Release Notes for MariaDB Connector/J 2.7.5


MariaDB Connector/J is an interface between Java applications and MariaDB Server. MariaDB Connector/J enables the development of Java 8 and Java 11 applications for MariaDB database products.

MariaDB Connector/J 2.7.5 was released on 2022-01-19. This release is of General Availability (GA) maturity. This release is compatible with JDBC 4.2.

Notable Changes

  • The connection ID is now included in important log messages. This allows the messages to be more easily correlated with messages in the MariaDB Server log. (CONJ-897)

  • The connect call does not set the session_track_schema system variable anymore, which is the MariaDB Server default. (CONJ-914)

Issues Fixed

  • When MariaDB Connector/J connects to MariaDB Xpand, error message [1036] Unknown variable: session_track_schema is logged. (CONJ-914)

  • When a socket fails in a Connection Pool, the other connections in the pool are not validated before use. (CONJ-896)

  • Options useBatchMultiSend and usePipelineAuth are disabled without reason for the standard RDS instance. (CONJ-895)