This page is part of MariaDB's Documentation.
The parent of this page is: Interactive Clients
Topics on this page:
HeidiSQL can connect to MariaDB SkySQL services, allowing you to run queries interactively:
HeidiSQL is a graphical database tool
HeidiSQL is available for Windows
HeidiSQL has been tested by MariaDB to properly connect and execute queries with:
Distributed Transactions
Multi-Node Analytics
Replicated Transactions
Single Node Analytics
Single Node Transactions
Tested Versions
These instructions are based on:
HeidiSQL version 12.0.0 for Windows, 64-bit
When using other versions, these instructions may require adjustment.
Installing HeidiSQL
On Windows, HeidiSQL is most often installed via MariaDB's MSI package.
Installing HeidiSQL via MSI (Windows)
HeidiSQL can be installed on Windows by using the following process:
Go to the MariaDB download page:
Confirm that "MariaDB Community tab is selected.
In the "Version" dropdown, select the MariaDB Community Server version you want to download.
In the "OS" dropdown, select "MS Windows (64-bit)".
Click on the "Download" button to download the MSI package.
When the MSI package finishes downloading, run it.
On the first screen, click "Next" to start the Setup Wizard.
On the second screen, click the license agreement checkbox, and then click "Next".
On the third screen, select the components to install. If you only want HeidiSQL:
Deselect "MariaDB Server".
Deselect "Development Components".
When only "Third party tools" and "HeidiSQL" are selected, click "Next".
On the next screen, click "Install".
When the installation process completes, click "Finish".
Connecting with HeidiSQL
To connect to a MariaDB SkySQL service:
Determine the connection parameters for your MariaDB SkySQL database service.
Download the certificate authority chain.
Create a new session.
On the "Settings" tab:
Fill in the connection information for your service.
For Host, enter the Fully Qualified Domain Name of your service.
For Port, enter the read-write port or read-only port of your service.
For User, enter the default username for your service or the username you created.
For Password, enter the default password for your default user, the password you set for the default user, or the password for the database user you created.
On the "Advanced Tab":
Select the "Use SSL" checkbox.
Set "SSL CA certificate" to the path to the certificate authority chain (.pem) file.
A SSL warning is surfaced when connecting to Distributed Transactions, Multi-Node Analytics, Replicated Transactions, or Single Node Analytics services. The only known impact is the warning message; you are able to query the database.