Introducing MariaDB MaxScale 23.02

A new version of MariaDB MaxScale, an advanced database proxy that allows users to easily manage their MariaDB Server and Xpand database servers, is now generally available (GA). The release of version 23.02 includes several new features, improvements, and bug fixes that enhance the overall performance and stability of MaxScale. All MaxScale enhancements benefit both MariaDB Server and MariaDB Xpand databases.
New MaxScale features include:
- Connection Rate Limiting: This feature allows administrators to set limits on the number of connections that can be established to the database server. This is useful in preventing overload situations and ensuring that the database remains available to all users.
- Connection Rate Monitoring: Connection rate monitoring allows administrators to monitor the number of connections that are being made to the database server. This information can be used to optimize the performance of the database and to identify potential performance issues.
- Load Balancer Statistics: MaxScale now provides more detailed statistics on the performance of the load balancer. This information can be used to identify bottlenecks in the system and to optimize the performance of the database.
- Dynamic Configuration Reload: This feature allows users to reload the MaxScale configuration file without restarting the application. This can be useful in situations where changes need to be made to the configuration file, but restarting the application is not practical.
MaxScale improvements include:
- Improved Query Routing: MaxScale now provides better support for routing queries to the correct database server. This is accomplished through improved query analysis and routing algorithms.
- Improved Monitoring: MaxScale now provides more detailed information on the performance of the database servers. This information can be used to identify potential performance issues and to optimize the performance of the database.
- Improved Security: MaxScale now provides better support for secure connections to the database server. This includes support for encrypted connections and improved authentication mechanisms.
The latest release of MaxScale includes several new features, improvements, and bug fixes that enhance its overall performance and stability. The new features, including connection rate limiting and monitoring, load balancer statistics, dynamic configuration reload, and improved query routing and monitoring, make MaxScale an even more powerful and flexible tool for managing database servers. Overall, the latest release of MaxScale is a significant improvement over previous versions, and we highly recommend upgrading to take advantage of these new features and improvements.
Download MaxScale 23.02 today.