MariaDB Connector/C 2.3.5 Changelog

The most recent Stable (GA) release of MariaDB Connector/C is:
MariaDB Connector/C 3.3.10

Download Release Notes Changelog About MariaDB Connector/C

Release date: 18 Jan 2018

For the highlights of this release, see the release notes.

The revision number links will take you to the revision's page on GitHub. On GitHub you can view more details of the revision and view diffs of the code modified in that revision.

  • Revision #72a04d3 2018-01-17 08:01:21 +0100
    • Changed/fixed Wix installer images
  • Revision #bf3bcb3 2017-11-08 04:56:04 +0100
    • CONC-292: Fxed malloc result check in dynamic columns
  • Revision #d137de7 2018-01-16 19:05:02 +0100
    • cosmetic fix in install.cmake (rpm installation layout)
  • Revision #117451e 2018-01-16 16:01:51 +0100
    • installation layout: fixed typos in plugin_install_dir
  • Revision #1512448 2018-01-16 15:21:56 +0100
    • Fix for MDEV-10361: Don't try to reconnect twice: if mysql->options.reconnect is set, ma_simple_command already tries to reconnect, so there is no need to reconnect in mysql_ping again
  • Revision #6ad7e50 2018-01-16 15:18:49 +0100
    • Revert "Fix for MDEV-10361: Don't try to reconnect twice: if mysql->options.reconnect is set,"
  • Revision #739bdc8 2018-01-16 15:05:00 +0100
    • Fix for MDEV-10361: Don't try to reconnect twice: if mysql->options.reconnect is set, ma_simple_command already tries to reconnect, so there is no need to reconnect in mysql_ping again.
  • Revision #775be2e 2018-01-16 14:35:45 +0100
    • Added install layout for debian packages
  • Revision #630f36c 2017-12-25 16:10:20 +0100
    • CONC-299: Add support for missing collation and character sets
  • Revision #129e013 2017-12-22 09:39:28 +0100
    • Merge pull request #24 from nalinaly/connector_c_2.3
  • Revision #040cfbd 2017-02-26 21:08:26 +0800
    • Fix for statement memory alloc:need reset block_num
  • Revision #36c989b 2017-12-22 08:49:35 +0100


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