Bzr and launchpad tricks: firefox plugin

If you work with bazaar, you have seen its URIs. You can find the complete list is in the bzr help urlspec. Although I commonly use only a subset of that, like bzr+ ssh:// and In addition I often use Launchpad aliases, such as lp:~maria-captains/maria/5.3-serg/, lp:maria/5.3, and lp:869001. And finally, there are common abbreviations that we have used in MySQL, and others that we use in MariaDB, for example bug#12345 and wl#90. What’s annoying, I need to remember that wl#90 corresponds to and type the latter in the location bar of the browser, when I want to look this task up. And lp:869001 is, for my browser, Similarly, every other URL above, has its browser-friendly evil twin. It’s evil, because I have to remember it! Now, Firefox tries to help, to a certain extent. It supports so-called keywords — short aliases for bookmarks. Create a bookmark for and in the Keyword field enter lp. Now you can type in the location bar lp 869001 (with a space) and Firefox will expand it into a complete url Quite handy. And I’ve used it for a few years. Still it annoyed me, that I had to rewrite the abbreviations manually, put spaces, remove colons, and so on. And at last it annoyed me to a degree where I wrote a Firefox plugin! Let me introduce a LocationMorph — a plugin that can arbitrarily rewrite the text in the location bar, according to the user specified regular expression. I have configured it (via a Preference dialog) to use the following set of rules


And now I can simply copy and paste a bzr URI, or a launchpad alias, or our internal abbreviation from the email (or bzr info) directly into the browser, and it understands it directly and shows me the page that I want. Ahh, perfection…