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This event ....


Fixed data part:

  • uint<4> The ID of the thread that issued this statement on the master.
  • uint<4> The time in seconds that the statement took to execute.
  • uint<1> The length of the name of the database which was the default database when the statement was executed. This name appears later, in the variable data part. It is necessary for statements such as INSERT INTO t VALUES(1) that don't specify the database and rely on the default database previously selected by USE.
  • uint<2> The error code resulting from execution of the statement on the master.
  • uint<2> The length of the status variable block.

Variable data part:

  • byte<lenenc > Zero or more status variables. Each status variable consists of one byte code identifying the variable stored, followed by the value of the variable. The format of the value is variable-specific.
  • string<NUL> The default database name (null-terminated).
  • string<EOF> The SQL statement. By subtraction it can know the size of the statement.


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