MariaDB Connector/Node.js 2.1.3 Changelog
The most recent Stable (GA) release of MariaDB Connector/Node.js is:
MariaDB Connector/Node.js 3.3.2
Download Release Notes Changelog Connector/Node.js Overview
Release date: 19 Nov 2019
For the highlights of this release, see the release notes.
The revision number links will take you to the revision's page on GitHub. On GitHub you can view more details of the revision and view diffs of the code modified in that revision.
- Revision #0761448 [CONJS-104] Pam authentication must permit to provide multiple passwords
- Revision #a455b1e [misc] adding other charset test
- Revision #bbbf20c [misc] better cluster error when pool is full
- Revision #cd51c7f [CONJS-105] Typecast provided date function erroneous parsing
- Revision #787c0ff [misc] code coverage improvement
- Revision #a8d7265 [CONJS-106] properly escape boolean parameter false
- Revision #2979778 [CONJS-107] Change user callback function not called when no option i… …
- Revision #41f40a6 [misc] adding test for unknown collation
- Revision #d01f164 [misc] sql message in error now display boolean false parameter properly …
- Revision #17ed67c [misc] debug loggin coverage
- Revision #0dbb55b [misc] logging function method improvement
- Revision #da0c9a4 [misc] logging function method improvement
- Revision #ba95356 [CONJS-108] typescript escape/escapeId definition
- Revision #7eec156 [misc] changeUser changing collation only if collation option is correct
- Revision #c85e020 [CONJS-109] Missing mysql only collation definition
- Revision #df1e1ea bump 2.1.3 version
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