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MariaDB Developer

Learn to use MariaDB with coding samples and step-by-step instructions

Implementing Wordle’s game logic in SQL

Inspired by Wordle, Alejandro Duarte, MariaDB Developer Advocate, asks how a word-guessing game could be implemented using SQL queries and recursive CTEs.


Get started using MariaDB JSON capabilities in under 2 minutes

How to use the MariaDB JSON Quickstart and Docker Compose to go from zero to JSON in just a few minutes.


Using JSON in MariaDB

You’re likely familiar with MariaDB as your run-of-the-mill relational database. Heck, you may have even used it to create a … Continued


Introducing Docker images for MariaDB Enterprise Server

MariaDB Corporation recently released the MariaDB Enterprise Docker Registry, which provides Docker images for MariaDB Enterprise Server.


Developer Quickstart: PHP Data Objects and MariaDB

How to use PHP Data Objects (PDO) to connect to and communicate with a MariaDB database using a demo app and code samples.


Using the MariaDB Node.js driver with Sequelize

Try a new project on our developer hub and use the Sequelize Node.js ORM library and MariaDB Connector/Node.js to connect to and communicate with MariaDB.


Get Started with MariaDB using Docker in 3 Steps

Quickly get a local MariaDB database up and running with Docker.


Introducing MariaDB Developer Code Central

A site for MariaDB developers, dedicated to providing development samples, examples, and helpful tools.


Developer Quickstart: PHP mysqli and MariaDB

How to use PHP to connect to and communicate with a MariaDB database featuring demo app and code samples.


How to Connect Java Applications to MariaDB Using JDBC

How to use JDBC to connect Java apps to MariaDB – code, videos, docs, GitHub repo, everything you need.

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