SkySQL Observability service
This page is part of MariaDB's Documentation.
The parent of this page is: Monitoring
Topics on this page:
The SkySQL Observability service makes observability features available for MariaDB enterprise customers on-premises or in private clouds.
This page shows how to install and configure MariaDB Agent Manager to send monitoring data to SkySQL Observability service.
Alternatively, a quickstart is available at "Onboarding for the SkySQL Observability service".
MariaDB Products
MariaDB Community Server 10.3
MariaDB Community Server 10.4
MariaDB Community Server 10.5
MariaDB Community Server 10.6
MariaDB Enterprise ColumnStore 5
MariaDB Enterprise ColumnStore 6
MariaDB Enterprise ColumnStore 22.08
MariaDB Enterprise ColumnStore 23.02
MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.3
MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.4
MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.5
MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.6
MariaDB MaxScale 2.5
MariaDB MaxScale 6
MariaDB MaxScale 22.08
MariaDB MaxScale 23.02
MariaDB Xpand 5.3
MariaDB Xpand 6.0
MariaDB Xpand 6.1
Operating Systems
CentOS 7
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8
Rocky Linux 8
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
This procedure shows how to install and configure MariaDB Agent Manager to send monitoring data to the SkySQL Observability service. This procedure is intended to be followed linearly from the top to the bottom of the page.
Some steps in the procedure contain different instructions for MariaDB Server and MariaDB Xpand. If the host is running MariaDB Enterprise Server, MariaDB Enterprise ColumnStore, or MariaDB Community server, the instructions for MariaDB Server should be used.
Some steps in the procedure contain different instructions for Forwarding Hosts and Monitored Hosts. Read the instructions carefully to determine which instructions apply to each host.
MariaDB Agent Manager
The MariaDB Agent Manager coordinates deployment of the agents needed to consolidate and push data to the SkySQL Observability service.
The SkySQL Observability service should be used with MariaDB Agent Manager 1.3 or a version released more recently than 2023-04-18.
Host Types
These instructions describe actions performed on two types of hosts:
Forwarding Hosts forward data to the SkySQL Observability service. Forwarding Hosts run the following components:
A local Prometheus server
MariaDB Agent Manager daemon
Monitored Hosts are servers that run MariaDB Server, MariaDB Xpand, or MariaDB MaxScale. Monitored Hosts transmit monitoring data to Forwarding Hosts. Monitored Hosts run exporters to collect the monitoring data, such as:
Dedicated Forwarding Hosts are supported, but not required. A service can have one dedicated Forwarding Host.
A Monitored Host can serve as a combined Forwarding and Monitored Host. In non-production environments, particularly when only a single host is in use, it might be preferable for the host to serve both roles.
System Requirements
Memory Requirements
On each Forwarding Host, the expected memory footprint of MariaDB Agent Manager and its components is around 150 MB.
Storage Requirements
On each Forwarding Host, the Prometheus data directory must have sufficient storage capacity to cache service metrics. The service metrics typically require 100 MB or less. The specific capacity requirements depend on the number of services, the service types, and the Prometheus configuration.
For additional information about the specific directories that are used, see "
".Log Collection
Fluent Bit can be used to collect and process logs.
Pricing and Billing
Pricing is based on the number of servers being monitored.
Refer to the SkySQL portal for SkySQL Observability service pricing. Volume pricing is available.
Only Monitored Hosts count for billing purposes. Dedicated Forwarding Hosts are not counted.
If servers are only monitored for part of a month, charges are prorated. Depending on the type of customer account, monthly charges for the SkySQL Observability service will either be sent as a standalone invoice or in a combined invoice with other charges.
Customers can stop their SkySQL Observability service subscription by stopping the MariaDB Agent Manager services on the Monitored Hosts and Forwarding Hosts.
Before deploying MariaDB Agent Manager, you must meet the following prerequisites:
with the desired key scopes, and save the API key to a plain-text file
For the SkySQL Observability service, the API key must have the "Observability API: Read" and "Observability API: Write" key scopes
When users are part of a
, the API key must be created by the team owner.
Step 1: Determine Systemd Mode
MariaDB Agent Manager is installed and executed differently on different operating systems:
On some operating systems, MariaDB Agent Manager is installed in "system" systemd mode. On these operating systems, Agent Manager must be installed as
, and the systemd services are managed by the main systemd system manager (PID 1).On other operating systems, MariaDB Agent Manager is installed in "user" systemd mode. On these operating systems, Agent Manager must be installed as a non-root user, and the systemd services are managed by the systemd user manager instance owned by the user that installed the package.
For details about which mode is used on specific operating system, see "
".Step 2: Create Dedicated OS User (User Systemd Mode)
On operating systems that use MariaDB Agent Manager in sudo
group during the installation process. The existing user must also have a password.
On operating systems that use MariaDB Agent Manager in root
OS user.
On each Forwarding Host and Monitored Host, consider creating a dedicated user account and group for MariaDB Agent Manager.
To create a user account named mariadbagent
in a default group with the same name:
$ useradd --create-home --user-group --groups sudo --shell /bin/bash mariadbagent
$ passwd mariadbagent
The user can be removed from the sudo group after installation.
Before continuing with the rest of this procedure, login as the new dedicated OS user. When logging in, do not use su
, because a full login session is required to start the systemd user manager instance used by MariaDB Agent Manager's systemd services. Each of the subsequent steps in this procedure should be performed using the full login session for this dedicated user account.
Step 3: Install MariaDB Agent Manager
MariaDB Agent Manager transmits monitoring metrics and topology status data to the SkySQL Observability service.
On each Forwarding Host and Monitored Host, MariaDB Agent Manager must be installed using one of the following methods:
Step 4: Start and Configure MariaDB Agent Manager
On each Forwarding Host and Monitored Host, MariaDB Agent Manager must be configured and started. The procedure depends upon the software running on the node.
For each Forwarding Host and Monitored Host, follow the procedure for the type of node linked in the pages below:
Step 5: Check Monitoring Dashboard in Portal
After MariaDB Agent Manager has been started on each Forwarding Host and Monitored Host, check the monitoring dashboard in the