Updated MariaDB R2DBC and Node.js Connectors now available
Posted on September 18, 2024 by Daniel Bartholomew

MariaDB is pleased to announce the immediate availability of MariaDB Connector/R2DBC 1.2.2, and Connector/Node.js 3.3.2.
Release Notes and Changelogs
MariaDB Connector/R2DBC 1.2.2 RC
Notable items in this release include:
- In order to maintain support for R2DBC 0.9.1 specification (used by Spring boot 2.7) maven artifact org.mariadb:r2dbc-mariadb-SPEC-0.9.1 is supported.
- A new option, skipPostCommands, permits disabling initial connection settings, and indicating that commands after connections must be skipped. This allows avoiding unnecessary commands on connection creation, and when using RDS proxy to not have session pinning. See the release notes for more details.
- Fixes for various issues.
MariaDB Connector/Node.js 3.3.2
Notable items in this release include:
- Fixes for various issues.
See the release notes and changelogs for more details and visit mariadb.com/downloads/connectors to download.