Note: You can download a PDF version of the CONNECT documentation (1.7.0003).

Connect VersionIntroducedMaturity
Connect 1.07.0002MariaDB 10.5.9, MariaDB 10.4.18, MariaDB 10.3.28, MariaDB 10.2.36Stable
Connect 1.07.0001MariaDB 10.4.12, MariaDB 10.3.22, MariaDB 10.2.31, MariaDB 10.1.44Stable
Connect 1.06.0010MariaDB 10.4.8, MariaDB 10.3.18, MariaDB 10.2.27Stable
Connect 1.06.0007MariaDB 10.3.6, MariaDB 10.2.14, MariaDB 10.1.33Stable
Connect 1.06.0005MariaDB 10.3.3, MariaDB 10.2.10, MariaDB 10.1.29Stable
Connect 1.06.0004MariaDB 10.3.2, MariaDB 10.2.9, MariaDB 10.1.28Stable
Connect 1.06.0001MariaDB 10.3.1, MariaDB 10.2.8, MariaDB 10.1.24Beta
Connect 1.05.0003MariaDB 10.3.0, MariaDB 10.2.5, MariaDB 10.1.22Stable
Connect 1.05.0001MariaDB 10.2.4, MariaDB 10.1.21Stable
Connect 1.04.0008MariaDB 10.2.2, MariaDB 10.1.17Stable
Connect 1.04.0006MariaDB 10.2.0, MariaDB 10.1.13,Stable
Connect 1.04.0005MariaDB 10.1.10Beta
Connect 1.04.0003MariaDB 10.1.9Beta

The CONNECT storage engine enables MariaDB to access external local or remote data (MED). This is done by defining tables based on different data types, in particular files in various formats, data extracted from other DBMS or products (such as Excel or MongoDB) via ODBC or JDBC, or data retrieved from the environment (for example DIR, WMI, and MAC tables)

This storage engine supports table partitioning, MariaDB virtual columns and permits defining special columns such as ROWID, FILEID, and SERVID.

No precise definition of maturity exists. Because CONNECT handles many table types, each type has a different maturity depending on whether it is old and well-tested, less well-tested or newly implemented. This will be indicated for all data types.

CONNECT Table Types

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