MariaDB Developer

Learn to use MariaDB with coding samples and step-by-step instructions

Introducing MariaDB Developer Code Central

A site for MariaDB developers, dedicated to providing development samples, examples, and helpful tools.


Developer Quickstart: PHP mysqli and MariaDB

How to use PHP to connect to and communicate with a MariaDB database featuring demo app and code samples.


How to Connect Java Applications to MariaDB Using JDBC

How to use JDBC to connect Java apps to MariaDB – code, videos, docs, GitHub repo, everything you need.


Introducing Alejandro Duarte: Developer Advocate – Cloud Apps / DevOps

Hello, World!  My name is Alejandro Duarte, and I recently joined the Developer Relations team at MariaDB—a team that focuses … Continued


Is the MariaDB JDBC driver affected by the Log4j vulnerability?

Is the MariaDB Java connector affected by the security vulnerability recently discovered in Log4? By default, the Java connector does … Continued


How to Manage NoSQL Data with MariaDB

Learn how MariaDB MaxScale, an advanced database proxy, listens for traffic containing NoSQL data that can be stored and managed within a MariaDB database.


Combining the Power of SQL and Procedural Statements with MariaDB’s Oracle Compatibility Mode

MariaDB enables developers to combine the power of SQL with the control of procedural programming through the use of Oracle PL/SQL.


Introducing JSON Tables

Starting with MariaDB Server 10.6, JSON_TABLE() enables transforming JSON data directly into relational format.


Getting Started with Connector/Node.js

An introduction to MariaDB/Node.js with simple examples demonstrating create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) interactions with data stored in MariaDB.


Using SQLAlchemy with MariaDB Connector/Python: Part 2

Learn how to create and manage model relationships using SQLAlchemy and MariaDB Connector/Python!

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