MariaDB Day
February 1, 2025MariaDB Day events bring together the MariaDB Foundation and community to celebrate and share the latest developments in MariaDB Server.
Theme: Vectors, RAG, and everything new in MariaDB Server
With the imminent GA release of MariaDB Vector in MariaDB 11.7, we’re excited to showcase new functionality, real-world use cases, and the promise of Gen AI capabilities within MariaDB Server. Early previews already point to significant enhancements in both features and performance.
Compatibility remains a hallmark of MariaDB Server. In many cases, upgrading from MySQL to the latest MariaDB release is simpler than moving to newer MySQL versions, particularly MySQL 8.0 and later.
If you’ve attended previous MariaDB Days, you’ll notice a continuing commitment to our core themes. We see databases as a constant source of innovation—one of the many reasons we love gathering with you around FOSDEM each year.