MariaDB Node.js Connector 2.5.6 now available


MariaDB is pleased to announce the immediate availability of the MariaDB Connector/Node.js 2.5.6 GA release.

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Release Notes

MariaDB Connector/Node.js

MariaDB Connector/Node.js 2.5.6 is a Stable (GA) release.

Notable changes in this release include:

  • The default connectTimeout value has changed from 10000 (10 seconds) to 1000 (1 second).

Issues fixed in this release include:

  • On Windows, when LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE is executed, the file name validation does not handle escaped characters.
  • In previous releases, loading data from a file named with escaped characters results in an error
  • The default connectTimeout value may not be optimal for production environments and causes misleading error messages when used with connection pools.
  • When the connection character set is set to an unsupported value, the connector does not raise an exception.

See the release notes page for more details and visit to download.