Step 5: Install MariaDB MaxScale


This page details step 5 of the 7-step procedure "Deploy Primary/Replica Topology".

This step install MariaDB MaxScale 2.5.

The MaxScale node must meet requirements.

Interactive commands are detailed. Alternatively, the described operations can be performed using automation.

Retrieve Customer Download Token

MariaDB Corporation provides package repositories for YUM (RHEL, CentOS), APT (Debian, Ubuntu), and ZYpp (SLES). A download token is required to access the MariaDB Enterprise Repository.

Customer Download Tokens are customer-specific and are available through the MariaDB Customer Portal.

To retrieve the token for your account:

  1. Navigate to

  2. Log in.

  3. Copy the Customer Download Token.

Substitute your token for CUSTOMER_DOWNLOAD_TOKEN when configuring the package repositories.

Set Up Repository

  1. On the MaxScale node, install the prerequisites for downloading the software from the Web.

    Install on CentOS / RHEL (YUM):

    $ sudo yum install curl

    Install on Debian / Ubuntu (APT):

    $ sudo apt install curl apt-transport-https

    Install on SLES (ZYpp):

    $ sudo zypper install curl
  2. On the MaxScale node, configure package repositories and specify MariaDB MaxScale 2.5:

    $ curl -LsSO
    $ echo "99ea6c55dbf32bfc42cdcd05c892aebc5e51b06f4c72ec209031639d6e7db9fe  mariadb_es_repo_setup" \
           | sha256sum -c -
    $ chmod +x mariadb_es_repo_setup
    $ sudo ./mariadb_es_repo_setup --token="CUSTOMER_DOWNLOAD_TOKEN" --apply \
          --skip-server \
          --skip-tools \

Install MaxScale

On the MaxScale node, install MariaDB MaxScale.

Install on CentOS / RHEL (YUM):

$ sudo yum install maxscale

Install on Debian / Ubuntu (APT):

$ sudo apt install maxscale

Install on SLES (ZYpp):

$ sudo zypper install maxscale

Next Step

Navigation in the procedure "Deploy Primary/Replica Topology":

  • This page was step 5 of 7.