More often than not, replicas are deployed for high availability and/or read scaling. If the primary fails, one of the … Continued
Configuring database user accounts for MariaDB MaxScale and a backend cluster has typically required a duplicate effort. This is because … Continued
Failure tolerance and recoverability are essential for a high availability (HA) database setup. Although modern systems are quite reliable, hardware … Continued
We’re excited to announce MariaDB MaxScale 2.2, an advanced database proxy for MariaDB, is now GA. It introduces new features … Continued
We are happy to announce that 2.2.1 beta of MariaDB MaxScale, the next generation database proxy for MariaDB is now available. … Continued
MariaDB MaxScale has becoming increasingly popular as a database proxy, adopted by users that would like to take advantage of … Continued
Today, MariaDB MaxScale, the database proxy for MariaDB, is reaching its next major milestone – the availability of MariaDB MaxScale … Continued
I am happy to see MariaDB Corporation announcing a major new version of MariaDB MaxScale. Â MaxScale 2.0 Beta is now … Continued