
MariaDB starting with 11.7

MBRCoveredBy was added in MariaDB 11.7.


MBRCoveredBy(g1, g2)


Returns 1 if the minimum bounding rectangle of g1 is covered by the minimum bounding rectangle of g2, otherwise 0.

Returns NULL If any argument is NULL, or an argument is an empty geometry.


SET @g1a = ST_GeomFromText('Point(5 6)');
SET @g1b = ST_GeomFromText('Point(5 11)');
SET @g2 = ST_GeomFromText('Polygon((0 0,0 10,10 10,10 0,0 0))');

SELECT MBRCoveredby(@g1a,@g2), MBRCoveredby(@g1b,@g2);
| MBRCoveredby(@g1a,@g2) | MBRCoveredby(@g1b,@g2) |
|                      1 |                      0 |

See Also


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