Adding a case insensitive, distinct unicode collation


Every once in a while questions like the one in MySQL Bug #60843 or Bug #19567 come up:

What collation should i use if i want case insensitive behavior but also want all accented letter to be treated as distinct to their base letters?

or shorter, as the reporter of bug #60843 put it:

I need something like utf8_bin + ci

utf8_general_ci and utf8_unicode_ci unfortunately do not provide this behavior andutf8_bin is obviously not case insensitive.

Language specific collations may provide this for accented letters that are acutally part of the languages alphabet, e.g. in utf8_swedish_ci ‘Å‘ is a distinct letter but ‘Á‘ is still treated as equal to ‘A‘.

So what is needed to create a collation where all accented forms of the 26 latin standard letters (or ASCII letters) are treated as distinct letters while still having case insensitive behavior?

Fortuantely MySQL allows us to add our own collations without having to modify the server itself, see Adding Collations and for our case esp. Adding a UCA Collation to a Unicode Character Set.

So all we need to do is to create a new set of LDML (Locale Data Markup Language) collation rules that basically looks like this:


      <p>u00c0</p><!-- À -->
      <t>u00e0</t><!-- à -->

      <p>u00c1</p><!-- Á -->
      <t>u00e1</t><!-- á -->


where all accented upper case forms of a base letter are defined as distinct separate letters (‘primary’ or <p>) sorted after that base letter, and the lower case form as a only differing by case from the upper case form (‘tertiary’ or <t>). Should there only be a lower case form of an accented letter but no upper case equivalent then this lower case only combination needs to be registered as a primary distinct letter instead of a tertiary.

LDML actually specifies that accented variations of a letter are supposed to be registered as ‘secondary’ or <s>, but as MySQL does not distinguish between primaries and secondaries we need to register all accented letters as primaries instead to get the desired behavior.

A sort order where all accented letters follow their base letter obviously doesn’t match the sort order of any actual language, and is also different to the way utf8_bin orders things, but as we only really care about the comparison behavior of the collation and not about how things get sorted here we should be fine with this. There isn’t a catch-all sorting order that suits all latin based languages anyway …

So now that we know how the rule set should look like the question that remains is: how to find all valid accented letter combinations and how to create a complete rule set from that list quickly.

This can fortunately be automated by using Unicode normalization mechanism. Unicode allows to represent accented letters by either a single code point or by a combination of a base character and one or more modifiers (even though MySQL only really supports the single code point approach). So e.g. ‘Á‘ can either be the single code point U+00C1 ‘LATIN CAPITAL A WITH ACUTE‘ or the combination of ‘A‘ (U+0041 ‘LATIN CAPITAL A‘) and U+0301 ‘COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT‘. Unicode normalization allows us to convert everything to either the single code point (composed) or code point sequence (decomposed) form.

Now we can iterate over the full unicode codepoint range and identify accented / combined versions of latin base letters by requesting the decomposed normalized form and checking whether this starts with one of our base letters followed by any combining codepoint. We can then create a list of all accented / combined versions of each base letter and sort this by its combining modifiers code points and can identify upper and lower case combination pairs as they will only differ by their base letter being the upper or lower case form of the same letter with the same modifiers applied. From this lists we can then create the LDML ruleset needed to add our new collation.

There are only two more things left to do: find a good name and an unused collation ID for our new collation. For a name i picked utf8_distinct_ci for now and as collation ID i picked 252 as the highest ID used so far on my MySQL 5.5 instance was 251.

The following little PHP script performs all this with a little help from the Internationalization Extension and the resulting output can be found here. The new collation can be activated by adding the generated collation rule set to the utf8 charset section within your MySQL installations charsets/Index.xml file and restarting the mysqld server process.


$collation_name = "utf8_distinct_ci";
$collation_id   = 252;

$basechars = array();

// scann the full unicode basic plane minus the 7bit ASCII part
for ($codepoint = 0x0080; $codepoint < 0xFFFF; $codepoint++) {

  // simple UTF8 encoder
  if ($codepoint < 0x800) {
    $u1 = 0xC0 + ($codepoint >> 6);
    $u2 = 0x80 + ($codepoint & 0x3F);
    $utf8 = chr($u1).chr($u2);
  } else {
    $u1 = 0xE0 + ($codepoint >> 12);
    $u2 = 0x80 + (($codepoint >> 6) & 0x3F);
    $u3 = 0x80 + ($codepoint & 0x3F);
    $utf8 = chr($u1).chr($u2).chr($u3);

  // normalizing using NFKD (Compatibility Decomposition)
  $normalized = Normalizer::normalize($utf8, Normalizer::FORM_KD);

  // check for combinations of a regular ASCII character
  // followed by addditional modifiers
  if (ctype_alpha($normalized[0]) && (strlen($normalized) > 1)) {
    $base = $normalized[0];
    $upper_base = strtoupper($base);

    // initialize letter detail array if not already done
    if (!isset($basechars[$upper_base])) {
      $basechars[$upper_base] = array();
      = array("utf8" => $utf8, // utf8 encoded codepoint
          "mods" => substr($normalized,1), // modifiers only (for sorting)
          "base" => $base // for secondary sorting

// sort by base character

// start output
echo "  <collation name='$collation_name' id='$collation_id'>n";
echo "    <rules>n";

foreach ($basechars as $base => $extra) {
  // start new letter
  echo "n      <reset>$base</reset>n";

  // sort by mod codes, then base character case
  uasort($extra, "sortfunc");

  // remember mod codes from previous codepoint
  $prev_mods = "";

  // iterate over all codepoints for base letter (sorted)
  foreach ($extra as $codepoint => $details) {
    // create primary <p> entries for new mod combinations
    // tertiary <t> for lower case mod following upper case
    $tag = ($prev_mods == $details["mods"]) ? "t":"p";
    // generate output
    printf("      <$tag>\u%04x</$tag><!-- %s -->n", $codepoint, $details["utf8"]);

    // remember mod codes
    $prev_mods = $details["mods"];

// finish output
echo "n";
echo "    </rules>n";
echo "  </collation>n";

// sort by mods first, base char 2nd
function sortfunc($a, $b) {
  $test1 = strcmp($a["mods"], $b["mods"]);
  if ($test1 != 0) return $test1;

  return strcmp($a["base"], $b["base"]);