Changes & Improvements in MariaDB 5.5

MariaDB 5.5 is no longer maintained. Please use a more recent release.

The most recent release in the MariaDB 5.5 series is:
MariaDB 5.5.68 Download Now

MariaDB 5.5 is MariaDB 5.3 + MySQL 5.5, with added features. The first stable release was in April 2012, and the final release in May 2020.

For upgrading to MariaDB 10.0, the more recent stable release, see Upgrading from MariaDB 5.5 to MariaDB 10.0.

Feature Comparison Matrix

We have created an Optimizer Feature Comparison Matrix showing the new optimizer features in MariaDB 5.5 and 5.3 compared to MySQL 5.5 and 5.6.

See also a detailed breakdown of System variable differences between MariaDB 5.5 and MySQL 5.5.

New Features

Information Schema

There are a number of new INFORMATION SCHEMA tables:

Minor Extensions

  • Updates to performance schema tables are not stored in the binary log and thus not replicated to slaves. This is to ensure that monitoring of the master will not cause a slower performance on all slaves. This also fixes a crash on the slaves.

New features are added to MariaDB 10.0.

Deprecated / Disabled Features

  • PBXT is no longer in the binary builds/distributions. It's however still in the source distributions and in the source tree. The reason is that PBXT is no longer actively maintained, has a few bugs that are not fixed and is not in widespread use.

Switching Between InnoDB and XtraDB

MariaDB 5.5 comes with both XtraDB (compiled in) and InnoDB (as a plugin). By default MariaDB 5.5 uses XtraDB. If you want to switch to use InnoDB you can do:

mysqld --ignore-builtin-innodb \

(plugin_dir should point to where is installed)

The above options can of course also be added to your my.cnf file:


If you want you can also compile MariaDB with InnoDB as default.

Security Vulnerabilities Fixed in MariaDB 5.5

For a complete list of security vulnerabilities (CVEs) fixed across all versions of MariaDB, see the Security Vulnerabilities Fixed in MariaDB page.

The following CVEs are also fixed in MariaDB 5.5 but the fix is not tied to a specific version number:

List of All MariaDB 5.5 Releases

DateReleaseStatusRelease NotesChangelog
12 May 2020MariaDB 5.5.68Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
28 Jan 2020MariaDB 5.5.67Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
5 Nov 2019MariaDB 5.5.66Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
31 Jul 2019MariaDB 5.5.65Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
29 Apr 2019MariaDB 5.5.64Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
30 Jan 2019MariaDB 5.5.63Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
26 Oct 2018MariaDB 5.5.62Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
31 Jul 2018MariaDB 5.5.61Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
23 Apr 2018MariaDB 5.5.60Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
19 Jan 2018MariaDB 5.5.59Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
18 Oct 2017MariaDB 5.5.58Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
19 Jul 2017MariaDB 5.5.57Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
3 May 2017MariaDB 5.5.56Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
13 Apr 2017MariaDB 5.5.55Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
24 Dec 2016MariaDB 5.5.54Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
17 Oct 2016MariaDB 5.5.53Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
13 Sep 2016MariaDB 5.5.52Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
10 Aug 2016MariaDB 5.5.51Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
17 Jun 2016MariaDB 5.5.50Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
22 Apr 2016MariaDB 5.5.49Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
11 Feb 2016MariaDB 5.5.48Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
10 Dec 2015MariaDB 5.5.47Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
12 Oct 2015MariaDB 5.5.46Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
6 Aug 2015MariaDB 5.5.45Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
11 Jun 2015MariaDB 5.5.44Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
1 May 2015MariaDB 5.5.43Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
19 Feb 2015MariaDB 5.5.42Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
21 Dec 2014MariaDB 5.5.41Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
9 Oct 2014MariaDB 5.5.40Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
5 Aug 2014MariaDB 5.5.39Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
9 Jun 2014MariaDB 5.5.38Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
17 Apr 2014MariaDB 5.5.37Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
25 Feb 2014MariaDB 5.5.36Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
29 Jan 2014MariaDB 5.5.35Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
21 Nov 2013MariaDB 5.5.34Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
20 Sep 2013MariaDB 5.5.33aStable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
17 Sep 2013MariaDB 5.5.33Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
18 Jul 2013MariaDB 5.5.32Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
23 May 2013MariaDB 5.5.31Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
12 Mar 2013MariaDB 5.5.30Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
30 Jan 2013MariaDB 5.5.29Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
29 Nov 2012MariaDB 5.5.28aStable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
22 Oct 2012MariaDB 5.5.28Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
7 Sep 2012MariaDB 5.5.27Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
22 Jun 2012MariaDB 5.5.25Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
31 May 2012MariaDB 5.5.24Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
11 Apr 2012MariaDB 5.5.23Stable (GA)Release NotesChangelog
29 Mar 2012MariaDB 5.5.22Release CandidateRelease NotesChangelog
16 Mar 2012MariaDB 5.5.21BetaRelease NotesChangelog
25 Feb 2012MariaDB 5.5.20AlphaRelease NotesChangelog

See Also


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