Enterprise Server Release Schedule
This page is part of MariaDB's Documentation.
The parent of this page is: MariaDB Enterprise Server
Topics on this page:
MariaDB Enterprise Server enables a predictable development and operations experience through an enterprise lifecycle. This enterprise lifecycle incorporates optimized builds, predictable release behavior, and vendor support.
Minor and maintenance releases of MariaDB Enterprise Server incorporate bug fixes and security fixes. Like all releases of MariaDB Enterprise Server, minor and maintenance releases undergo extensive QA testing before release to customers.
The frequency of minor and maintenance releases is variable. Minor or maintenance releases occur for each release series at least quarterly. A portion of minor and maintenance releases occur on a pre-scheduled basis. Additional releases may be added by MariaDB Corporation between scheduled release dates to manage the flow of change or to address specific defects.
Next Scheduled Releases
Upcoming minor or maintenance releases are scheduled for:
Prior Releases
Previously-announced minor or maintenance release dates:
2025-01-16 (ES 11.4.4-2, ES 11.4.0-1 Technical Preview)
2024-12-10 (ES 10.6.20-16, ES 10.5.27-21)
2024-09-09 (ES 10.6.19-15, ES 10.5.26-20)
2024-06-11 (ES 10.6.18-14, ES 10.5.25-19, ES 10.4.34-24)
2024-04-24 (ES 10.6.17-13)
2024-03-11 (ES 10.6.17-12, ES 10.5.24-18, ES 10.4.33-23)
2023-12-12 (ES 10.6.16-11, ES 10.5.23-17, ES 10.4.32-22)
2023-09-11 (ES 10.6.15-10, ES 10.5.22-16, ES 10.4.31-21)
2023-06-12 (ES 10.6.14-9, ES 10.5.21-15, ES 10.4.30-20, ES 10.3.39-20)
2023-03-13 (ES 10.6.12-7, ES 10.5.19-14, ES 10.4.28-19, ES 10.3.38-19)
2022-12-20 (ES 10.6.11-6, ES 10.5.18-13, ES 10.4.27-18, ES 10.3.37-18)
2022-09-12 (ES 10.6.9-5, ES 10.5.17-12, ES 10.4.26-17, ES 10.3.36-17)
2022-06-13 (ES 10.6.8-4, ES 10.5.16-11, ES 10.4.25-16, ES 10.3.35-16)
2022-03-14 (ES 10.6.7-3, ES 10.5.15-10, ES 10.4.24-15, ES 10.3.34-15, ES 10.2.43-15)
2021-12-13 (ES 10.6.5-2, ES 10.5.13-9, ES 10.4.22-14, ES 10.3.32-14, ES 10.2.41-14)
2021-09-14 (ES 10.5.12-8, ES 10.4.21-13, ES 10.3.31-13, ES 10.2.40-13)
2021-08-26 (ES 10.6.4-1)
2021-06-14 (ES 10.5.10-7, ES 10.4.19-12, ES 10.3.29-12, ES 10.2.38-12)
2021-03-15 (ES 10.5.9-6, ES 10.4.18-11, ES 10.3.28-11, ES 10.2.37-11)
2020-12-14 (ES 10.5.8-5, ES 10.4.17-10, ES 10.3.27-10, ES 10.2.36-10)
2020-10-07 (ES 10.5.6-4, ES 10.4.15-9, ES 10.3.25-9, ES 10.2.34-9)
2020-09-08 (scheduled 2020-09-07, ES 10.5.5-3, ES 10.4.14-8, ES 10.3.24-8, ES 10.2.33-8)
2020-07-16 (ES 10.5.4-2, ES 10.5.4-1)
2020-06-08 (ES 10.4.13-7, ES 10.3.23-7, ES 10.2.32-7)
2020-05-21 (ES 10.5.3-1)
2020-03-02 (ES 10.4.12-6, ES 10.3.22-6, ES 10.2.31-6)
2020-02-17 (superseded by 2020-03-02)
2020-01-06 (ES 10.4.11-5, ES 10.3.21-5, ES 10.2.30-5)
2019-11-18 (ES 10.4.10-4, ES 10.3.20-4, ES 10.2.29-4)
2019-09-30 (ES 10.4.8-3, ES 10.3.18-3, ES 10.2.27-3)
2019-08-19 (ES 10.4.7-2, ES 10.3.17-2, ES 10.2.26-2)
Obtaining MariaDB Enterprise Server
MariaDB Enterprise Server is available to MariaDB subscription customers via the MariaDB Customer Portal.
If you are not yet a MariaDB subscription customer, contact MariaDB Corporation for more information.
MariaDB Enterprise Server binary and source code is delivered over secure protocols from MariaDB Corporation-maintained infrastructure as detailed in the Deployment Guide.