Open Questions
Python Error unhandled SystemError on execution of a SQL statement
(latest mariadb connector, Python 3.6.8, MariaDB-Server 10.3) This is the e... -
Character conversion fails getting columns or restult sets
Configuration: Maria DB 10.2.36 on a OpenSuSE Leap 15.1 server Connecting t... -
**Only if not connected to Internet** : Access denied for user '<user>'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
Hi - everything works fine *unless* I disconnect from Internet in which cas... -
10.6.7 INSERT INTO (SELECT FROM....) types of queries exponentially slower since upgrading from 10.1 to 10.6
For the most part upgrading to 10.6 was relatively pain free but there are ... -
About maxscale license
Hello, could you explain how an enterprise license for MaxScale works? I wo... -
about query
UPDATE pna SET Personality=t2.Personality FROM pna1 AS t2 WHERE t2.ID <= 3... -
Access denied for user 'admin'@'localhost'
Hello... I have installed MariaDB 10.3.13 in Centos 7... all worked well...... -
Access denied for user in config maxscale
Hi, I using maxscale to automatic failover. When i install, config maxscal... -
How are additional and custom SRIDs added to SPATIAL_REF_SYS? Is it possi... -
Adding DataFlex 3.1c .dat Files As An External Table Type With CONNECT
I'm using MariaDB's CONNECT engine to access / utilize a set of Visual FoxP... -
An update lock cannot be acquired during a READ UNCOMMITTED transaction
Hello everyone I just upgraded to the latest version of WampServer to use P... -
I have few devices connected and I would like to learn API using python, ca... -
Are there special concerns when upgrading Galera cluster to MariaDB 10.5 or 10.6?
I see on this page that there are no special instructions for upgrading a M... -
aria_read_log -a unnecessary ?!?
I tried a lot to get incremental backups with Aria logs to work. When I suc... -
aria_read_log still skips my table
I tried a lot but haven't been able to achieve 1 single row of incremental ... -
Async replication channel setup
Hello, We have two MariaDB clusters with 3 nodes each. Setup following asyn... -
Audit Log Plugin--Filtering & Old Values
Is it possible to use the built-in audit plugin to log only Create, Update/... -
Audit Plugin whit Logrotate problem
hello, i use audit plugin whit below settings; while plugin writing logfile... -
audit Specific tables with audit plugin
Hi, I am using with audit plugin on MySQL server. There is any option to log specific tables? -
Automatically wrapping queries with duplicate columns into CTEs or Derived Tables
The requirement is to automatically wrap existing queries with duplicate co... -
awr kind of report for MariaDB
Hi there Just wonder is there any AWR (Oracle) kind of report or script ava... -
AX 1.2 - PM cluster to protect disk / cpu failure
What is the preferred cluster for PM disk / cpu solution? -
Bare-minimum MariaDB "cmake" options?
Hi there, I want to install MariaDB on a Debian 12 (Arm64) server. But I am... -
BatchUpdateException.getUpdateCounts(); is returning -3 for the records irrespective of the operation is success or fail.
CallableStatement.executeBatch(); is throwing BatchUpdateException if there... -
breaking replication then resetting it
mariadb 5.5.60-MariaDB I have a LIVE DB in a database "bugtracker". that m... -
buf_pool_mutex, SERVICE_THREAD_CONTROL::COND_control & other wait events seen during perf test
Did a performance test; & collected events_waits_current on regular interva... -
C++ Connector cant open files
Hey, when i want to compile my c++ code some files from the connector cant... -
Can I create view on remote tables
Hi, I am migrating Oracle database to MariaDB. In Oracle views are created ... -
Can I update from Mariadb 10.3 to Mariadb 10.8
Can I update from Mariadb 10.3 to Mariadb 10.8 with the data still in the d... -
Can maria db support Analytics application in cloud?
Team We are planning to deploy Maria DB for one of the Analytics applica... -
Can not load default MySQL library ( or
Hi fellows I have a problem after changing from mysql to mariadb. This has ... -
Can the Maria DB C++ Connector be used with Microsoft Visual Studio?
I would like to use Maria DB C++ Connector with Microsoft Visual Studio, bu... -
Can the returned events-bitmask include only `MYSQL_WAIT_TIMEOUT` flag?
The status that is being returned by a non-blocking operation is a bitmask ... -
Can we use Hibernate Mysql5 dialect for MariaDB?
We are planning to migrate to Mariadb from Mysql 5.7. We have a hard depend... -
Can you help me trying to combine multiple triggers into one?
What I have so far throws a: ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your... -
Can't query a table due to capitalization differences
Hi and thanks for reading. So I have a table called gbl_tblusers and that's... -
Can't use my PMB database after upgrading to version 10.1.44-MariaDB...
Hi, I'm using PMB SIGB with a huge database from many years. Recently I upg... -
Cannot access information schema tables via ODBC
I have a Microsoft Access connection to MariaDB 10.5.22. I am using MySQL O... -
Cannot login into MariaDB
Hello all! I'm using MacOS Sonoma 14.5 and trying to login in mariadb via t... -
cannot use collation with mysql_stmt_prepare
If I want to select with a case insensitive collation SELECT * FROM test WH... -
Cannot use JSON_EXTRACT() on Spider Node that connecting to another Spider Node
As I have a spider node (SA) connecting to 10 tables in data node, and migh... -
Cant Access Stored Procedures After MySQL 5.6 Upgrade to MariaDB 10.3
Hello, I am new here. I am writing because yesterday I had to update from M... -
Character set changes depending upon privs
Not sure if this is a bug or feature but try this experiment. On a MariaDB-... -
Circular replication
I am creating a circular replication for Laravel application, for 6 islands... -
Cobol and Maria DB
Hi, Can I write a routine using C connector provided by Maria DB and call ... -
collation_connection change
Hello i want to change collation_connection from utf8mb4_general_ci to utf... -
column name work as a case insenstive
we are facing below issue where lower_case_table_names set it to 1. for Ex... -
Column Store Cross-Engine join
The cross engine join documentation -
Compiling the C connector for MariaDB on Yocto/Embedded Linux
Hello, I'm attempting to compile the C connector for yocto, but keep runnin... -
Completely Unistall and then Reinstall Mariadb 10.3
Hello Members, I installed mariadb 10.3 on my Ubuntu 16.04 server, and then... -
Conditionally updating a field based on value changes
I'm currently working in a local mariadb 10.5.13 I have the following state... -
Configure timeout inactivity on Windows
Morning guys I have a question on how to configure downtime in MySQL / Mari... -
Configuring C connector to accept ASCII characters to insert in an UTF8 database
Hi, When trying to do such thing ( insert an ê (0XEA ascii value), I got ... -
CONNCET via ODBC: Logging connect-generated sql
Hello, I want to update an Oracle table via the connect storage engine. For... -
Connect engine to oracle db error
Connect engine to oracle db using odbc driver is giving TNS error: ERROR 11... -
Connect Engine: behavour on network outage
Dear all, I am working in an environment with worldwide distributed databas... -
Connect Excel on M1 Mac to MariaDB Server via ODBC?
Hi all, new here -- I have an M1 Macbook running Excel 365. I have a Debian... -
Connect to Maria DB from Google Sheets
Hello, I want to connect to MariaDB via Google Sheets. I am trying to use ... -
connect.json issue
while running as root user following test : perl I am g... -
Connecting to MariaDB
Connection string to connect to MariaDB through .net c# application -
Connecting to MariaDB via OPC
I have a synology diskstation NAS running MariaDB. Further there is a Scada... -
Connection problem moving from MariaDB5 to MariaDB 10 on Synology NAS
I have a working C# .NET application that connects to a Synology NAS with M... -
Connection Timeout ignored (mariaDB java Client 1.5.3)?
Hi, The problem i'm experiencing is: {tomcat 8 connection pool , spring app... -
Connection trouble after upgrade
have upgraded my Ubuntu server from 22.04 to 24.04. After the upgrade, I do... -
Connections sent only to master
Hello, I have installed : 1 VM maxscale (RHEL 8.5 = maxscale-6.2.1-1.rhel.8... -
connector and client/server on a the same non Windows system
I know it's possible to have both client & server in addition to the ODBC c... -
connector c++ connection pooling support
I saw that in connector/J of MariaDB enables directly connection pooling by... -
Connector works within Intellij 'run', but not in jar
Problem while upgrading legacy application from Java-8 to 17 (modular) in I... -
Connector/C fails to read MariaDB 10.6+ binary logs
I'm using MariaDB Connector/C to 3.3.5 to read binary logs, using mariadb_r... -
Content from TEXT fields not displaying - Classic ASP on Windows Server 2012 machine
Recently I migrated from MSAccess to MariaDB feeding an old Classic ASP Web... -
correlation MYSQL_Types and c data types
hi im about to get into c-connector and executing prepared / bound statemen... -
Count() function in Access 2019 (and earlier) returns erroneous counts of records.
When I build aggregate queries in MSAccess connected through the ODBC conne... -
Count, union all queries are running for very long time.
Query: select COUNT(1) from t1 INNER JOIN t2 use INDEX(idx1) on t2.c1= '... -
CP437 CharSet
I need to configure the character set of a schema as CP437. Unfortunately, ... -
Crashed site
After a Windows update the Mysql (MariaDb 10.4.8) my Xampp installation wou... -
Creating users access denied
Can someone help me with where I am going wrong? I am using the syntax GRAN... -
Cross lateral Join
Good morning, I am a developer who is recently approaching Mariadb, I come ... -
CTE Issue with table name
I am evaluating the current version of mariadb (10.6.11). Currently we are ... -
Data corruption on the secondary peer of a MariaDB-Galera cluster, while the main peer is OK, so how to recover?
We have a Galera cluster of MariaDB databases, consisting of: galera-4.x86_... -
Data Masking & TDE in MariaDB
Hi there We are in the process of vetting to choose rdbms database between ... -
Datafile storage location changing or defining in any CREATE situation
Hi, coming from ORACLE experiences i am used to define, where all the files... -
db is not defined
Dear Sir or Madam! I have a question. I have run the following code in Visu... -
DB query failed: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory
I have this situation and I don't know how to solve it and I'm looking for ... -
debezium cannot connect to maxscale from other host than localhost
I want use debezium for following changes of data in MariaDB. But debezium ... -
Determining Root Cause of Aria Recoveries?
I recently migrated (on a WHM Cpanel system) from MySQL to MariaDB (uninten... -
Disable Server Side Prepare Statements
Is it possible to disable server-side prepared statements in the ODBC conne... -
DLL load failed while importing mariadb: Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden
I installed python connector with pip install mariadb and also tried pip in... -
Does binary logging apply to ColumnStore?
When binary logging is enabled, does MariaDB's binary logging also record C... -
Does Mariabackup work with Veritas NetBackup?
Does anyone know whether Mariabackup works with Veritas NetBackup? In Oracl... -
Does MariaDB Connector/J 2.6.x create connections to both master and slave with Aurora?
Cross-posting from -
Does MariaDB Issue Emergency/Security-Based Updates, and if so, How Are Customers Notified?
Is it feasible for MariaDB to issue a new point release (e. g., 10.3.32) on... -
Down scaling Mariadb Cluster
Hey, I have a hard time finding the documentation of down scaling a multi-m... -
Driver not showing in ODBC Configuration tool - Windows 11
After installing the most recent, stable build (mariadb-connector-c-3.2.6-w... -
Empty dictionary value in SQL Table
MariaDB (10.3.24) outputs Warning messages as shown below [Warning] Aborte... -
Enabling SSL in mariaDB running on Synology NAS
I am having problems with enabling SSL in MariaDB running on Synology NAS (... -
Encountering errors using MariaDB ODBC Driver 3.1.4 32-Bit
Hi: When I connect using the 3.1.4 driver, all datatypes come over only as ... -
Ensuring Refferential Integrity
I brought in the Primary/Secondary/Foreign keys because it does not exist i... -
Error "Invalid padding bytes." when adding node to cluster
During the installation of mariadb columnstore, when I try to add replica n... -
Error 135 "No more room in record file" with enough space on FS
Hi, We are operating a database with the following characteristics : - runn... -
ERROR 1366 (22007): Incorrect string value: '\xAB\xB8\xA3\xCBA/...'
Hi, I am trying to encrypt data in mariadb table but it is giving me error.... -
ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't Connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)
All, I am receiving the above and below error message out of nowhere and I ... -
ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)
Hello, We have a MariaDB server that runs for a while and then stops with t... -
ERROR 2013 (HY000) at line 1353: Lost connection to server during query. with Encryption ON with AWS KMS
Hello, I'm trying to import a large data dump from MySQL to MariaDB but ke... -
ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server during query
When I am trying to execute a query from some large table it turns out that... -
Error Code: 1064-You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version
Hi Any suggestions how to resolve this error. Error Code: 1064 You have an ... -
Error on delete of .\tmp\mariadb\#sql3c1c_45_31.MAI (Errcode: 13 “Permission denied”)
I continually get the following type of error whenever I modify WordPress w... -
Error while connecting second replication server
Good day. I have a problem to connecting second replication server to exist... -
ERROR: Got an error writing communication packets
I'm running a query and then I encountered this error: 2023-05-24 12:20:07 ... -
ETL tool recommendations for MariaDB
Please suggest which tools are most suitable for extraction, transform and ... -
Excessive contexting running MariaDB CE Query
I'm working on a MariaDB vs. Oracle query performance issue. We have about... -
explain result different in different versions
hi admin firstly, my function runs well in 10.3 10.5 and 10.6. But when I u... -
failed to call the odbc driver connection utility
Please assist. I am using/testing various versions of ODBC connector 3. Eve... -
Failed to start MariaDB 10.3.23 database server.
How can I solve this? systemctl start mysqld Job for mariadb.service failed... -
Fastest way to pull random records from 3 million records
I have a table with around 3 million barcodes in it that I need to pull a r... -
File Key Management encryption method
I have been using File Key Management encryption method to encrypt data at ... -
Find Queries with huge Result-Set
Hello, we are using MariaDB as DB for our CMS. Lately I noticed a massive g... -
Flashback - Referential Integrity and Part vs. Whole
MariaDB's flashback process. ( ) works... -
FLUSH LOGS doesn't work for Aria logs as intended?!?
I tried a lot to get incremental backups with Aria logs to work. In the pro... -
Flush logs hangs
We have a 3-node Galera cluster running with Mariadb "Server version: 10.1.... -
For custom Mariadb ODBC driver, I'm integrating ED25119 authentication mechanism
For custom Mariadb ODBC driver, I'm integrating ED25119 authentication mech... -
For with in user variable error
Hello! I come to you for the following problem: in the query I need the "fo... -
force mariadb audit plugin to log drop user as all caps in the audit log
Is there a way to force the audit plugin to log drop user in all caps? I am... -
FreeBSD with MariaDB
Hi! Where to find examples of mariadb(mysql) with wsrep replication. With a... -
Fulltext search plugin
Hello, I have installed MariaDB version 10.5.22-1.el9_2.x86_64. I want to m... -
Functional indexes
Any ways or plans to create/implement functional indexes like in MySQL 8.0?... -
Galera Cluster 2 nodes - Unable to restart MySQL server on node 1
I was trying to learn more about Galera Cluster so i have one built with 2 ... -
Galera cluster evaluation
We want to evaluate Galera Cluster for Master/Master replication. We want t... -
Galera Cluster large differences in databases sizes on each server
I'm not sure if this is intended or not (seems unlikley but I'm still new a... -
Galera Cluster Recovery
Hi all, I faced the following problem. Give me away to resolve this problem... -
Galera TOI Online schema upgrade method with Mariadb session setting.
According to the -
Gelara cluster startup
Hello experts, Need your help I'm running 11.6.2 on rhel 8.8. Cluster s... -
Get the size of a database
How can I check the size of a database. Seems usual command used in InnoDb ... -
Getting Permission denied error while spinning up second node of Galera Mariadb cluster. Any help on how to solve this would be highly appreciated.
Jun 20 09:34:51 ip-172-31-1-164 rsyncd[51650]: rsyncd version 3.1.3 startin... -
getting ssl error after ssl setup
Hi, I set up SSL following this page. Everything is working fine. I can con... -
Getting unexpected authentication switch request
So, I'm writing some C# code to follow the client server protocol to connec... -
GTID Slave - Behavior
Hi, I have Master -> Slave Replication using GTID enabled. During staging ... -
Hello guys! Im facing this errors on mysql.log when i restart my database. ... -
Heidi and network times
when heidi tells me this for a query ..... Affected rows: 0 Found rows: 2,... -
Help with Connect and JSON file
I have been trying to learn how to use the connect command with a JSON file... -
How hibernate can use Maria DB's with noSQL data(flexible columns, JSON)? -
High CPU usage when TDE is enabled
Hello everyone, I've ran into an issue when applying TDE on my MariaDB inst... -
How can I prevent record deletion in before delete trigger?
How can I prevent record deletion in before delete trigger? I tried signal ... -
How do I completely reset MariaDB?
I corrupted my copy of MariaDB on my Mac. I tried brew uninstall then reins... -
How do I do a bulk insert in mySQL using node.js
Can someone help me with inserting multiple rows using mariadb, checked on ... -
How do I setup Mariadb GIS extension?
Hi I have mariadb (10.3.17) with Debian Buster working. How do I set up GIS... -
How do you upgrade from mariadb 10.2 to mariadb-galera 10.3 in kubernetes?
Hello, I am using mariadb 10.2 as a container in kubernetes, and what i wan... -
How does MariaDB Galera Cluster authenticate between each node?
I am new to the MariaDB Galera cluster. I have successfully set up my first... -
How execute an insert in a Trigger using table with Engine CONNECT?
Hello Guys I hope you are fine. I have a project, where I need to insert d... -
How to access binary log for Aria tables
The binary log contains a record of all changes to the databases. However, ... -
How to access test mariadb enterprise kubernetes maxscale endpoints externally
I re-installed the helm chart that creates a Mariadb Enterprise cluster wit... -
How to add/remove users to a table
I have a tables called temptoolsdb.users. I can see the user accounts that... -
How to avoid duplicate inserts with python library
The import from a csv with python and with using the import mariadb lib wor... -
How to backup 250GB MariaDB database daily in Master-Slave scenario at table level
We have setup MariaDB master-slave in our production environment. We want t... -
How to bind an enum field in the c connector for a prepared statement ?
For a select statement (so in binding the result set) using a fixed sized c... -
How to build mariadb connector c for windows
The release of 2.3.1 have bug, the bug will fix on 2.3.2,so i download the ... -
How to build MariaDB Connector/C without libdb
How can I build MariaDB Connector without libdl. I don't require any of the plugins. -
how to change tmpdir in galera environment
please share procedure for changing location of tmpdir in galera environment 10.3 version -
how to clear AWS key caching on Mariadb.
hello, I'm new to MariaDB and I'm testing the plugin for aws_key_managemen... -
how to config multiple UM and PM
Hi, we use MariaDB-columnstore-engine-10.5.9_5.5 on centos7 , how to conf... -
How to configure ColumnStore job log?
I want to know how to configure logging for job. I am using ColumnStore and... -
How to configure MariaDB Configuration File
OS - Rhel 7 MariaDB version 10.3.9 High Availability - Galera Cluster No of... -
How to configure MariaDB configuration file in recommend way
Following are my environment ---------------------------------------------- OS : RHEL 7 Mar -
How to configure parameters for each database in one server machine?
We are trying to configure one my.cnf file for a different database on one ... -
How to connect C++ program to MariaDB
Went through the Connector/C installation and documentation. Ironically th... -
How to connect visual studio 2019 in c# to MariaDB in Synology DS1513+
I will like to know how to connect the Maria-db using visual studio 2019 sp... -
How to count items for a specific ordernation
Hi everyone, This is my table: PACKAGE_ID | ITEM_ID 1 ... -
How to create a custom encryption plugin in mariaDB
I want to create a custom plugin for encryption of tables as per my require... -
Hi, We are currently migrate from vision file to mariadb. May i know that... -
How to develop custom MariaDB plugin for Encryption
I am trying to develop a custom MariaDB plugin for encryption. Here I do no... -
How to disable logs aria and logs binary.
I installed mariadb on a release of opensuse 13.2, I ask the most experts: ... -
how to do mariadb ha and dr
how to do mariadb ha and dr -
How to enable debug functions (such as DBUG_PRINT , DEBUG_ENTER, ...) in order to get some traces in a logfile ?
Hi, I'm wondering how to enable debug functions (such as DBUG_PRINT , DEBUG... -
how to find if a variable is numeric
IF IsNUMERIC(VARIABLE) = 1 THEN... is not working in a stored procedure -
How to get a spool file generated, along with the executed SQL script
We are migrating DB from Oracle to MariaDB. As part of schema objects insta... -
How to get C++connetor to work with mariadb server?
Following the official documentatation for installing the C++Connector and ... -
How to Handle Mariadb server audit plugin upgrades for MySQL
When using MariaDB's server audit plugin for MySQL-5.7, How to schedule or ... -
How to incorporate mariabackup full incrementals with binarylogs
So I'm going to be starting to use MariaDB. Was going to use mariabackup f... -
How to Install MARA DB TX 3.0
Hi I am new to MARIA DB and i want to try out MARIADB TX 3.0 for a project... -
How to install MariaDB ColumnStore as a module into existsing MariaDB row database.
In the webinar from 26 April, the narrator mentioned that MariaDB ColumnSto... -
How to install Mariadb in Linux if mariadb-libs is already installed
Hi. I am trying to fix a security vulnerability in Linux server, and the so... -
how to install mariadb server silent and set password to root with no setup step
hello, i need to include mariadb with my project as server database to my ... -
how to install mariadb version 10.6 on Ubuntu 22.04 in no network condition?
Hello. My name is Kiwan. I am a engineer from Onetec System in South Korea.... -
How to install MySQL-python in Centos 7 and Python 2.7.5
Hello, I need to install a system that uses MariaDB... to be able to instal... -
how to recover from last backup and binary log + relay log on a master master DB cluster
Hi Guys, my name is Tim, i am setting up a db cluster active active. i want... -
How to remove encryption key for an explicitly encrypted table
I have some tables that was created with explicit encryption previously (En... -
How to reorganize a table partitioned by key
We have a table which we have partitioned by key, and the number of partiti... -
how to run a windows cmd file to run commands as an automated job.
I need to automate dataloading into my mariadB database. I'm a super noob.... -
how to set 'schema sync only' as run option
Hi, I'm currently working on a project where we have to use columnstore due... -
How to set tcpKeepAlive time for each connection.
Hello. I am creating a client that uses MariaDB Connector / J. This client ... -
How to skip lock+dump engine=memory and temporary tables
Hi. I have a database (10.3 for now) with a lot of temporary tables and eng... -
How to solve the limited resource pattern with two replicated db?
Hi everyone, I'm trying to understand if I can switch my application to a r... -
How to trace PHP PDO to MariaDB traffic through mysqlnd driver
I cannot find any documentation on how to obtain a trace of the traffic bet... -
how to use GUID
how to use GUID -
How to use Join or Union to get the data I need.
Hello, I need some assistance pulling data from several tables and insertin... -
I know this has been asked loads before, but...
I have a raspberry pi 3 with an external USB disk mounted at /mnt/database.... -
IDB-1003: Circular joins are not supported only with INTO OUTFILE or insert into
Hello everyone, please help me with this weird problem. I'm using MariaDB c... -
IF THEN ELSE with Multiple statements
According to the online docs - it shows: IF search_condition THEN statement... -
Impact on ODBC connectors
Hello Our clients are currently using MariaDB 10.2 and use ODBC connectors... -
importing data
Can MariaDB import a .sdi file created by MySQL? -
Inconsistent results observed with union and distinct
Hi I have UNION of 2 queries(query1 and query2). When i run 2 queries separ... -
Incorrect definition of table mysql.event
Hello... I have installed MariaDB 10.3.13 in Centos 7. All worked well, but... -
In the mariadb master-slave structure, the result of count (*) is the same ... -
insert data quickly
Below code is taking long as it is inserting line by line. There is faste... -
Installing an authentication plugin in existing MariaDB container
Hello all I want to enable ed25519 authentication plugin in an existing Mar... -
Installing ODBC by .msi on Windows server 2008
Good morning, I have a problem with installing "mariadb-connector-ODBC-3.0.... -
Instant APIs (GraphQL and REST) for MariaDB
Hey everyone, we at Hasura are happy to announce that we have new data conn... -
Is chaining UPNs via "authentication_options" when using the GSSAPI Plugin considered safe?
Dear MariaDB-Community, I've a question concerning the GSSAPI plugin an its... -
Is ColumnStore free
Does the Columnstore can be used for free with the MariaDb Community Edition? -
Is it possible to build the library without dependency on libdl?
I am building the library from source, and my use case requires me to use t... -
Is it possible to disable transaction logging for LOAD DATA INFILE into a TokuDB table?
I love TokuDB features a lot, among other for its speed, but I was wonderin... -
is Master-Master scheduled replication a possibility
I have looked at the replication options of several DB's. I have a slightly... -
Is there "pg_buffercache" / same kind of a functionality in MariaDB?
In PostgreSQL, there is pg_buffercache. Is there similar functionality ava... -
Is there a permalink for the latest GA C connector?
The problem is that links to download a source code for C connector keep ch... -
Is `useBulkStmts` option supported if I use mariadb connector/j (mariadb-java-client) with MYSql database?
From mariadb-java-client-3.0, `rewriteBatchedStatements` option is removed.... -
islanded master master recommendation
I have a question regarding the best way to achieve what I want. I have two... -
Issue in starting Mariadb docker
Hi, I had installed MariaDB using docker (attached volumes for dbroots and ... -
Issue on High Concurrency
Hello All, We are using apache storm application for message processing. Th... -
Issue with INSERT data not being available for immediate SELECT
I've got an issue where it appears that data that I insert isn't available ... -
Issue with [total]
I am working on a recording database and have run in to an issue with using... -
Issuing and monitoring status of multiple queries via a non-blocking connection
Hi, I need a non-blocking client-side software which has a list of queries ... -
IST replication failing on 2 node galera mariadb setup
We have a galera cluster setup with 2 nodes (master-slave setup) in a docke... -
JDBC Connection String with SSL using all 3 certificates CA, Cert and Private Key
Hi, we are struggling with MariaDB JDBC client using SSL. Trying to connect... -
jdbc driver version
i'm currently using the following mariadb version: Server version: 10.1.40-... -
JEMALLOC not found when building on Raspbian Wheezy
I have installed the list of Required tools shown on the Build Environment ... -
JSON document
The JSON documentation, every place, talks about a "JSON document". Where i... -
JSON Validate Error
I am getting an error while inserting JSON which has depth more than 32. I... -
JSON With MariaDB in procedure
Hi, All I have problem to create insert procedure in mariadb with COLUMN_CR... -
key-based authentication for MariaDB 10.3 on centos6
I am trying to figure out how to do key-based authentication to MariaDB 10.... -
Launching MariaDB on Boot on macOS (10.15 Catalina)
I've installed MariaDB 10.5.11 on a freshly upgraded 10.15.7 Mac. I have a ... -
libmariadb on Centos 6
Hi all I install MariaDB on my Centos 6.8 64 bit, following the instruction... -
Limit on number of parameters in the IN clause of a query
Hello, is there a limit in MariaDB JDBC driver, on the number of parameters... -
LOAD DATA error #1366 Incorrect string value:
Greetings! Using mariadb 10.6.13 on opensuse 15.4 Installed this Spring an... -
Load data local in file is replacing old data in mariadb columnstore instead of appending new rows
I am loading bulk data using mariadb load data local in file but each time ... -
Loading a Geojson file into a MariaDB table.
I am trying to load a geojson file into a MariaDB table. This is the data. ... -
Lock wait timeout exceeded issue on ALTER/DROP statements to a InnoDB table
Hi all, I have an InnoDB table which prevents me to add a column; whatever ... -
LogIn error (SSL connection error) when connecting to MariaDB in PowerBI
I'm using the MariaDB ODBC connector to connect to MariaDB via PowerBI. So ... -
Logration does not work
Hi, MariaDB run on RedHat 9. I have configured the log rotation but that do... -
log_warnings=0 does about nothing in my.ini
Hi, MariaDB 10.4.8 installed under Windows as a service "wampmariadb" In th... -
Hello everyone. What is the syntax to loop through records of a database table? -
loop parameter
i am new migrate from mySQL in visual studio when i set parameter in SELECT... -
Lot of activities
Hi, I see a lot of activities between 3h00 and 4h00. I have check the syste... -
Lua Filter
Can you provide a Demo for Lua Filter? -
Maraidb 10.1.18, node Binlog is not updated for writes in other nodes of the same cluster. Is gtid not working as expected ?
ClusterA and ClusterB are with 3 nodes each. Using version Mariadb 10.1.18.... -
Maria 2-Way SSL Authentication with java
Tried to connect java with MariaDB 2-Way SSL Authentication. I created CA, ... -
Maria DB and Pro*C
Hi, Is there any plugin/code convertor available to perform DB operations o... -
Please assist? This driver format seems to be incorrect as it gives an erro... -
Maria DB Spark Connector support Structured Streaming
Hi - Does the Maria DB Spark Connector support Spark Structured Streaming h... -
Maria Installation Problem - Failed to stop mysql.service
I have been trying to remove and reinstall mariadb on my system however I k... -
mariabackup failed running as root.
hello, I'm running the mariabackup as root user and it seems like it failed... -
mariabackup segfault in docker container
How can I determine why I'm getting a segfault? mariadb-backup -V --backup ... -
Mariabackup, How do I delete a backup
Disk is 100% full Need to on-command delete a full or incrematal backup, he... -
Bonjour, j’ai une question au sujet d’avoir un serveur Mariadb et comment c... -
mariadb - cannot join cluster
Hi, I have a 3 nodes mariadb-galera that was working on linux, firewall was... -
MariaDB - online table archiving
We have a script that "rotates"/archive the Syslog tables in MySQL. This sc... -
mariaDB 10 on Qnap very slow stored views performance
Hello All I would like to ask for some help please. I have recently install... -
MariaDB 10.3.15 : Referencing OpenSSL library to tar distribution
Hi Everyone, I used MariaDB "tar" distribution [https://downloads.mariadb.c... -
Mariadb 10.4 - galera_new_cluster - Centos 7
Is it possible to install a Galera Cluster with 'galera_new_cluster' cmd us... -
MariaDB 10.4.13 and ECDHE cipher suites
Hello, Does MariaDB actually implement ECDHE cipher suites or not ? After s... -
mariadb 10.6.4 SSL access with mysql-workbench
hello - i am trying to use google-workbench to connect to a MariaDB server.... -
Mariadb 11.4.4 on Windows 2012 R2
Mariadb 11.4.4 is compatibile with Windows 2012 R2? When I'm traying upgrad... -
MariaDB Admin Console protection
Hi All, I'm new to MariaDB, is there any way we can restrict mcsadmin to lo... -
MariaDB AX Cluster Creation and configuring external file system as Data store
Need steps to create MariaDB AX Cluster and configuring external file path ... -
MariaDB binary log multiple locations?
Hello, My current backup strategy to persists point in time recovery usin... -
MariaDB binlog API does not support several MySQL events
Hi, I downloaded the MariaDB Connector/c 3.1.7 source code in order to deve... -
MariaDB Cluster Node Memory Overload Issue and OOM Kill
Hello, We are currently facing a critical issue with one of our MariaDB cl... -
MariaDB Columnstore 1.2.3-1 Cluster with replication for um1/um2 fails HA
Hello, I've been struggling to understand how to handle the HA for this typ... -
MariaDB Columnstore HA Replication (Active Active Cluster) configuration setup steps
Can anybody please share the MariaDB Columnstore HA Replication (Active Act... -
MariaDB Connector/C++ for Win64 v1.0.1 throws exception
I am trying to connect to my MariaDB instance through C++ code. Here is the... -
Mariadb crashed during deleting a database
Hello everyone, I need your help to deal with this problem on a production ... -
MariaDB crashes on force shutdown of server (cant open gtid_slave_pos)
Hi, we have an enterprise server where we run MariaDB 10.1.14. We are upgra... -
Mariadb DB Replication 4 Nodes as Master to Master
Good Morning experts, we have a requirement to configure Mariadb 4 Database... -
MariaDB does not start after update Solus OS
Would You be so kind to help me? I'm on Linux solusbox 5.2.13-126.current #... -
mariadb failed to start FILE SIZE EQUALS ZERO
I have mariadb columnstore installed on Amzaon EC2 instance. Our mariadb st... -
MariaDB Federated FederatedX I... -
MariaDB full-text searching skipped a stopword even in Boolean Mode
We are verifying MyISAM and InnoDB in full-text searching following [this p... -
MariaDB Galera Cluster - docker - multiple nodes
Can I run MariaDB Galera Cluster on multiple machines, each in docker conta... -
MariaDB Galera Cluster on PowerPC
Has someone tried to use MariaDB Galera Cluster with PowerPC? If yes, does it behave well? -
MariaDB Galera Cluster Out of sync suddenly (Only sync the schema change but data not) Innodb engine
Hi We are running a 3 (A,B,C) nodes mariadb galera cluster on productio... -
MariaDB Galera Cluster vs. MySQL NDB Cluster
Has someone made a performance comparison between MariaDB Galera Cluster an... -
MariaDB Galera Cluster, joining a node
Hi, Is there any good way to see what happens when a node joins a MariaDB G... -
Mariadb incremental backup sometimes failed
Hello MariaDB community. After upgrading mariadb from 10.5 to 10.11, we enc... -
MariaDB Installation error
I am getting error with ibdata1 auto extending of the files when running my... -
MariaDB issue while upgradin Trac from V 1.0 to 1.2
Running MariaDB 10.1.48 and an upgrade of Trac from V 1.0 to 1.2 I get [...] 2023-05-08 11 -
mariadb jdbc client having issues, but mysql client working
This issue has been reported before; allegedly it is a server issue and sho... -
MariaDb JDBC Connector 3.1.0 librairie size and dependencies
Hello, I just try the new JDBC Driver releases 3.1.0 and updated my maven p... -
MariaDb JDBC Driver and Virtual Thread support and limitation
I would like to know the level of compatibility of the JDBC Driver of Maria... -
MariaDB LDAP authentication
Hi there, I'm trying to configure LDAP authentication on MariaDB server on ... -
Mariadb Master-Master recovery in the 4 node from manual backup with Mariabackup
Hi, i have the question. I have cluster Master-Master with 4 servers (Maria... -
MariaDB Master/Master database replication across regions on Microsoft azure Environment
We would like to implement geo redundant MariaDB Active/Active Database rep... -
mariaDB network traffic
Hello, When commenting out the ssl/tls config part in my my.cnf file [clien... -
mariaDB not releasing disk space after deleting data rows from table
Good morning Team i have a maria DB (10.4.6-MariaDB-1:10.4.6+mariabionic... -
MariaDB ODBC 3.2.2 insert zero date for empty strings
Hello, I am using the MariaDB ODBC 3.2.2 driver on rhel 9.4 and have encoun... -
MariaDB ODBC connector 3.1.4 with BEGIN NOT ATOMIC
getting an error from a MariaDB server (version 10.3.11) when my query incl... -
MariaDB ODBC connector for Windows 7
Hello, I tired to install the latest version of the MariaDB ODBC connector ... -
Mariadb odbc driver windows server 2003/32 bits
Hi, I have a very old app running on windows server 2003, connecting using ... -
MariaDB OLEDB Provider was not Specified
Is it Possible to connect my MariaDB database using OLED DB? I have this co... -
MariaDB on a read-only filesystem
Is it possible to start MariaDB with datadir in a read-only mounted filesys... -
MariaDB partial backup for tables
I am trying to perform a backup on a specific table within a database. Howe... -
MariaDB query to msql server
Hello everyone, I have a question. I need make a view in MariaDB and I need... -
Mariadb Replication
I have installed mariadb104-server-10.4.6 galera: 25.3.26 FreeBSD 12 This i... -
MariaDB restore from binary log and relay log on master master setup
Hi Guys, i have setup a mariadb master master setup and i am testing recove... -
mariadb server mysteriously seems to be crashing
hello - the last couple of days my server seems to have mysteriously stoppe... -
Mariadb service fails to restart with Galera
Hi, I configured Maraidb with Galera on Alma Linux, I have a 3 node cluster... -
MariaDB set-up for Qt development on macOS Catalina
Hello, I would add support for MariaDB to an application I am developing us... -
Mariadb start fail
Hello, I am reaching out to you because I recently changed my linux server ... -
MariaDB stop randomly : Got timeout reading communication packets
Hi, I'm running a webserver which hosting 100 "small" websites (no very hug... -
mariadb tries to delete the wrong file from tmp directory
Running mariadb-server.x86_64 1:5.5.60-1.el7_5 from Centos Base Repo I have... -
Mariadb upgrade problem
I upgraded mariadb on a Centos 7 box from 5.5 to 10.5 and after updating th... -
mariadb upgrade versions differ after upgrading
previous 10.6.8 just instlaled 10.6.9 on running mysql_update This install... -
MariaDB Windows Service
Hello friends, After installation on windows 10, the mariadb service stop e... -
MariaDB with Heartbeat on CentOS 7
Hello, I am looking so setup MariaDB in an HA master-slave configuration us... -
MariaDB(10.4.11) Permission Issues on OSX Catalina (10.15.3)
Permission issues with root being treated as anonymous user -
mariadb-10.6.5-linux-systemd-x86_64.tar.gz をInstallしても、50-server.cnf / server.cnfが存在しない。
/opt2下に設置した、 mariadb-10.6.5-linux-systemd-x86_64.tar.gz を使用して、下記のinstallをしま... -
mariadb-connector-j version 3.1.1 fails with ConcurrentModificationException while trying to parse properties
In our build, mariadb-connector-j / mariadb-java-client has recently been b... -
Mariadb-libs installation conflicts with existing MySQL community libs
During installation of openstack on Redhat LInux7 we were facing the below error. -
mariadb.service doesnt start, here are the log:
[root@h2769420 etc]# systemctl status mariadb.service ● mariadb.service - M... -
MariaDB10.6 -- Waiting for log copy thread to read lsn 0
Hi I am getting below error when i do backup on secondary (read only) serve... -
Maridb 10.1.19 breaks the postfix
How to install postfix without removing maridb yum install postfix --skip-b... -
MARS (Multiple Active Result Sets) is compatible with MariaDB ?
I am working with, I need to generate a MARS (Multiple Active Result... -
Mask every column in all tables of a DataBase and specify which not
What I am looking for is to mask all the columns (and new columns that coul... -
Master down event on MMMon
Hello, I use Multi-Master Monitor for two MariaDBs and my network connectio... -
Master:Master replication
Hello there, Can anyone plesae guide me how to perform a Master:Master repl... -
Maxcale on multiple site
Hi We are going to use Maxcale in front of our MAriaDB database that runs ... -
Maxscale 2.2.21 + mysql 8.0.32 auth failed
Hello, I am trying to use maxscale version 2.2.21 and mysql version 8.0.32,... -
MaxScale and mariaDB multi source replication
I would like to have 4 master DB that replicates to 2 slave server in chain... -
MaxScale enterprise
Hi, I noticed there is a MaxScale 6.2 Enterprise behind a lock. Is there a ... -
Maxscale Process was killed by rhel 7.5 due to high swap usage
We are using maxscale as a proxy to connect to mysql, most of the time it w... -
MaxScale puts backend server in maintenance on failures due to max_user_connections limit breach
I have setup max_user_connections on backend mariadb servers. An applicatio... -
MaxScale, "No Master can be determined"
Hi! I am trying to use maxscale (2.2.15) with mariadb (10.2.15). maxscale i... -
memory_global_total different to mysql process -> kiling pod
Hi community, We are selfhosting a mariadb database in a kubernetes cluster... -
migrar usuarios con contraseñas cifradas
buenas tardes, necesito saber cómo migrar usuarios con sus permisos y contr... -
Migrated from 10.1.22 to 10.6.7 and queries get stuck unless we manually analyze table.
TLDR: Migrated from 10.1.22 to 10.6.7 and queries get stuck unless we manua... -
Migrating from Oracle to Mariadb, getting HibernateOptimisticLockingFailureException save and update in same transaction Hibernate, Mariadb and Spring
We are migrating application from oracle to Mariadb. Using container transa... -
Migrating partitioned compressed tables
We are on MySQL 5.6 using partitioned InnoDB Barracuda tables with row_form... -
minimumIdle - enhancement for dynamic pool size
The minimumIdle connection option was added recently. See https://jira.mari... -
missing on redhat 7
I have tried just about everything. But an app that has worked before does ... -
Missing module generates dnf error
Any invocation of dnf on this IBM R400 laptop, now running Fedora KDE deskt... -
Modelling more than one application period per entity?
I am new to MariaDB specifically because of the bitemporal cabablilities wh... -
monitor lag repliaction using mysqld_exporter is not working
Hi all I just migrate from mysql8 to mariaDB 11.1 and have problem with pr... -
MONyog Replication Error
In replication monitor I am getting an output of Slave_Running as NO but wh... -
more on streaming-resultset-retrieval/
I don't see how to reply to the comment I see at -
Moved databases to new path and moved socket path but now get error can't connect to local server through socket?
In my environment I did the following... moving mariadb databases to a diff... -
Moving Binary Log Files
Hi, I am wondering if I can move binary log files without any issues, like ... -
Moving mariadb to docker installation
I'm running debian jessie and I'm currently trying to replace all my server... -
Multi Master in maria db
Can we configure Multi Master in Maria Db. I have testing three node A, B, ... -
Multi master replication and deadlock detection in Galera with Mariadbs
Hi, We have multi master Galera replication setup where three master maria... -
Multi master setup in Mariadb 10.0
Hi Is there a upper limit of masters in multi master replication ? I'm mig... -
multi master setup with schema sharding
Hello, I would create a master-master setup with several slaves attached.... -
MultiNode PM installation with replication, can I give "hint" to columnstore to prefer one PM over other's as a dbroot backup
Is there a way to give columnstore a hint on which server to prefer for rec... -
Multiple maxScale on the same cluster
In order to avoid maxScale to be the single point of failure in the archite... -
multiple regexp_replace
hello - i am using regexp_replace with much success. however, i am trying... -
Mutex at 0x559264fa6a00, Mutex LOCK_SYS created, lock var 2
Hi, I need some advice. The log started spamming the Title entry. Is there ... -
My MariaDB suddenly not working and it is looking a table that does not exist when uploading my csv
For 4 years my MariaDB has been working but this month it suddenly became l... -
MySQL and MariaDB on same macOS via brew
How do I install mariadb on my macOS Mojave via brew without destroying my ... -
mysql cannot start when the my.cnf file is having the !includedir
Hi, I am facing a issue currently when i try to use the mysqld_safe to sta... -
MySQL service
A previously working Windows 11 release preview, now at Build 23451.1000, i... -
Mysql Services stops by itself
Hi, I am running "mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 5.5.60-MariaDB, for Linux (x86_64... -
MySQL, MariaDB, InfiniDB on same server
Hi experts, I apologize upfront because I am a newbie to installation, mayb... -
mysqlbinlog --read-from-remote-server --host=localhost mariadb-bin.000001 -p --raw --stop-never
Hello, I have an master /slave replication, and I would like to backup binl... -
mysqld should be with pid 1 inside the container
mariadb es 10.5 docker container does not have mysqld process with pid 1 wh... -
mysqldump of mariadb columnstore take long time to restore
Hi I have 2 servers with mariadb columnstore, I need move a database from t... -
Mysqldump Options
Hi i have some backup script using mysqldump. like this mysqldump --defaults-extra-file=/e -
mysqldump restore with poor performance
Hello, we need to migrate our platform from an on premise location to azure... -
Hi, As latin1 is the default character_set used by the connector C , I wou... -
mysql_upgrade does not fix "Column last_update in table mysql.innodb_table_stats is BINARY(4) NOT NULL but should be INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL"
I recently upgraded my local db (on macOS) from MySQL 5.7 to MariaDb 10.9. ... -
mysterious diskspace usage by mariadb
Hi all, Working on debian 10 (4.19.0-16-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.19.181-1 (202... -
native authentication plugin replacement/substitute
Hi all I am working with a MariaDB C++ connector which we are using to conn... -
Near real time replication Maria database
Hello All, I just want to know the better approach of DB replication near r... -
need extra info for ed25519 plugin
Hi, For , mariad... -
Need help for SQL syntax for modifying table content
Hi, I have an issue with application "Roundcube" and this could be fixed by... -
Need help related to MariaDB performance behavior
We are working on case related to MariaDB where-in we are observing perform... -
Need help resolving SQL IMPORT ERROR
SQL file with the following type of code to fill a table with data from an ... -
Need help to review a serializability implementation for MySQL Cluster
Hey guys, I've developed a serializability implementation for MySQL Cluster... -
need to load csv date data along with AM/PM values.
Dear Team , we are trying to load date column data along with AM/PM values ... -
Network time of result of select query is too much.
Hello, I'm getting data using select query with column index The number of ... -
New to Relational Databases - Basic Questions
Good Morning All, I'm working on a new project for home and a friend of min... -
Nextcloud on Odroid XU4
Hi, My NAS based on an Odroid XU4 and nextcloud + mariadb crashed. I had c... -
no me abre el commando
se abre y de una se cierra el comman line client, profa denme soluciones -
node sequelize vs mariadb node interface
hello - is there any advantage to skipping the use of sequelize and instead... -
Node.js Connector TypeError: res.status is not a function
Hallo I am learning JS scripting and am making a RESTful API with the Mari... -
NoSQL Protocol is unusable
I'm not sure if anyone has ever tried this feature of MaxScale (NoSQL Proto... -
Not able to start galera cluster
Hi, I am working on a project where I need to install mariadb galera on Lin... -
Notification from MariaDB Table - Streaming Vs Trigger
We are working on an application that requires data from mariadb table as s... -
ODBC connector
I have to create in a SQL server a linked server to a MariaDB server. The S... -
ODBC Connector - Excel data loading problem
Hi! Since version mariadb-connector-ODBC-3.2.2-win64 I have problem with lo... -
ODBC Connector for Windows 7 ?
Y a t il une version de driver ODBC pour windows 7 (64bits) ? Merci -
ODBC connector on Windows 11
After installation of the connector on a Windows 11, I can't find the drive... -
ODBC Connector SQLProcedureColumns does not accept empty SchemaName
MariaDB community server 10.10.2 MariaDB ODBC 3.1.17 I am using sqlapi++ as... -
ODBC Connector SQLProcedureColumns does not accept empty SchemaName
(MariaDB community server 10.10.2 MariaDB ODBC 3.1.17) I am using sqlapi++ ... -
ODBC/Win7/MS Access 2016 and Linux MariaDB
Using ODBC Win7/Access 2016 and MySql 5.3.4 driver (had to revert back to o... -
Odd failure with no warnings, errors or exceptions thrown
Summary: Python function runs a select statement. on the 252nd iteration wi... -
only saved the latest 2 binary log files
Hi, I met strange thing, please help to check, thanks very much. I not con... -
ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY wrong behaviour
Wrong behaviour of mariaDB on GROUP BY on primary key when ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY is set -
Optimization error in BETWEEN command
Hi, I have a function that calculates a number: CREATE FUNCTION CP2 (iNum1 ... -
Passing Parameters in different order in CALL statement than defined in Create Procedure
How do I pass parameters in any order without bothering about in which orde... -
Percona pt-table-checksum output is in infinite loop "Waiting for the --replicate table to replicate"
We have following Multi master replication scenario. We are using Mariadb 1... -
Percona XtraBackup restore
How do i restore a single database from a full backup or from a single database backup?? -
Performance improvement
Hi All, Recently we migrated from MySQL to Maria DB, there were views with ... -
Please help with calling a MariaDB procedure from MSAccess
Who can help with calling a procedure, defined in MariaDB (the procedure fo... -
please let me know how to install mariaDB on Ubuntu 22.04 with tar.gz
Hi. I am Kiwan. I am a begginer of engineering. I need to install mariaDB ... -
Pooledconnection with wrong user credentials timeouts without information
Windows 10 MariaDB 10.2.14 mariadb-java-client-2.3.0.jar trying this with ... -
Possible dead lock (OLS) - Possible mariaDB issue
Hi, I have a server with OpenLiteSpeed & MariaDB 11. Every now and then (mu... -
Possible to set server prefered ciphers ?
Hello, I'd like to know if it is possible to configure MariaDB in a way so ... -
MariaDB Audit Plugin A) What is the minimum MySQL Version for 5.6.nn to be ... -
problem to insert non-ASCII characters
Hi, I have a hard time trying to insert values with non-ascii characters. I... -
Problem with connector to get latin data and UTF8 data in one table
Our software gets data from different databases, one of them ist MySQL. Dat... -
problem with installing "mariadb-connector-odbc-3.0.9-win32.msi" on Windows Server 2008
Good morning, I have a problem with installing "mariadb-connector-ODBC-3.0.... -
Problem with queries using ODBC through VBA Excel
Hi all, I report a bug using ODBC connector through VBA. Assuming I have a ... -
Problems With Character Set
Hello, I have a functional MariaDB cluster, but I want to migrate it to ver... -
Problems with Export/Import Database on MariaDB 10.6
Hello everyone, I am a beginner in the area of MariaDB and have to operate ... -
Python - How to retry requesting a connection from a ConnectionPool
Can anyone recommending how to retry getting a connection from a Connection... -
Query in a MariaDB cluster 10.3.13 of 3 nodes get slow responses in nodes 2 and 3
Query in a MariaDB cluster 10.3.13 of 3 nodes get different EXPLAIN ( using... -
Query on partition with like take forever
HI, I created a table like this: Create Table: CREATE TABLE `cdr_03` ( `TimeStamp` dateti -
Raspbian mysql_secure_installation issue
On a clean install ( sudo apt-get install mariadb-server ) on Raspbian bull... -
RDS MariaDB Restarted Due to Optimized Writes Storage Compatibility Issue
Issue Summary: We recently encountered an unexpected restart of our Amazon ... -
Read path and write path in MariaDB Galera Cluster
Hi Everyone, I'm struggling to understand MariaDB Galera read and write pa... -
Relay log partition Change.
How can I change the relay log partition on a MariaDB 10.2 slave server, wh... -
Remote access and logging
Hi mariadb community I have just spent all day trying to remotely log in to... -
Remove MariaDB Failed
I am using a server with Centos 7.9 and Plesk 18. There is a MariaDB 10.1 i... -
renew of hashicorp-key-management-token
Hello, using the plugin hashicorp_key_management [mariadb] plugin_load_add... -
Replicate Local MariaDB To AWS MariaDB
Is it possible to replicate a MariaDB on a local server that does not have ... -
Replication : Table doesn't exist with replicate_rewrite_db
I've set up replication between two mariadb 10.6 servers. I want the master... -
Replication error : Got fatal error 1236 from master when reading data from binary log: 'Could not find first log file name in binary log index file'
Hello I use mariadb 10.3.36-MariaDB-log MariaDB Server I have issue with r... -
Replication Master slave and SSL
I am planning to setup Master Slave replication of MariaDB 10.x DB's , both... -
replication, existing table on Master do not replicate to slave.
hello, I'm new to MariaDB replication. I stood up a master and a slave and... -
Restarting first node in cluster
Hello, I am a relatively new user of mariadb. I have a 3 node mariadb clust... -
Restoring data from old mariadb columnstore to new one without disrupting the old one
From an old MariaDB columnstore, a live and running one, which cannot be st... -
Restoring MariaDB Backu
Hi Expert Need your help. Restoring maridb backup on backup server, Backup... -
Saving records to connected tables
Hi, I have a working MS Access application. Now I am in the process of movi... -
sql_mode='NO_UNSIGNED_SUBTRACTION' is supposed to allow the subtraction of ... -
Searching current and extensive training material, doc or videos on Stored Procedures
Hi, I'm new to MariaDB and am looking for a good introduction to stored pro... -
Secured Plugins
From a security hardening stand point which plugins should be removed? -
SELECT INTO variable does not work with WITH clause
Hello! I have a stored procedure, which worked in MariaDB 10.2 but it does ... -
SELECT joining non-overlapping rows when two tables are referenced
Hello! We have multiple, connected tables that change over time and we need... -
service mysql start command is cleaning up all the files under /var/lib/mysql
Hello All, We have 2 node Mariadb Galera cluster. Found out that mysql serv... -
ServiceNow Error when trying to use match regex, match pattern
Cannot for the life of me get these options to work in ServiceNow. No matt... -
Should MariaDB Docker Containers really be using MacOS setting for lower_case_table_names when hosted in Windows?
When hosted on Windows and the /var/lib/mysql folder is mapped to the host ... -
Simulate SST method
How can I simulate a node being fallen behind the cluster and then enforce ... -
Since 3.x I have an issue with useServerPrepStmts is true and I change the connection catalog
I just upgraded my spring boot application from mariadb-java-client:2.x to ... -
Slow insert queries after upgrade
Hi all, We have recently upgraded our MariaDB to 10.5.8. Since the upgarde ... -
Slow Query result
hi, good day. im encountering slow query result in mariadb if the sleep pro... -
Slow running mysql restore
How can I speed up a MySQL restore from a dump file? -
slow select
Good day. We've updated our database from 5.5.63-MariaDB to 10.11.6-MariaDB... -
Spatial indexes and Unable to execute a query with a subquery using a join on spatial data with another table.
When I query my database using spatial functions, queries are sanctioned by... -
SQL Developer Version is compatible for MariaDB 10.6.16 version ?
SQL Developer Version is compatible for MariaDB 10.6.16 version ? -
Sr. Database Administrator
How to tell what level of TDE encryption you are running. If its 128 or 256? -
SSL connection error: block type is not 01 with fips enabled
Hi, We are facing a strange issue when fips is enabled. After executing few... -
SST failing, foreign key issue?
Hello! Last night one node in a two node cluster left for some reason. Not ... -
Start replication with clones?
I want to improve availability of an application by distributing it to two ... -
static linked library libmysqlclient.a is missing
Hi, The static linked library libmysqlclient.a is missing. I have an issue ... -
Steps to Install MariaDB 10.11
How to install MariaDB 10.11 on Redhat 7 -
Stored Procedure - Using Java
Does mariadb support creating stored procedures using java instead of PL/SQL? -
Stored Procedure with a parameter intended to test membership in list does not work as expected
The following code shows the problem, as I see it. The "SELECT * FROM Beds... -
Strange bug
I am developing application for the client with Lucee programing language a... -
streaming resultset retrieval
I see doc for mysql about resultset streaming. Is this all supposed to wor... -
Subpartitioning using two different columns
Hi All, We are looking for solution where we want to apply list partition ... -
Sudden 2013 Errors 'reading initial communication packet'
Today I'm suddenly experiencing the following error when a specific applica... -
Switch over and JDBC connection
When I use JDBC connection and master host is down, how can I switch over t... -
table row analysis
With varchar and TEXT columns off-loading to overflow pages, it is not easy... -
Hi, It looks like having one tablespace per table is set on by default and ... -
Tareas de ejecución del join
¿Qué son las tareas de ejecución del join (Inner, left, right, cross)? -
The problem with maxscale for multi-master cluster
Hello. I have 2 mysql servers with multi-master replication. And i need use... -
The table have issue. select is empty but can't insert more data
Hi all, I have issue when insert new data to my table. The error return is ... -
The table name could not be retrieved from the script provided
I am having trouble moving data with ssis fromSQL Sever to Maria DB. When i... -
Timezones help
Hi there, Sorry for what may be a silly question. I am very new to MariaDB ... -
Timing discrepancy between connector's logging and application logging
I have enabled `slowQueryThresholdNanos` logging and am seeing a log like: ... -
Too many key parts specified; max 16 parts allowed
Hi there, When I issue the command below, I get an error as shown root@arimi:/home/john/Do -
Ejemplos de transacciones en procedimientos de sistemas de acceso en concurrencia alta -
Transactional commit not supported by involved engine(s)
Hi team, I have upgraded MariaDB from version 10.6.11 to 10.11.7 After the ... -
transfer data directory to a NAS file server
Dear all, I'm trying to transfer the MariaDB data directory to a Synology N... -
Transient Application Error 'Got error 6 "No such device or address" during COMMIT '
Our customer hit the following messages from their application once: 2024-1... -
Transparent Huge Pages
How do we fine tune Transparent Huge Pages? Is there a guideline that someo... -
TRUNCATE sub partition?
Hi, The following command will truncate a partition : ALTER TABLE subpartio... -
Trying to configure MariaDBodbc connector on Ubuntu 18.04 on Raspberry Pi
Hi, I have both tried to generate the connector from the source code and in... -
Trying to insert if not exist in a recursive statement
Hi MariaDB users, I'm from Chile and i need to make a question. I'm tryin... -
Ubuntu 20.04 weird problems on mariadb-server-10.3 upgrade
I have just performed a dist-upgrade on ubuntu 20.04 server and got stuck o... -
UDF crashes on View
When using a UDF in the WHERE clause of a view, mariadb segfaults with mysqld[17525]: segfa -
UDT Options For Development with MariaDB
I am figuring out an alternative to Oracle and am trying out MariaDB. In Or... -
Unable to Fold Query using MariaDB Direct Query Adapter for Power BI
I installed the mariadb-connector-ODBC-3.1.20-win64 ODBC connector and used... -
unable to install MariaDB on IBM Cloud
Hello, I am following this documentation: -
Unable to link mariadbcpp.lib with g++
Hi, I was developing an application with the C++ connector. I have worked w... -
Unable to migrate one Db from MySql to Maria 10
Hi I'm wanting to copy a database from a MySql 5.6 server to a MariaDb 10.0... -
Unable to snapshot mariadb galera using Kasten
Pls find log snippet below. {"File":" -
Unable to use connectionpool with namedpipesocketfactory
I have an application that used to connect via the network (jdbc:mariadb:<t... -
UNIVERAL TIME - Storing and Retrieving without conversion and without changing Server Time zone
I am new to MariaDB and I am having difficulty getting around handling prec... -
Unix ODBC connect engine in Red Had Enterprise Linux
Getting error while connecting to oracle database using unixODBC on maria d... -
Unsupported command in prepared statement using the new JDBC Driver 3.0.3
Hello, I'm receiving the following SQLException using the latest 3.0.3 Java... -
Upgrade from 10.5.x to 10.6.x mysql_upgrade or mariadb-upgrade not working
I am running a linux slackware distro 15.0 with mariadb that I use for seve... -
Upgrade from old Mysql install to recent Mariadb.
I have an old server that is due for an upgrade. But I have lots of special... -
Upgrading from 10.4 to 10.5 Galera changes
Hi, are there some steps that I need to take when upgrading mariadb from 10... -
Upgrading from MariaDB 10.6 to MariaDB 10.11 with Galera Cluster
Hello, Is there a specific procedure to perform the rolling Upgrade from 10... -
Upgrading to Windows11
hi all, I like to upgrade my Windows server, currently Win10, to Windows 11... -
use events in galera cluster
Hi, We are going to use the galera cluster. Moreover, I have created an eve... -
Use SAP Analytics Cloud in combination with MariaDB
Dear all, we are running a MariaDB V. 10.3 which I want to connect to SAP ... -
Using HeidiSQL with MariaDB AX Columnstore 10.2.10 Columnstore 1.1.2-1
Hi, I was playing around with my mariadb installation and when I imported a... -
Using Signed SSL Certification
I am looking for assistance to configuring MariaDB to utilize CA Signed ins... -
Very High CPU Use on Windows Subsystem For Linux
Hi, I've been using MariaDB on Ubuntu for some time and not had any signifi... -
Visual Studio Database Projects
Within Visual Studio 2012 to current version, there is the ability for me t... -
Warning without any faults!
I get a warning like this after a SP has run: array (size = 1) 0=> array ... -
We setted innodb_file_per_table is On. When new table created, What is the Initial tablespace size?
Please Help.. We are setted innodb_file_per_table variable is 'ON'. When n... -
What datatype to use in table when inserting int_16 [ ] array
How should I best construct/define the table and its column that are to hol... -
What is the dialect of sql that can be used in multi statements through the C connector ?
Can use for instance: insert bankaccounts .... ; set @inserted_bankaccount... -
What is the maximum number of columns in any engine?
Hello. This is not a duplicate as much as a recap. This question was asked ... -
What you mean "InnoDB: Warning: CHECK TABLE on index `column` of table `db`.`tb` returned 12" ?
Why is it so hard to find in the documentation what code 12 means? Where do... -
What's the difference between a distro-specific package and generic linux-x86_64
Looking for patching options now that RHEL7 is not supported and we cannot... -
When or Why to ANALYZE TABLE ?
We have migrated a few heavy databases from some earlier version of 10.2 t... -
Whenever I try to use API, I'm blocked by this error log
Hello, I'm developing ARM target board. My develop environment is composed ... -
where is the header file "conncpp.hpp" ?
i'm following -
Why does changing the time precision of MariaDB from datetime to datetime(6) reduce the amount of space used?
When I execute ALTER TABLE test_table MODIFY COLUMN update_time datetime(6... -
Why does it seem Ssl_ca / CA authority is not being set for MariaDB server?
So I have my MariaDB server version: 10.6.12-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 Ubunt... -
Why does this query hang on Maria but runs fine on MySQL?
I recently migrated a server from CentOS 6 to CentOS 7. With this migratio... -
Why its mysqld error occurs during Mariabackup
The error message is shown below. [00] 2020-01-14 16:06:37 Using server version 10.4.8-Mari -
Will MariaDb preserves subquery result order in outer query ?
For the below query I'm using ORDER BY in one of the subqueries to fetch re... -
win10 ODBC 3.1 Driver
Using the windows ODBC Data Source Administrator and adding MariaDB ODBC 3.... -
Windows 32-bit support discontinued?
Hi all, I just spent some time trying in vain to find out if the Windows 32... -
Windows Server 2022, Containers, and Docker
I was rather excited about our Server 2022 upgrade, as it promised to run D... -
With the rocksdb plugin, does the SQL UPDATE leverage rocksdb's merge operator?
Currently I have my data in two normalised tables sharing a clustered prima... -
Working with JSON data
Hello, We have a database that we send JSON data to and I am trying to work...
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