MariaDB 10.4.34 Release Notes

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Note: This page describes features in the source repository for MariaDB 10.4. There are currently no official packages or binaries available for download which contain the features. If you want to try out any of the new features described here you will need to get and compile the code yourself.

MariaDB 10.4 is a previous stable series of MariaDB, maintained until June 2024. It is an evolution of MariaDB 10.3 with several entirely new features not found anywhere else and with backported and reimplemented features from MySQL.

MariaDB 10.4.34 is a Stable (GA) release.

MariaDB 10.4.34 is the last release of the MariaDB 10.4 release series.

For an overview of MariaDB 10.4 see the What is MariaDB 10.4? page.

Thanks, and enjoy MariaDB!

Notable Items

Storage Engines


  • Adaptive hash index corruption after ALTER TABLE…DISCARD TABLESPACE (MDEV-33400)
  • InnoDB: Failing assertion: sym_node->table != NULL in pars_retrieve_table_def on UPDATE (MDEV-32346)
  • Fatal InnoDB error or assertion `!is_v' failure upon multi-update with indexed virtual column (MDEV-31154)
  • Fatal error InnoDB: Clustered record field for column x not found (MDEV-33558)
  • Alter operation hangs when encryption thread works on the same tablespace (MDEV-33770)
  • MariaDB segfault on rowid filter query involving generated column (MDEV-33795)
  • Discard/Import Tablespace, Restart, Index Corruption (MDEV-33512)
  • Alter table corrupts while applying the modification log (MDEV-19044)
  • Weird read view after ROLLBACK of other transactions (MDEV-33802)
  • Table is getting rebuild with ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN (MDEV-33214)


  • Unsafe use of LOCK_thd_kill in my_malloc_size_cb_func() (MDEV-33443)


  • sql plugin init failure with traditional sql_mode (MDEV-33584)
  • spider returns parsing failure on valid left join select by translating the on expression to () (MDEV-33679)
  • Spider: ERROR 12710 (HY000): Invalid information from remote table when using MariaDB 10.5 local and MariaDB 10.6 remote (MDEV-33777)
  • No spider variables available is Spider is loaded upon server startup (MDEV-33441)


  • mariadb-backup fails to preserve innodb_encrypt_tables (MDEV-33334)
  • MDEV-30968 breaks running mariabackup on older mariadb (opendir(NULL)) (MDEV-31251)
  • mariadb-backup --backup is missing retry logic for undo tablespaces (MDEV-33980)
  • mariabackup --prepare: [ERROR] InnoDB: Crash recovery is broken due to insufficient innodb_log_file_size (MDEV-33540)

Character Sets, Data Types

  • Default charset doesn't work with PHP MySQLi extension (MDEV-32975)

Optimization & Tuning

  • Sig11 due to stack overflow in Item_cond::remove_eq_conds (MDEV-33468)
  • Server crashes in JOIN_CACHE::write_record_data upon EXPLAIN with subqueries and constant tables (MDEV-21102)


  • --gtid-ignore-duplicate can double-apply event in case of parallel replication retry (MDEV-33475)


  • galera_shutdown_nonprim: mysql_shutdown failed (MDEV-32635)
  • galera_3nodes.galera_ipv6_mysqldump MTR failed: mysql_shutdown failed (MDEV-26499)
  • galera.versioning_trx_id: Test failure: mysqltest: Result content mismatch (MDEV-18590)

SQL, Data Definition, and Data Manipulation

Data Manipulation - Update

  • Incorrect DEFAULT expression evaluated in UPDATE (MDEV-33790)

Prepared Statements

  • Incorrect handling of UPDATE in PS mode in case a table's colum declared as NOT NULL (MDEV-33549)
  • Crash in EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE t1 (a INT DEFAULT ?)' USING DEFAULT, UBSAN runtime error: member call on null pointer of type 'struct TABLE_LIST' in Item_param::save_in_field (MDEV-15703)



  • lf_alloc isn't safe on aarch64 (or ppc64le) (MDEV-28430)
  • Original IP not shown in network related error messages when proxy_protocol is in use (MDEV-33506)
  • main.query_cache fails with embedded after enabling WITH_PROTECT_STATEMENT_MEMROOT (MDEV-33861)


For a complete list of changes made in MariaDB 10.4.34, with links to detailed information on each push, see the changelog.

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MariaDB may already be included in your favorite OS distribution. More information can be found on the Distributions which Include MariaDB page.


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