
    [LIKE 'pattern' | WHERE expr]


SHOW TABLE STATUS works like SHOW TABLES, but provides more extensive information about each table (until MariaDB 11.2.0, only non-TEMPORARY tables are shown).

The LIKE clause, if present on its own, indicates which table names to match. The WHERE and LIKE clauses can be given to select rows using more general conditions, as discussed in Extended SHOW.

The following information is returned:

NameTable name.
EngineTable storage engine.
VersionVersion number from the table's .frm file.
Row_formatRow format (see InnoDB, Aria and MyISAM row formats).
RowsNumber of rows in the table. Some engines, such as InnoDB may store an estimate.
Avg_row_lengthAverage row length in the table.
Data_lengthFor InnoDB, the index size, in pages, multiplied by the page size. For Aria and MyISAM, length of the data file, in bytes. For MEMORY, the approximate allocated memory.
Max_data_lengthMaximum length of the data file, ie the total number of bytes that could be stored in the table. Not used in InnoDB.
Index_lengthLength of the index file.
Data_freeBytes allocated but unused. For InnoDB tables in a shared tablespace, the free space of the shared tablespace with small safety margin. An estimate in the case of partitioned tables - see the PARTITIONS table.
Auto_incrementNext AUTO_INCREMENT value.
Create_timeTime the table was created. Some engines just return the ctime information from the file system layer here, in that case the value is not necessarily the table creation time but rather the time the file system metadata for it had last changed.
Update_timeTime the table was last updated. On Windows, the timestamp is not updated on update, so MyISAM values will be inaccurate. In InnoDB, if shared tablespaces are used, will be NULL, while buffering can also delay the update, so the value will differ from the actual time of the last UPDATE, INSERT or DELETE.
Check_timeTime the table was last checked. Not kept by all storage engines, in which case will be NULL.
CollationCharacter set and collation.
ChecksumLive checksum value, if any.
Create_optionsExtra CREATE TABLE options.
CommentTable comment provided when MariaDB created the table.
Max_index_lengthMaximum index length (supported by MyISAM and Aria tables).
TemporaryUntil MariaDB 11.2.0, placeholder to signal that a table is a temporary table and always "N", except "Y" for generated information_schema tables and NULL for views. From MariaDB 11.2.0, will also be set to "Y" for local temporary tables.

Similar information can be found in the information_schema.TABLES table as well as by using mariadb-show:

mariadb-show --status db_name


For views, all columns in SHOW TABLE STATUS are NULL except 'Name' and 'Comment'


show table status\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
           Name: bus_routes
         Engine: InnoDB
        Version: 10
     Row_format: Dynamic
           Rows: 5
 Avg_row_length: 3276
    Data_length: 16384
Max_data_length: 0
   Index_length: 0
      Data_free: 0
 Auto_increment: NULL
    Create_time: 2017-05-24 11:17:46
    Update_time: NULL
     Check_time: NULL
      Collation: latin1_swedish_ci
       Checksum: NULL


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