What is ACID Compliance in a database? The presence of four properties — atomicity, consistency, isolation and durability — can … Continued
When people come up and ask, “Oh, so ClustrixDB is yet another MySQL-compatible database. What makes you different?” we have … Continued
This is the second blog in our series about ClustrixDB 9’s new Zones feature that supports creating Metro Area Clusters. … Continued
In this blog we will focus on how ClustrixDB performs query optimization. One of the reasons ClustrixDB exists is because … Continued
Query Evaluation Model Recently we’ve started to dig into the internals of ClustrixDB, specifically How ClustrixDB Accomplishes Horizontal Scaling of … Continued
ClustrixDB is a MySQL-compatible ACID RDBMS that linearly scales out both writes and reads. Clustrix has created many architectural innovations over … Continued