Using compound statements outside of stored routines

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Starting from MariaDB 10.1.1 compound statements can be used outside of stored routines too:

MariaDB [test]> delimiter |
MariaDB [test]> if @have_innodb then
    ->   CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS innodb_index_stats (
    ->     database_name    VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL,
    ->     table_name       VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL,
    ->     index_name       VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL,
    ->     stat_name        VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL,
    ->     stat_value       BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
    ->     sample_size      BIGINT UNSIGNED,
    ->     stat_description VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL,
    ->     PRIMARY KEY (database_name, table_name, index_name, stat_name)
    -> end if|
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 2 warnings (0.00 sec)

Note, that using compound statements this way is subject to following limitations:

  • Only BEGIN, IF, CASE, LOOP, WHILE, REPEAT statements may start a compound statement outside of stored routines.
  • BEGIN must be use in the BEGIN NOT ATOMIC syntax (otherwise it'll be confused with BEGIN that starts a transaction).
  • A compound statement might not start with a label.
  • A compound statement is parsed completely — note "2 warnings" in the above example, even if the condition was false (InnoDB was, indeed, disabled), and the CREATE TABLE statement was not executed, it was still parsed and the parser produced "Unknown storage engine" warning.

Inside a compound block first three limitations do not apply, one can use anything that can be used inside a stored routine — including labels, condition handlers, variables, and so on:

MariaDB [test]> begin not atomic
    -> declare foo condition for 1146;
    -> declare x int default 0;
    -> declare continue handler for foo set x=1;
    -> insert into test.t1 values ("hndlr1", val, 2);
    -> end|


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