Step 1: Install Enterprise Spider


This page details step 1 of the 3-step procedure "Deploy Spider Federated Topology".

This step installs the Enterprise Spider storage engine plugin on the Spider Node.

Interactive commands are detailed. Alternatively, the described operations can be performed using automation.

Allow Interconnect

MariaDB Enterprise Spider depends on interconnect between the Spider Node and the Data Node. This may require adjustment to firewall and security settings.

Install via APT (Debian, Ubuntu)

On Debian and Ubuntu, the Enterprise Spider storage engine is not installed with MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.3 by default. An additional package must be installed.

On other operating systems, the Enterprise Spider storage engine is installed with MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.3 by default.

On the Spider Node, install MariaDB Enterprise Spider:

$ sudo apt install mariadb-plugin-spider

Load the Spider Plugin

The Enterprise Spider storage engine plugin must be loaded by MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.3.

MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.3 includes the install_spider.sql script. The install_spider.sql script configures MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.3 to load the Enterprise Spider storage engine plugin.

On the Spider Node, use MariaDB Client to run the install_spider.sql script:

$ mysql --user root --password < /usr/share/mysql/install_spider.sql

Test Plugin Installation

On the Spider Node, confirm that the Enterprise Spider storage engine plugin is loaded by querying the information_schema.PLUGINS table:

FROM information_schema.PLUGINS
| PLUGIN_NAME              | PLUGIN_STATUS |
| SPIDER                   | ACTIVE        |
| SPIDER_ALLOC_MEM         | ACTIVE        |

Next Step

Navigation in the procedure "Deploy Spider Federated Topology":

  • This page was step 1 of 3.