MariaDB Connector/Node.js 2.0.4 Changelog
The most recent Stable (GA) release of MariaDB Connector/Node.js is:
MariaDB Connector/Node.js 3.3.1
Download Release Notes Changelog Connector/Node.js Overview
Release date: 10 May 2019
For the highlights of this release, see the release notes.
The revision number links will take you to the revision's page on GitHub. On GitHub you can view more details of the revision and view diffs of the code modified in that revision.
- Revision #4af181c [misc] default timezone to 'local' - no conversion. 'auto' meaning requesting server timezone for auto configuration.
- Revision #ffd0cdb [misc] default port testing correction
- Revision #baf9679 [misc] build testing version correction
- Revision #2168c8c [CONJS-62] server timezone auto-detection
- Revision #3f52d4b [misc] travis testing retry
- Revision #12e8896 [CONJS-70] ensure pool minimum connection when removing connection idle timeout
- Revision #4eac074 [misc] adding timezone documentation description removing unused test message
- Revision #707c345 [misc] correcting test in case of slow CPU host
- Revision #ffc5250 [misc] correcting test in case of slow CPU host
- Revision #8f1d5b6 [misc] testing against 10.4 latest build
- Revision #5eabc1b [misc] correct test environment, using node.js version 11, since node-gyp has compatibility issue with 12 for now
- Revision #c8d5f69 [CONJS-70] Pool improvement small rewrite for better separation in promise and call back implementation
- Revision #cf12697 [CONJS-70] Pool improvement new options : - idleTimeout: Indicate idle time after which a pool connection is released. Value must be lower than @@wait_timeout. In seconds (0 means never release) - minimumIdle: Permit to set a minimum number of connection
- gitrevj: in the pool.
- Revision #ab95694 [CONJS-58] When LOAD LOCAL INFILE is enabled (by option permitLocalInfile) ensure that filename requested by server corresponds to initial query, avoiding issue with malicious server/proxy requesting local file using LOAD LOCAL INFILE protocol
- Revision #46b562b [CONJS-62] Correcting MySQL 5.5 test for timezone support
- Revision #caac855 [misc] changing test to node.js 11, since release 12.0.0 yesterday fails with node-gyp
- Revision #d24c8ee [CONJS-62] Support named timezones and daylight savings time
- Revision #49e8881 [CONJS-69] Permit set parameter Bigger than javascript 2^53-1 limitation
- Revision #ac5f772 [CONJS-68] Error when reading datetimeValue and timezone is set
- Revision #d3784bb [misc] windows name pipe test only if server pipe is enable
- Revision #095bd5f [misc] test correction for database that doesn't support session_track_schema capabilities
- Revision #8a9bcc3 [CONJS-67] Connection changeUser methods now change connector internal state
- Revision #e2addee [misc] Appveyor repo based on archive to permit testing even if version change
- Revision #711613b [misc] correct pipe test in case pipe is not enabled add null test for ENUM
- Revision #32d91d7 [misc] Handle error packet during result-set for timed query (SET STATEMENT max_statement_time=<val> FOR <query>)
- Revision #a7dcbc5 [misc] SET datatype return as Array
- Revision #6c9e01b [misc] unix style end line to force same behaviour on windows and unix
- Revision #34ab0a6 test linefeed for windows
- Revision #dbd2f87 [CONJS-63] adding typescript type definitions
- Revision #a16bd80 [misc] unix socket test correction
- Revision #ee37463 [misc] implement prettier changing doublequote to simplequote
- Revision #92b17d9 [misc] typecast option permitting getting geometry data
- Revision #5b612fe [misc] correcting missing bulk option in documentation
- Revision #e05bb8d [doc] correcting documentation header
- Revision #0af7658 [doc] correcting documentation example
- Revision #81181aa [misc] small perf improvement
- Revision #0d0a200 [misc] removing useless use of variable
- Revision #11e04ca [misc] small perf improvement test improvement for 10.3 new possible authentication error
- Revision #c943571 [misc] prepared result-set read success correction when prepare result return no parameter and column metadata
- Revision #e8374c9 [misc] removing useless condition improve tests for unix
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