The SQL function RAND() generates a random number.

A RAND_EVENT contains two seed values that set the rand_seed1 and rand_seed2 system variables that are used to compute the random number.

Note: it is written only before a QUERY_EVENT and is not used with row-based logging.

  • Event Type is 13 (0x0d)


  • uint<8> The value for the first seed
  • uint<8> The value for the second seed

Example From mysqlbinlog Utility, No CRC32

# at 389
#171206 13:46:56 server id 10116  end_log_pos 424 	Rand
SET @@RAND_SEED1=685157301, @@RAND_SEED2=758850369/*!*/;
# at 424

Example Event As It's Written In The Binlog File

 c0 e6 27 5a 0d 84 27 00 00 23 00 00 00 a8 01 00 ..'Z..'..#...... 00 00 00 b5 ab d6 28 00 00 00 00 41 23 3b 2d 00 ......(......... 00 00 00 ....


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