Release Notes for MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.5.8-5

This fifth release of MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.5 is a maintenance release. This release includes security fixes.

MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.5.8-5 was released on 2020-12-14.

Fixed Security Vulnerabilities

CVE (with link)CVSS base score
CVE-2020-28912N/A (Critical)#1

MariaDB CVEs are assigned a word rating instead of a CVSS base score. See the MariaDB Engineering Policy for details.

Notable Changes

  • A new privilege REPLICA MONITOR has been introduced with this version to fix a problem when upgrading to 10.5. A replica user couldn't run SHOW REPLICA STATUS. Upgrades from 10.4 to 10.5 now adjust the privileges automatically. The new privilege needs to be added manually for a replica user when updating from an earlier 10.5 version. For more information on MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.5 privileges, see "Privileges Comparison ES10.4 and ES10.5.8-5".
    • Users of MariaDB MaxScale's MariaDB Monitor upgrading from a prior version of MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.5 who have used the new 10.5 privileges must ensure the updated privilege has been granted to the MaxScale user and Replication user. For detailed privilege information, see Configuring MariaDB Monitor's User Account.
  • The audit plugin (not MariaDB Enterprise Audit) did not log proxy users. The new plugin version 2.0.3 introduces an event sub-type PROXY_CONNECT for event type CONNECT. (MDEV-19443)
    • On connect, if a proxy user is used, an extra line will be logged: TIME,HOSTNAME,user,localhost,ID,0,PROXY_CONNECT,test,plug_dest@%,0
  • The new parameter --include-unsupported for the script mariadb_es_repo_setup can be used to enable a repository of unsupported packages in the repository configuration. The repository currently includes the CONNECT Storage Engine. The storage engine can be installed by yum install MariaDB-connect-engine or apt-get install mariadb-plugin-connect-engine (MENT-1003)
  • MariaDB Enterprise Audit did not log proxy users. The new plugin version 2.0.3 introduces an event sub-type PROXY_CONNECT for event type CONNECT. (MENT-977)
    • On connect, if a proxy user is used, an extra line will be logged:
    • The event type can also be used in filters "connect_event": ["CONNECT","DISCONNECT","PROXY_CONNECT"]
  • Performance improvements for comparisons of temporal data types with temporal literals. (MDEV-23551)
  • Performance improvements for comparisons of temporal data types. (MDEV-23537)
  • For MariaDB Enterprise Server on MS Windows, NTFS file metadata on NTFS is not flushed anymore, reducing the write workload I/O. (MDEV-24037)
  • Performance improvements for conversions from temporal data types to string. (MDEV-23568)
  • Performance improvements for handling numeric data. (MDEV-23478)
  • Default changed from 1 to 0 for command line option --temp-pool. Benchmarking showed that the old default causes a heavy mutex contention. (MDEV-22278)

Issues Fixed

Can result in data loss

  • Temporary tables created by the user or the system can overwrite existing files on creation. (MDEV-23569)
  • Server crashes on an instant ALTER TABLE .. MODIFY of a column from "not null" to "null". A virtual column must exist in the table. (MDEV-23672)
  • DELETE .. FOR PORTION OF statement accepts non-constant FROM .. TO clause. This contradicts the documentation and is inconsistent with the behavior of the UPDATE statement. (MDEV-22596)
  • Change buffer corruption when reallocating a recently freed page. (MDEV-23973)
  • S3 storage engine delayed replication can drop a table when running a master-replica setup where both master and replica are pointed at the same S3 storage. (MDEV-23691)
  • An UPDATE which is changing multiple rows can result in corrupted data if a WITHOUT OVERLAPS key will be modified. (MDEV-22714)
  • Memory corruption for tables using a column of type BIT in a WITHOUT OVERLAPS key. (MDEV-22608)

Can result in a hang or crash

  • InnoDB persistent stats analyze forces full scan which results in a lock crash. (MENT-1024)
  • InnoDB hang on INSERT with error message Semaphore wait has lasted > 300 seconds. (MENT-1007)
  • Potential stack overflow in InnoDB fulltext search with a complex MATCH .. AGAINST string. (MDEV-23999)
  • A crash of MariaDB Server is possible when binary logging is activated, caused by improper raising of an error or replication checksum. (MDEV-23832)
  • Server crashes after failed attempt to create unique key on virtual column. (MDEV-23685)
  • Possible server crash when using an index on a spatial data type with InnoDB. (MDEV-23600)
  • Possible server crash when a string function is used for a column of type DATETIME and the string function is used in a subquery which is returning a row. (MDEV-23535)
  • Server crashes if a query is executed on an InnoDB table with a foreign key where the foreign key was removed while using SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0. This case should result in an SQL error. (MDEV-23470)
  • Recursive procedure call ends with a crash instead of SQL error. (MDEV-23463)
  • Server crash when altering a table after its tablespace has been discarded already. (MDEV-22939)
  • SET GLOBAL `replicate_do_db` = DEFAULT causes a crash. (MDEV-20744)
  • JSON_MERGE_PATCH(json_doc, json_doc[, json_doc] ...) can crash if the first parameter is set to NULL and the second is not valid JSON. (MDEV-20593)
  • Server crashes after DELETE with ON DELETE SET NULL for foreign key and a virtual column in index. (MDEV-20396)
  • Crash on SELECT on a table that contains indexed virtual columns. (MDEV-18366)
  • Possible server crash for queries using the window function NTH_VALUE() (MDEV-15180)
  • MariaDB Enterprise Audit crashes. (MENT-1011)
  • MariaDB Enterprise Cluster node crash with Galera message Assertion `server_state_.rollback_mode() == wsrep::server_state::rm_async' failed. in the error log. (MENT-937)
  • Galera node crashes or hangs during IST if the connection between donor and joiner is unstable or if cluster configuration changes take place at the same time. (MENT-514)
  • Multiple calls to a Stored Procedure from another Stored Procedure crashes server. (MDEV-23094)
  • Server hang if TABLE LOCK is used after BACKUP LOCK was used. (MDEV-22879)
  • Server crash on table updates using FOR PORTION OF (MDEV-22805)
  • Server crash if a transaction is started with SET SESSION wsrep_on=1, but the global wsrep_on is 0 (MDEV-22443)
  • If resizing the redo log to be triggered immediately before a server shutdown is initiated, and if innodb_flush_sync=0 (non default setting), the shutdown may hang because the page cleaner thread fails to finish its job. (MENT-1031)
  • Crash recovery fails with Error
    InnoDB: Missing FILE_CHECKPOINT at ... between the checkpoint ... and the end ... after restart, if the redo log size has been changed with SET GLOBAL (MENT-795)
  • Replica crashes upon rename of a view. (MDEV-23764)
  • The server can crash when an UPDATE is executed on a HEAP table using WITHOUT OVERLAPS, and the UPDATE is done for a value of a compound key which is included in the WITHOUT OVERLAPS definition. (MDEV-22677)

Can result in unexpected behavior

  • Defining a view with SQL syntax ISNULL(ID)=0 incorrectly returns a syntax error. (MENT-1015)
  • Aborting a query on an InnoDB table with KILL QUERY does not show an SQL error message, if the query could not be aborted. (MDEV-23938)
  • Optimizer has chosen an inefficient plan, if a multi-component index, a second index, and a WHERE or ON clause with conditions over these indexes are used. (MDEV-23811)
  • Some rounding has been done in an unexpected way for decimal numbers. (MDEV-23702)
  • Creating a view removes parentheses on expressions from the SELECT, which results in wrong results. (MDEV-23656)
  • mysql_tzinfo_to_sql under InnoDB is slow. (MDEV-23440)
  • UDF cannot be uninstalled if the UDF library file doesn't exist. (MDEV-23327)
  • CAST(expr AS type) with type DECIMAL can return an unexpected result, if the given value for "expr" includes many leading zeros. (MDEV-23105)
  • CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER in Galera cluster not replicating, if a trigger with the same name already exists. (MDEV-21578)
  • mysqld_multi no longer works with different server binaries. (MDEV-21526)
  • Possible slow server start and stop if full text indexes are used. (MDEV-18867)
  • The parentheses in a VIEW can be defined incorrectly for a combination of = and BETWEEN (MDEV-17408)
  • ER_BASE64_DECODE_ERROR upon replaying binary log. (MDEV-16372)
  • Subquery on information_schema fails with an error message. (MENT-1016)
  • AUTO_INCREMENT does not increment with compound primary key on partitioned table. (MENT-997)
  • CREATE .. SELECT can result in empty result on join versioned table. (MDEV-23799)
  • Error
    ERROR 4142 (HY000): SYSTEM_TIME partitions in table `t1` does not support historical query upon querying a view, when that view is selecting from the versioned table with partitions. It only happens if the view itself was created using FOR SYSTEM_TIME ALL (MDEV-23779)
  • Disk space not reused for Blob in data file. (MDEV-23072)
  • CHECK TABLE fails to validate corruption on a table that was corrupted by a bug related to instant ADD or DROP (fixed in MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.3.17, 10.4.7). (MDEV-21251)
  • Subquery execution not terminated after LIMIT ROWS EXAMINED is exceeded. (MDEV-18335)
  • Deadlock between BACKUP STAGE BLOCK_COMMIT and parallel replication. (MDEV-23586)
  • Possible memory leak in galera library. (MDEV-23559)
  • A query result includes a data row twice depending on the WHERE clause used, if partitioning is used. (MDEV-22246)
  • galera_new_cluster starts server as standalone instance with no warnings or errors when wsrep_on=OFF, although the expectation is to bootstrap a cluster. (MENT-979)
  • Wrong value #wsrep_provider_options="gcache.size=1024Mb" in server.cnf for wsrep_provider_options The server would not start after removing the comment. (MENT-970)
  • Wrongly reported SQL Error (1038): Out of sort memory for queries, where dependent subqueries use the ORDER BY clause. (MDEV-24015)
  • IN-to-subquery conversion is not visible in optimizer trace. (MDEV-23767)
  • mariadb_es_repo_setup curl failed on Ubuntu Focal if ca-certificates is not installed. Now it will prompt an error about missing ca-certificates (MENT-971)
  • Upgrade wizard not offered during 10.5 MSI installation on Windows. (MDEV-23462)

Changes in Storage Engines

  • This release incorporates MariaDB ColumnStore storage engine version 5.5.1.

Interface Changes

  • mariadbd --innodb-lru-flush-size command-line option added
  • mariadbd --innodb-max-purge-lag-wait command-line option added
  • mariadbd --s3-port command-line option added
  • mariadbd --s3-use-http command-line option added


In alignment to the enterprise lifecycle, MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.5.8-5 is provided for:

  • CentOS 7
  • CentOS 8
  • Debian 9
  • Debian 10
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15
  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • Ubuntu 20.04
  • Microsoft Windows

Some components of MariaDB Enterprise Server might not support all platforms. For additional information, see MariaDB Corporation Engineering Policies".

Installation Instructions

Upgrade Instructions


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