Upgrade Multi-Node MariaDB Enterprise ColumnStore from 6 to 22.08
This page is part of MariaDB's Documentation.
The parent of this page is: Upgrades for Multi-Node MariaDB Enterprise ColumnStore
Topics on this page:
These instructions detail the upgrade from MariaDB Enterprise ColumnStore 6 to MariaDB Enterprise ColumnStore 22.08 in a Multi-Node topology on a range of supported Operating Systems.
Set Replicas to Maintenance Mode
This action is performed for each replica server on the MaxScale node.
Prior to upgrading, the replica servers must be set to maintenance mode in MaxScale. The replicas can be set to maintenance mode in MaxScale using MaxScale's REST API. If you are using MaxCtrl, the replicas can be set to maintenance mode using the set server command:
$ maxctrl set server \
mcs2 \
As the first argument, provide the name for the server
As the second argument, provide
as the state
Confirm Maintenance Mode is Set for Replicas
This action is performed on the MaxScale node.
Confirm that the replicas are set to maintenance mode in MaxScale using MaxScale's REST API. If you are using MaxCtrl, the state of the replicas can be viewed using the list servers command:
$ maxctrl list servers
│ Server │ Address │ Port │ Connections │ State │ GTID │
│ mcs3 │ │ 3306 │ 0 │ Maintenance, Running │ 0-1-17 │
│ mcs2 │ │ 3306 │ 0 │ Maintenance, Running │ 0-1-17 │
│ mcs1 │ │ 3306 │ 0 │ Master, Running │ 0-1-17 │
If the node is properly in maintenance mode, then the State
column will show Maintenance
as one of the states.
Disable GTID Strict Mode
This action is performed on each replica server.
The gtid_
You can check if the gtid_mysqld
$ my_print_defaults --mysqld \
| grep "gtid[-_]strict[-_]mode"
If the gtid_#
in front of it in the configuration file, so that it will be treated as a comment and ignored:
# temporarily commented out for upgrade
# gtid_strict_mode=1
Shutdown ColumnStore
Prior to upgrading, MariaDB Enterprise ColumnStore must be shutdown.
$ mcs cluster stop
Stop Services
This action is performed on each ColumnStore node.
Prior to upgrading, several services must be stopped on each ColumnStore node:
Stop the CMAPI service:
$ sudo systemctl stop mariadb-columnstore-cmapi
Stop the MariaDB Enterprise ColumnStore service:
$ sudo systemctl stop mariadb-columnstore
Stop the MariaDB Enterprise Server service:
$ sudo systemctl stop mariadb
Upgrade to the New Version
MariaDB Corporation provides package repositories for YUM (RHEL, CentOS, Rocky Linux) and APT (Debian, Ubuntu).
Upgrade via YUM (RHEL, CentOS, Rocky Linux)
Retrieve your Customer Download Token at https://customers.mariadb.com/downloads/token/ and substitute for
in the following directions.Configure the YUM package repository.
Enterprise ColumnStore 23.10 is included with MariaDB Enterprise Server 11.4. Pass the version to install using the
flag to mariadb_es_ .repo_ setup To configure YUM package repositories:
$ sudo yum install curl
$ curl -LsSO https://dlm.mariadb.com/enterprise-release-helpers/mariadb_es_repo_setup
$ echo "99ea6c55dbf32bfc42cdcd05c892aebc5e51b06f4c72ec209031639d6e7db9fe mariadb_es_repo_setup" \ | sha256sum -c -
$ chmod +x mariadb_es_repo_setup
$ sudo ./mariadb_es_repo_setup --token="CUSTOMER_DOWNLOAD_TOKEN" --apply \ --mariadb-server-version="11.4"
Update MariaDB Enterprise Server and package dependencies:
$ sudo yum update "MariaDB-*" "MariaDB-columnstore-engine" "MariaDB-columnstore-cmapi"
Upgrade via APT (Debian, Ubuntu)
Retrieve your Customer Download Token at https://customers.mariadb.com/downloads/token/ and substitute for
in the following directions.Configure the APT package repository.
Enterprise ColumnStore 23.10 is included with MariaDB Enterprise Server 11.4. Pass the version to install using the
flag to mariadb_es_ .repo_ setup To configure APT package repositories:
$ sudo apt install curl
$ curl -LsSO https://dlm.mariadb.com/enterprise-release-helpers/mariadb_es_repo_setup
$ echo "99ea6c55dbf32bfc42cdcd05c892aebc5e51b06f4c72ec209031639d6e7db9fe mariadb_es_repo_setup" \ | sha256sum -c -
$ chmod +x mariadb_es_repo_setup
$ sudo ./mariadb_es_repo_setup --token="CUSTOMER_DOWNLOAD_TOKEN" --apply \ --mariadb-server-version="11.4"
$ sudo apt update
Update MariaDB Enterprise Server and package dependencies.
The update command depends on the installed APT version, which can be determined by executing the following command:
$ apt --version
apt 2.0.9 (amd64)
For versions prior to APT 2.0, execute the following command:
$ sudo apt install --only-upgrade "mariadb*"
For APT 2.0 and later, execute the following command:
$ sudo apt install --only-upgrade '?upgradable ?name(mariadb.*)'
Disable ColumnStore Service
This action is performed on each ColumnStore node.
After upgrading, the MariaDB Enterprise ColumnStore service should be stopped, since it will be controlled by CMAPI:
$ sudo systemctl stop mariadb-columnstore
$ sudo systemctl disable mariadb-columnstore
CMAPI disables the Enterprise ColumnStore service in a multi-node deployment. The Enterprise ColumnStore service will be started as-needed by the CMAPI service, so it does not need to start automatically upon reboot.
Start Services
This action is performed on each ColumnStore node.
After upgrading, the CMAPI service and the MariaDB Enterprise Server service must be started on each ColumnStore node:
Start the CMAPI service:
$ sudo systemctl start mariadb-columnstore-cmapi
Start the MariaDB Enterprise Server service:
$ sudo systemctl start mariadb
Write Binary Log
On the primary server, run mariadb-upgrade to upgrade the data directory with binary logging enabled to update the system tables:
$ mariadb-upgrade --write-binlog
Start ColumnStore
After upgrading, MariaDB Enterprise ColumnStore must be started.
$ mcs cluster start
Enable GTID Strict Mode
This action is performed on each replica server.
If you temporarily disabled the gtid_
Confirm ColumnStore Version
This action is performed on each ColumnStore node.
After upgrading, it is recommended to confirm the Enterprise ColumnStore version on each ColumnStore node. Connect to the node using MariaDB Client and query the Columnstore_
SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE 'Columnstore_version';
| Variable_name | Value |
| Columnstore_version | 22.08.1 |
Confirm ES Version
This action is performed on each ColumnStore node.
After upgrading, it is recommended to confirm the ES version on each ColumnStore node. Connect to the node using MariaDB Client and query the version system variable with SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES:
| Variable_name | Value |
| version | 10.6.9-5-MariaDB-enterprise-log |
Clear Maintenance Mode for Replicas
This action is performed for each replica server on the MaxScale node.
After the upgrade, maintenance mode for each replica has been cleared in MaxScale using MaxScale's REST API. If you are using MaxCtrl, maintenance mode can be cleared using the clear server command:
$ maxctrl clear server \
mcs2 \
As the first argument, provide the name for the server
As the second argument, provide
as the state
Confirm Maintenance Mode is Cleared for Replicas
This action is performed for each replica server on the MaxScale node.
Confirm that maintenance mode in MaxScale has been cleared for each replica using MaxScale's REST API. If you are using MaxCtrl, the state of the replicas can be viewed using the list servers command:
$ maxctrl list servers
│ Server │ Address │ Port │ Connections │ State │ GTID │
│ mcs3 │ │ 3306 │ 0 │ Slave, Running │ 0-3-159 │
│ mcs2 │ │ 3306 │ 0 │ Slave, Running │ 0-1-88 │
│ mcs1 │ │ 3306 │ 0 │ Master, Running │ 0-1-88 │
If the node is no longer in maintenance mode, then the State
column will no longer show Maintenance
as one of the states.