long
- deadlock-timeout-short
- default-regex-flags
- default-storage-engine
- default-table-type
- default-time-zone
- default-week-format
- delay-key-write
- div-precision-increment
- enable-named-pipe
- encrypt-binlog
- encrypt-tmp-disk-tables
- encrypt-tmp-files
- encryption-algorithm
- engine-condition-pushdown
- event-scheduler
- expire-logs-days
- explicit-defaults-for-timestamp
- extra-max-connections
- extra-port
- flush
- flush-time
- ft-boolean-syntax
- ft-max-word-len
- ft-min-word-len
- ft-query-expansion-limit
- ft-stopword-file
- general-log
- general-log-file
- group-concat-max-len
- histogram-size
- histogram-type
- host-cache-size
- init-connect
- init-file
- interactive-timeout
- language
- large-pages
- lc-messages
- lc-messages-dir
- lc-time-names
- local-infile
- lock-wait-timeout
- log
- log-error
- log-output
- log-queries-not-using-indexes
- log-slow-filter
- log-slow-queries
- log-slow-rate-limit
- log-slow-verbosity
- log-tc-size
- log-warnings
- long-query-time
- low-priority-updates
- lower-case-table-names
- max-allowed-packet
- max-connections
- max-connect-errors
- max-delayed-threads
- max-digest-length
- max-error-count
- max-length-for-sort-data
- max-long-data-size
- max-prepared-stmt-count
- max-recursive-iterations
- max-session-mem-used
- max-sp-recursion-depth
- max-statement-time
- max-tmp-tables
- max-user-connections
- max-write-lock-count
- metadata-locks-cache-size
- metadata-locks-hash-instances
- min-examined-row-limit
- mrr-buffer-size
- multi-range-count
- --mysql56-temporal-format
- net-buffer-length
- net-read-timeout
- net-retry-count
- net-write-timeout
- open-files-limit
- pid-file
- plugin-dir
- plugin-maturity
- port
- preload-buffer-size
- profiling-history-size
- progress-report-time
- query-cache-limit
- query-cache-min-res-unit
- query-cache-strip-comments
- query-cache-wlock-invalidate
- read-rnd-buffer-size
- read-only
- safe-show-database
- secure-auth
- secure-file-priv
- session-track-schema
- session-track-state-change
- session-track-system-variables
- session-track-transaction-info
- skip-automatic-sp-privileges
- skip-external-locking
- skip-large-pages
- skip-name-resolve
- skip-networking
- skip-show-database
- slow-launch-time
- slow-query-log
- slow-query-log-file
- socket
- sort-buffer-size
- sql-mode
- ssl-ca
- ssl-capath
- ssl-cert
- ssl-cipher
- ssl-crl
- ssl-crlpath
- ssl-key
- standards_compliant_cte
- stored-program-cache
- strict_password_validation
- sync-frm
- table-lock-wait-timeout
- thread-cache-size
- thread-concurrency
- thread-handling
- thread-pool-idle-timeout
- thread-pool-max-threads
- thread-pool-min-threads
- thread-pool-oversubscribe
- thread-pool-prio-kickup-timer
- thread-pool-priority
- thread-pool-size
- thread-pool-stall-limit
- thread-stack
- timed-mutexes
- time-format
- tmpdir
- transaction-isolation
- transaction-alloc-block-size
- transaction-prealloc-size
- transaction-read-only
- updatable-views-with-limit
- userstat
- version
- wait-timeout
cracklib_password_check plugin
The options for the cracklib_password_check plugin are all described on the cracklib_password_check Plugin page.
Feedback plugin
The options for the Feedback Plugin are all described on the Feedback Plugin page.
HandlerSocket plugin
The options for the HandlerSocket plugin are all described on the HandlerSocket Configuration Option page.
Query_Response_Time plugin
The options for the Query_Response_Time plugin are described on the QUERY_RESPONSE_TIME plugin page.
Semisynchronous Replication plugin
The options for the Semisynchronous Replication plugin are described on the Semisynchronous Replication plugin page.
Server Audit
The options for the MariaDB Audit plugin are described on the Server Audi System Variables page.
simple_password_check plugin
The options for the simple_password_check plugin are described on the simple_password_check page.
The options for the SQL_ERROR_LOG plugin are described on the SQL_ERROR_LOG Plugin System Variables page.
Default values
You can verify the default values for an option by doing:
mysqld --no-defaults --help --verbose
The default values are at the end of this list