MariaDB Connector/Node.js 2.1.2 Changelog
The most recent Stable (GA) release of MariaDB Connector/Node.js is:
MariaDB Connector/Node.js 3.3.2
Download Release Notes Changelog Connector/Node.js Overview
Release date: 17 Oct 2019
For the highlights of this release, see the release notes.
The revision number links will take you to the revision's page on GitHub. On GitHub you can view more details of the revision and view diffs of the code modified in that revision.
- Revision #b5f5bbd - Merge branch 'develop'
- Revision #7f801cd - Bump 2.1.2
- Revision #a1b8b0c - [CONJS-102] expose library version to API
- Revision #78a56de - feat: expose version
- Revision #f15fb9c - node-types bump
- Revision #53777a4 - [misc] README format update
- Revision #35b19c3 - [misc] README format update
- Revision #5355978 - [misc] updating SSL test for MySQL 5.7.28+ that now support TLSv1.2
- Revision #cade556 - [CONJS-101] Pool Escape correction
- Revision #33b19af - [misc] test escape improvement
- Revision #e6c59e1 - [misc] README example improvement
- Revision #d0f871d - [CONJS-99] Document best practice concerning escaping use
- Revision #690e7d0 - [CONJS-101] Add Escape fonction API * escape for parameters * escape Identifier.
- Revision #17cfdd1 - [misc] updating dependency
- Revision #fa2d36c - [misc] changelog to right place
- Revision #30a161a - [CONJS-99] Document best practice concerning credential use
- Revision #3929da4 - [misc] Column definition object implementation change for better performance
- Revision #d729a65 - [CONJS-98] Adding missing 'collation' option in Typescript definition
- Revision #cf2da8a - Added Date to the union type for TypeCastResult
- Revision #41f7c65 - [CONJS-97] Remove coverage comment on github pull request
- Revision #217f14f - Merge branch 'master' into develop
- Revision #016aac6 - node-types bump
- Revision #bb7107c - Fleshed out the type definition for FieldInfo, for use in typeCast callbacks. Also removed an incorrect function definition for PoolCluster.add().
- Revision #6fce0b0 - [CONJS-95] Pool idle maintainer wrong error logged
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