Performance Schema replication_applier_status_by_coordinator Table

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MariaDB starting with 10.5.2

The replication_applier_status_by_coordinator table was added in MariaDB 10.5.2.

The Performance Schema replication_applier_status_by_coordinator table displays the status of the coordinator thread used in multi-threaded replicas to manage multiple worker threads.

It contains the following fields.

CHANNEL_NAMEvarchar(256)NOReplication channel name.
THREAD_IDbigint(20) unsignedYESThe SQL/coordinator thread ID.
SERVICE_STATEenum('ON','OFF')NOON (thread exists and is active or idle) or OFF (thread no longer exists).
LAST_ERROR_NUMBERint(11)NOLast error number that caused the SQL/coordinator thread to stop.
LAST_ERROR_MESSAGEvarchar(1024)NOLast error message that caused the SQL/coordinator thread to stop.
LAST_ERROR_TIMESTAMPtimestampNOTimestamp that shows when the most recent SQL/coordinator error occured.
LAST_SEEN_TRANSACTIONchar(57)NOThe transaction the worker has last seen.
LAST_TRANS_RETRY_COUNTint(11)NOTotal number of retries attempted by last transaction.


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