Leveling the Playing Field for Startup and Small Business Data-Driven Operations with SkySQL

- Ellen McKenney, Sales Engineering Manager, MariaDB
What commonly defines a small- to medium-size business is annual revenues and the number of employees in its ranks, a categorization so broad that it includes the vast majority of SaaS providers, retailers and OEMs across most industry segments with hundreds of B2B or hundreds of thousands of B2C customers. Many of these companies may operate locally but offer products and services globally online, with business transaction activity exhibiting peaks and valleys of demand based on seasonal or periodic scenarios. Digital transformation focused on effectively using cloud resources is paramount to their success. And while most have adopted SaaS applications, many have not shifted to cloud database services. Join this session for details and demos of key features and functionality in SkySQL running MariaDB Enterprise server and Xpand that deliver enterprise scale and agility at a fraction of the cost.